šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

:disappointed_relieved: the last few community soup groups are not getting to high enough levels to generate Biscuits - not enough people :disappointed:

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Did my first ever random epic BG today on my Havoc DH, ended up in Isle of Conquest. I came across this Ret Pala, both of us solo. In 5 secs I was dead.

He stunned me immediately ofc, then hit me with -

Final Reckoning 61,808.
Wake of Ashes 72,576.
Justicars Revenge 38,849.
Blade Of Justice 31,863.
Hammer of Wrath 20,294.

Just plain wrong.


Got a polite response to my ticket about loss of progress on the Guild achieve A Class Act. I had managed to get some classes ticked by myself or past guildies, and thought they would stay ticked, while I slowly worked on the others.

But no, the goal posts keep moving, progress is removed, and reward the lucky players who have loads of people to play with. My few remaining guildies are dormant or left the game.

Slower paced players usually play with one friend, solo or Classic, so no options there. Oh well, got the benefit of a personal guild bank, until they decide to take that away.

EA is in trouble with me at the moment in Sims4. I am waiting out and refusing a forced download which apparently can cause serious game breaking issues and data loss. So no playing Sims4, which means I am no longer gonna buy any more of their stuff.

Good job there are plenty of other games out there, the games that tick me off go on the naughty step and my money goes to the other ones :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Just dinged level 66 with this char from doing the Love in the Air-dailies. Still at ilvl 256 with no intention to reach level 70 any time soon. :expressionless:

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I started recording what I was doing since TBC TW came.
To clarify, my holidays came one week before this event.

(x) Means one Love is in the air event, Dungeon, done on that character, when the XP reward was up.
(+) A TBC TW Dungeon run, done in that character.
Today, I was planning to do 1 TW Dungeon run on ValĆ©ria, my BE Warrior but the group she was in liked the way the Dungeons were done with me as a Tank and they went for 2 more. We wiped a couple of times on Magisterā€™s Terrace. After finishing it, I decided to call it quits as her rested XP was almost depleted.

x Aerlinniel ++
xx Cirelondiel +
x Aineldiel ++
x ValƩria ++++
x Maranwethiel ++
x Deidrid ++
x Amazoner ++
x Fangroth +
x Ammy ++
xx Valadhiel ++
x Bareria +
xx Bareria2 +
x Thorburn +
xx Eruthiawen ++
x Yazgash ++
x Thorpe ++
xx Fiztask +
xx Deluchanar +
xx Cristiel +
xx Kwangjo +
x Naffurty +
x Strakar +
x Blackhide +
x Valquirye +
x Cherokee +


Game crashing in Primal storm zoneā€¦ crashes on entering, often crashes mounting upā€¦ Doesnā€™t happen anywhere else and still happens with all addons disabled. To make it worse I often cannot get back into the game for 5 minutes when it happens.

Joining a group seems to fix itā€¦ odd bug though.

Teera and Maruk did reset when i was only player alive. I got launched into air by the whirlwind and at the same time our other players did die that caused boss to reset (boss had 1,5% hp left) -.-

In shadowmoon burial grounds (third boss) when you are standing in corpse breath and there is volcanic,you will get launched into air and get sucked into worms mouth

Im having the additional problem of screen freezes with group world quest bosses as well

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Following a few TW to ding 70, collecting the weekly and clearing out WQsā€¦
ā€¦ending up on 358 Ilvl, just 1 short to queue for LFR raid


Done Razzy on lfr - ported back to Valdrakken to speak to Kalecgos as per quest direction, only to find out that you do hand it in at start of the instance after you down Raz. looks like killing her again just to hand in a bloody quest!! Waste of time really

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How the tables have turned :expressionless:

This 2 used to be my best warriors:

I equipped them with the best gear the pre-patch event from DF had to offer, to be Fury Warriors.
Which means Haste/Mastery for most of their gear.

Whatever was left I put on this 3 Warriors:
Protection spec: Haste/Versatility

Arms spec: Haste/Critical Strike

The irony now is: the 2 first Warriors are having a harder time in TW TBC, playing as Protectionā€¦
While the 3 last ones are surfing through it. Haste/Versatility or Critical strike are both good stats for Protection according to Icy-Veins, while Mastery is in the bottom.

Edit: typing.


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Looks like thereā€™s a known bug that wonā€™t unlock at least some Azerite essences for purchase from MOTHER (which I wanted for future timewalking events).

Most DPS players seem to have some major malfunction with their ability to think clearly.


Last pink rocket attempts done. Inevitably it hasnā€™t dropped. Some people are just born unlucky


No Heartbreaker for me :broken_heart:


Duplicate in my vaultā€¦

Feeling you! I had the same Staff I had last week in the vault :frowning:

although there are some pieces I could take for transmog in the Raid row.

I saved myself the annoyance of another bad vault by doing no instanced content this week. No Wednesday morning annoyances.

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This is why I only do one single key myself. Itā€™s just so much not worth dealing with the multiple RNG layers, as you could exhaust yourself doing 8 dungeons and the full raid and still only get capes/shoulders/robes when those are already your strongest slots. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

Retail needs a deterministic gearing route outside of professions, where you can buy gear for doing the endgame content. Not like dinars, I didnā€™t like them, more like getting to use Valor instead for this. (Too bad even that takes quite a lot of time to earn.)

not me
but perhaps few people after seeing this

casually farming shadowfrost shards for my third shadowmourne