šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

bots train in pvp , questing and gold farming , taking care of one death knight is a thing having to take care of four-five at the same time following themselves , killing everything or trying in sight, camping hellfire peninsula all the time is something else.

I dislike them both 2 and everyone knowā€™s they are going to need tuning :frowning:

The fact I managed to kill Kurog, the Broodkeeper and even Razageth with a nice team before could find a team that was capable to kill Teros on Heroicā€¦
I mean really, still not managed to kill that elemental; nor Dathea, but I kind of, sort of expected that
But Terros?
This week was horribleā€¦

Iā€™m sorry to hear youā€™ve experienced this. Iā€™ve seen this kind of behavior once during this expansion and letā€™s just say itā€™s the only remaining way for toxic players to be toxic without risk of getting banned nowadays so thatā€™s all they got really, usually related to oneā€™s performance in the game.

Sorry bout my avatar, transmogs from trading post are not visible on the armory.


Sorry you experienced that. There are some toxic players that make you want to quit the game all together. Wether they call you a terrorist for being Arab, or retarded for having disabilities. Iā€™ve seen both in my case.

What I learned is that the good people are always more than the bad. Find those good people and you will be much happier. And cancel out the bad ones and report if possible.

We are all one family in the game :wink:

Literally waiting an hour straight to get invited to 23 without success.
This game is unplayable if you mess up your own key.

I turned off, cba.


Today i discovered that this charā€™s pants havenā€™t been enchanted with a spellthread for almost 2 months

now thatā€™s what i call a scandal

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I have just discovered that Alchemy which I have always used is now extremely boring and I donā€™t think itā€™s worth the hassle. Why canā€™t they just of kept it simple.


Today marks troll solve 600+ without sword.


Only had time to do a 14 on this character and 18 on my priest and then my computer decided to crash and burn.

Nobody on for keys on guild key nightā€¦

What has this expansion done thatā€™s driving people away? Might have to try FF after all if thereā€™s nobody to play with :pensive:

Dungeon finder is still bugged, legendary ilvls are still bugged. Maybe it was silly of me hoping theyā€™ll fix any of those with the downtimes.

Useless vault, useless TW reward on my paladinā€¦

4th mythic eggnog ring in a row in great vault today, its a dps loss in comparison to a 402 ring :grinning: :smiley: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy:

Oh no only 3 hours left on my sub :sleepy:



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Another week without appropriate armour-tokens from Yogg-Saron. :expressionless:

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Just bored. Not feeling motivated to do anything. :skull_and_crossbones:


Yeah, I really wish sometimes tanks would first discuss with the group how they will pull before starting the key run.

Would make things easier.

That vault thing look like pure pain canā€™t you fix it , no one likes to play and waste weeks and not get any upgrade come on most of the people here got something uselessā€¦