šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

I ā€¦ I dont know how to say this.

I lost my mum some weeks ago. We had been playing since TBC. And now suddenly because of a stupid blood clot ā€¦ she is no more.
It pains me to load up WoW because ā€¦ nothing can be shared with her anymore.
Helped her with quests, with puzzles ā€¦ finding that rare pet to tame.
Now I dont know how to continue.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss


As someone who lost his mom in the past, I can say that itā€™s probably too early for you to think clearly about some things. Take a break from the game if you have to, take your time and sort things out.

Death is a part of life and we have to learn to accept that. Life wonā€™t be the same after you lose someone, but it can still be a life you learn to enjoy once again.

And eventually, when youā€™ve sorted all your feelings, only you can decide if you can still enjoy WoW or not.


Wings are so outdated!


It is not nice to talk about the Blood Elves behind their back :eyes:


Iā€™m so sorry to hear that. Now itā€™s really raw and youā€™ll either like playing to remember her or youā€™ll know not to play because it makes you sad. Only you can decide that.
If the latter, you may want to come back one day because of the memories.
Donā€™t do anything drastic in or out of the game while youā€™re grieving.
And my sympathies.



Or you get another bonk.


Itā€™s funny :laughing:
I was thinking:
ā€œWhat Dunkiee, will say about this :thinking: ?ā€



Looks like paladins are losing Seraphim in 10.0.7

Someone in my group just now got the big pink rocket. I am sad and I am grumpy.


I was browsing the AH today.

I decided to sell all of my remaining, level 60 gear. Itā€™s impossible to play more characters atm. Luckily there are still people buying, level 60 gear. Most of the gear, I sell itā€™s around ILV 229-232. So thereā€™s players interested in it.
Honestly, I wasnā€™t planning to buy DF.
I was planning to level more characters to level 60, on the Alliance side this time.

Having made enough gold, I went to upgrade the 4 characters that didnā€™t had a iLV 316 cape. I was hoping they would become a bit cheaper but Iā€™ve settled with 1000g per cape.
Luckily none of my characters are wearing transmogs, outside of colour change, regarding gear. So, all I have to do is turn them around and look if they have the blue crafted cape, on the login screen.
I also had to buy 4 enchants for the capes.
Rings and Necklaces are quite cheap now.
Around less than 300g. Time to upgrade characters that had rings and Necklaces bellow iLV 316. Which also means gems to be bought as well.
I also started gearing alternative specs.
Like my 2 Priests. All of their crafted gear is based in Haste/Critical, which is ideal for Holy and Discipline but not Shadow.
So I bought a Haste/Mastery ring :ring: for my Forsaken Priest. There wasnā€™t any more Haste/Mastery rings fory BE Priest.

TW is coming tomorrow. I want everyone to be ready.

Hopefully, I will be able to level up, everyone to level 66, before my holidays end in February. I need to start buying more upgrades as the gear, my character came to the Dragon islands is losing effectiveness each level they gain.
Level 66 gear is quite cheap atm and thereā€™s tons of opportunities there.
I already tried to gather some stuff, but I lost gold when crafted gear for level 61 start coming to the AH :frowning_face:

People may ask why I spend so much time gearing up, characters that arenā€™t level 70.
Because itā€™s fun and breaks the routine, just like writing posts in the forum :wink:


Yep, but this is mostly because of the mob scaling, thereā€™s a huge difference between going in with 230 ilvl vs 140.

Well, if you have fun with it, donā€™t let up, just donā€™t burn out :smile:

For me itā€™s enough to gear 2 toons, and even then I only do WB, weekly event quests and a key on each. Thereā€™s too much RNG in the endgame for me xD

I did funnel gear and consumables to my alts in Classic during TBC - it was necessary as your chars would be really weak otherwise (minus hunters), and some extra stamina and attack/spell power makes a vast difference below 60.

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Stepped out of my mythic raid team.

Itā€™s too frikking hard. I like raiding, but I like raiding when I feel useful and I donā€™t any more. I thought I was doing ok in Shadowlands, but DF has made me feel incompetent and stupid.

Idk for sure if itā€™s the spec or legit me getting too old and slow, but I feel like I mess up a couple of timings and thatā€™s it, grey parse, wasnā€™t useful today. How you can raid mythic if you canā€™t call yourself useful?

Donā€™t think I can really blame anyone, but it makes me sad nonetheless.

(There is a small chance that every casual player has bailed on mistweaver and as such Iā€™m only parsing vs very serious people. But Iā€™m like a B-tier player. If the spec needs an S-tier brain, then I canā€™t play this thing :pensive: )

This is why I like heirlooms. I was never after the bonus EXP, itā€™s about making sure I can have decent gear no matter the circumstance. Itā€™s how I dealt with the screwed up item scaling at the beginning of the expansion on my alts.

Everyday for the past 10 days, not just today; its like people are getting Love Rocket left and right, 4 in my guild already, all over my feed, and here i am on my 13th year just watching the majority of my surrounding loot this thing while still nothing happens.

It really sucks to think of how unlucky you get in this game but then to have it be ā€œfixedā€ only for you to still be unlucky even towards this fix, I have no desire doing anything in the game for the past week, its constant +new alt, hit 60, rinse repeat. I am afraid whatever their intentions were with this supposed fix only made this worse.

All in all Iā€™m beyond disappointed and frustrated.


I found out that, that Iā€™m not in a hurry to learn Dragon riding :frowning_face:
My BE Hunter and BE Rogue are already in the stage to learn it.
Instead of going ahead and do it, I decided to play the other characters that are still behind.

Edit: *Loa above !
The spirits are definitely pranking my BE Rogue :rage:
I only have one HS on her, so I decided to take the flying ship back to Ogrimmar in order to access the portal to Shattrah City, to collect the TW badges.
I arrive at the port and the ship is already departing.
I wait, meanwhile the queue to TW pops up and I get in. After finishing, I got back to the harbour in time to see the ship departing, again, right in front of her face.

Edit 2: It happened again :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
This time I waiting in queue for the Crown Chemical Co. The Ship was flying away when I got there. After getting in and arriving at Ogrimmar, the queue pops up and I accepted it. However I was still inside the ship. After finishing, I found myself near the Wingrest Embassy :open_mouth:

Edit 3: What the hell is wrong with me ??
I choses the wrong Dungeon twice now.
While it doesnā€™t affect, I just log another character it affects the other 4 players that were with me. To make things worse it was a tank role the 1st time and healer role the second.


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Call to arms for tanksā€¦ Average wait time 17 minutes. Already 8 minutes in queue.

edit: Average wait time 22 min now apparently.

So the timewalking event made me want to level the Heart of Azeroth on my evoker. Turns out some essences are bugged for evokers.

The essences from vision chests only go up to level 2 and the stackable item to get level 3 doesnā€™t drop. The daily vision quest doesnā€™t give an item for the level 2 essence. BFA mythic dungeon end bosses donā€™t give anything essence related at all. I havenā€™t tried other essences but I think any essence that requires combining a stackable item is a no go.

Looks like Iā€™ll have to earn the level 3 on another character and then buy it with Echoes of Nyā€™alotha.

Also the Rustbolt Resistance rep essence which I already have on level 3 isnā€™t purchaseable from MOTHER on alts for whatever reason.

And lastly, some of the essences just donā€™t work. Vision of Perfection flat out isnā€™t available for evokers, and Spirit of Preservationā€™s minor power has no quick heal coded for evokers to trigger it.

Not sure what has changed, not played since Sundayā€¦ Got back from a work trip tonight and Thaldrasas (sp?) is a slide showā€¦ practically unplayable. Was 100fps on max at 2K stable on Sunday.

Getting flamed for tanking. Wanted to try mailing a brewmaster again but pigs are hell.