šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Jack Danielā€™s is a brand of whisky, and Alexander is the name of a drink.

I know that I s~ck in making jokes, but really? :frowning:

That was actually my better party. :slight_smile: The worse one was with family, knowing how much of a disappointment I am to them.

Iā€™m pretty sure one day youā€™ll farm enough gold to show them whoā€™s the richest gnome in town! :muscle:


But he still would remain a Gnome :roll_eyes:

Happy cake day
:partying_face: :birthday:

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Not WoW but Diablo III, there has been a 3 minute plus waiting to create game since Friday night when season 28 started (I expect it when it launches but never experienced this before 48 hours later - not since when the game launched)

D3 popular or have Blizz reduced capacity?

Seems like a lot of people has come back to playing diablo 3. Usually itā€™s just been me on my friend list trying it at new seasons but now like 1/5th of my friend list is playing it.

I played my first DF dungeon today.
It was Ruby life pools. My BE Rogue had the quest to go there, so I queued for that dungeon.
This time unlike BFA:

  • Her gear was maximised.
  • She had enchants and gems (SL stuff, but better than nothing)
  • I sharpened the weapons and got a food buff (level 50 items).
  • Watched a YouTube video.

Boy, so much stuff to avoid :unamused:
Yes, it didnā€™t do too much DMG but on Mithic level this would be a different ball game.
Swirls everywhere. Mobs that explode when they die.
I think Iā€™ve never spammed evasion and CoS, so much, like this time around.
Luckily I was playing a Rogue, one of the most mobile classes in the game.
Not fun at all :unamused:

Edit: the best part was: I knew from the video, to not step on the eggs or adds will spawn. I still went there and stepped on them as an idiot :clown_face:


after 16 PM i started having really bad Latency problems and game is unplayable :confused:


Reagents still does not goes into bags assigned Trade Goods (when Reagent Bag is full/absent).

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Trying to increase the fishing pole collection of my fishing alt, the Jeweled Fishing Pole still eludes me. I know itā€™s a low drop chance but Iā€™ve done who knows how many dozends of fishing dailies and it still eludes me.

LFR Broodmother hardmode with every egg hatched.

Realizing that Blizzard handle this forum like the Chinese communist party handle information. Any potentially uncomfortable discussion must be hidden to the mass and closed.

Checked next weekā€™s affixes.

Tyrannical - like ok, but I wonā€™t pug.
Bursting - like ok, but I wonā€™t pug.

Iā€™m out next week. Got RL stuff to do.

Fix affixes. Make them fun, like players get a 5% haste buff for every other player within 5 yards, or killing mobs within 5 seconds of each other gives 5% crit.


another week no raz kill :frowning: next week for sure cope

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I wanted to have 2 dailies done in Classic. Letā€™s just say, I could best describe them ā€œif Monday was a dungeonā€. Here goes what happened.

  • Azjol Nerub HC+:

I join as heals, and our shammy was a heal too. So asked if he could swap.

Full silence.

We do 1st boss, ezclap. Ask him again to swap - doesnā€™t say a word and leaves.


We wipe on Hadro with 4, because I got webbed and couldnā€™t heal. The 2 dps left, we were left as tank and heals.

I somehow managed to replace these folks, only to wipe Hadro another 2 times (tank pulled him before he killed the addsā€¦) and to Anub because again, we were wrapped and when the tank freed us, she centered the frontal right on us because peeps didnā€™t stack. Total of 5 deaths to get this done.

  • Culling Bugging of Stratholme:

I had this buggy CoS HC+ in classicā€¦

So basically. Went fine till we wiped on the gauntlet before final bosses. Okay, thatā€™s no timed boss, but not a biggie.

We recover, start again, clear fully. Arthas is nowhereā€¦ he went back and resetā€¦


We wipe again when we go back (because respawns jumped our healer from behind). We clear fully, finally start final boss.

And he doesnā€™t even die to an overkill bugā€¦ nor does arthas dieā€¦ they got stuck on 1 hp in an eternal fight.

OMEGALUL :joy::sweat:

As Amazoner would say - cheers.

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Booking this slot ahead of tomorrowā€™s vault.

Worked hard on my evoker. An 18, 17, and 16 option from M+, and 3x heroic raid slots, all of the latter from pugging.

Itā€™s gonna be rubbish. I can sense it. Preparing myself mentally ahead of time.

People who donā€™t check whether thereā€™s already a thread saying exactly the same as the one theyā€™re making. We donā€™t need 20 million threads (Draenei are known to exaggerate when stressed) all saying the same thing about the Trading Post.
REPORT THE PROBLEMS AS BUGS INGAME. QA will soon realise itā€™s a big problem and get the devs to do something about it. Posting here or in the CS forum does nothing ā€¦ especially when thereā€™s more than one thread about it.
End of rant. For now.


Just told my IRL healer friend. Canā€™t wait for his response. xā€™D

Affixes are just the worst.

The good news is they donā€™t really get to do their nasty interaction on bosses, meaning Tyrannical doesnā€™t synergize with them so it could be worse.

Imagine Bursting+Grievous+Fortified. That would be cruel.

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I mean itā€™s bad enough with tyrannical because grievous on something like Nokhud last boss is savage. Just ups the healing required by 50-100% and it ainā€™t fun.

Quite honestly, Iā€™ll be running 6 LFR bosses on every alt this week; those that are overgeared for the loot will take the tokens towards a spark.

Unless someone asks if I can join for a key, Iā€™m not interested. Definitely not pugging, wonā€™t be actively starting groups even with friends.

Because actually, if healers want to get the message across that this week isnā€™t fun - the correct thing to do is boycott it. If the stats show a massive drop of participation, Blizzard will consider fixing it. Hopefully theyā€™ve been watching some Dratnos/Bellular/Asmon videos where there are suggestions for positive affixes that make the game interesting, rather than negative ones that make it worse.