😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

It was removed in SL apparently. Why? I don’t know. Maybe it conflicted with something new they made and decided it would be easier to just remove it than rework it all.

Wait for MoP timewalking and buy rep. :blush:

Are you sure its still not in Chromi time ?

Yep just checked its gone :frowning: oh well wait for TW and kill warbringers.

Looting ALL other items from offensive but not the bis trinket

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Bold of you to assume there are mods on the EU forums.
Even more bold of you to assume they care about anything posted here. The post-Legion quasi-facebook posting twitter scroll forum is a bonfire mess that has so many glitches and jumbled code that even searching for posts is basically impossible.

There is mods left i know for a fact hence me posting what i did but anyways it is offtopic :slight_smile:

I generally like hunters in both game versions for their ability to solo enemies, but I had a great deal of trouble with the elite panther in Classic 1K needles.

The little kitten went full zerg on me on my first try and ripped me to pieces. But even if he doesn’t, then my pet dies before I manage to bring low to low enough health to kill with kiting, as Mend Pet cannot keep up with the melees of elites.

Second try, I barely made it out alive. Were it not for my good gear and even a food buff, I’d have died again - I was an inch away from death from full HP and mana… :frowning:

To be fair, I often do that both in the AH and also in places like eBay. In buyers’ eyes something beginning with ‘4’ rather than ‘5’ is a lot cheaper even if it’s only 1 bronze less.

Also I do wish people wouldn’t use ‘cancerous’ in this sort of context as it’s really difficult/upsetting for some people.


Merely undercutting by 1 bronze isn’t what makes it that distasteful that it merits such a strong word. It is the addition of the bid which makes all other listings appear more expensive - even if the buyout is the same.

It is the same AH-players that does this, and there isn’t without reason that they hide in the emptiest AHs they can access as they know their strategy forces other players to spend more time relisting their items.

Listing an item where lowest buyout is 4999 gold makes the default suggested buyout on new listings to be 4999 too. Which wouldn’t be that bad if it wasn’t for the addition of ‘bid’ that inherently makes my listing appear more expensive unless I set a lower price or lower bid. And this additional annoyance adds up for every item I am listing on the AH in which an AH-player already have their listings.

There is no option to turn off the Harlequin hat two side… well I dont even know what their name is!
That venitian-like porcelain mask would be awesome it self

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Having a mask like that would be so great. Like this


but more

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The fact that you put parentheses on your links made me frown.

Happy now i just copy pasted the links i didnt add them :stuck_out_tongue:

New currency?

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Eliquis’ images:


Love that second one.

Sorry … hadn’t been long awake and my memory hadn’t got into gear. Copper :smiley:


People that join valor farm groups and then complain about someone being “undergeared”. Like, bruh.

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For a heroic daily… get a grip.

My mage is arcane and that’s one of the specs that can do dps even with low gear…

I killed Raszageth and then Diurna with another group. I didn’t get the achievement for finishing the raid. Annoying.

Being told to delete the game by random users. Genuinely does make me want to stop playing entirely.

The fact that halls of infusion and neltharus are going to become season 2 dungeons.

I’ve just logged off the game instead of playing when I get them when queuing for lvling or call to arms lately.

I just can’t stand them.

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