šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

This was a joke but [I_hate.jpg (1924Ɨ1080) ( discord app. com)](https: //cdn. discordapp. com/attachments/994413362257612820/1083731777446748160/I_hate.jpg)

Blizzard took it to far [Screenshot_20230310-001630-183.png (720Ɨ266) (discordapp. com)](https ://cdn. discordapp. com/attachments/



Yeah, Shadowā€™s aoe is a bummer.

But mind sear could have stayed as a generatorā€¦

Would be maybe better if Shadow Crash was a spender? And one could cleave dots with MB? (As Enh does with Flame Shock and Lava Lash. You cast the dot once per fight and never again. Now that is a good design!)

Is that serious?
It works fine in open world combat, far better than any of my other options. Itā€™s so much better than the old Mind Sear.
If thatā€™s true Iā€™ll be really fed up and will die a lot more :sob:

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You will win more from a poker machine.

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Doing a low temple on my DK and the healer dies.

He types:

And then he leaves.

Seems like ā€˜Can I Mog It?ā€™ with the latest update added a bunch of new colour variants of the icons - and there is no way to opt out of this addition.

All I want to know it whether the item appearance have been learned from the respective item - or not. And whether it as unlearned from this source is BoE or BoP.

If I already have learned the appearance from this specific item - give me a damn no-background blue checkmark regardless of which character I am logged into. The new yellow checkmark for learned BoEs of armour types the respective char canā€™t use, and the new green checkmark-in-a-transparent-checkbox for learned BoPs of armour types the respective char canā€™t use are cluttering the screen with useless information.

Not only that, those colours already used for icons representing ā€˜BoE - but canā€™t be learned on this charā€™, ā€˜BoP, appearance already learned from a different sourceā€™, and ā€˜BoP, appearance not learned yetā€™, causing me to doublecheck every item with yellow and green checkmarks.


Today I depleted a HoV 23 by: Over time by 00:00:00.018 (0.0%).

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donā€™t get upset just yet

last week we failed an AV 21 with 20 seconds overtime
yesterday i logged off at 2798 rating
today i logged in and could see my rating went up to 2807 by just logging in

It turns out today Blizz nerfed AV timer by 1 minute today and recalculated all previous runs :smiley: so itā€™s now considered as a regular ā€˜timedā€™ run
i guess this shouldā€™ve went to the things that made me smile thread

so yea you never know perhaps in a week time HoV timer gets nerfed too !


That explains why I have two more points.
HoV still untimed though. Oh well, not big deal.
Thanks for the info.


Still levelling my evoker with a friend and getting increasingly more frustrated with quests. Why is it that, for example, gathering items will sometimes count for both but other times individually. Many other types of quest are similarly annoying.


To be fair, I get why he died so often. The telegraphing of AoE is horrible in Jade Temple. Really needs a rework like Legion Dungeon AoE got this Season.

I got pretty unlucky with Valā€™anyr fragments this week, only 2 from the entire raid, and on Yogg itā€™s guaranteed so only one from the rest of the bosses.

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Iā€™m waiting on a certain AH-clown to relist their items so I can relist mine without getting undercut.

Yup, it is this guy.

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Unā€™Goro Madness. I hoped it was going to be fast and easy to complete the related Travelerā€™s Log objectives, but the bosses require full raids and one a small handful players are around.

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I got Tusks of Mannoroth on my monk and canā€™t add them to my cosmetics to use on plate characters which is outdated and dumb and Iā€™m still mad.

Havenā€™t touched the game for a week since it happened and cancelled both subs due to grind burnout.

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Sheesh! Did not realise picking flowers in DF was so dangerous! Been flung to my death twice today!
ā€¦ decided to level an alt who has herbalism - cripes! :flushed:


Those Titan-touched weeds are death-traps :unamused:
More time than Iā€™m willing to admit landed in the middle of a nice pack of elites (Kids, always have soulstone readyā€¦)
The windswept ones are especially nasty and yeeted me in to my untimely demise because not always had goblin gliders with me
And the Decaying onesā€¦?
How lovelyā€¦ soulstone THEN collect those tainted abominations of natureā€¦ then die in peace, donā€™t figth it, accept that death
Untill you max out everything with unholly amount of skillpoints? Herbalism could be (and most of the time) dangerous, deadly even


That happens when somebody sells my herbs to bronze dragons and weird huge metal people. I learned it the hard way, and never have been doing any business with them ever since :cry:

Or spec in that tree to be immune to the dot in the first place. But as Iā€™m a priest Iā€™ll just dispel them anyways :sweat_smile:

Now that I agree with. If you donā€™t have an immunity or slowfall, you need a glider. Barring that, itā€™s gliders. If you lack themā€¦ uh oh.

I went for the frigid, then the titan touched route myself, I believe.

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Hehe nice to hear your stories :+1:
ā€¦ as the alt is a DH, the moment I pick a flower now using the Fel Rush spell to move away quick, see if it works with all flower types :thinking:

Thanks for the tip on the skills to learn - looked at the mastering of elements tab and will choose them asap! Also re the goblin gliders, got them with me but didnā€™t think to use them, will do now!