šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

You can just jump to clear the DoT, it does some damage I think but saves your life.

Yes, they can be hard to deal with, but hereā€™s a handy list of abilities on classes you might have thought canā€™t deal with them:

  • Druid - Wild Charge resets your momentum, and in travel and moonkin form it requires no target. Also you can buy the tome of flap and learn to Flap in moonkin form.
  • Rogue - Grappling Hook resets your momentum, so does Shadowstep if youā€™re not outlaw although that requires a target.
  • Hunter - Disengage resets your momentum.
  • Shaman - Gust of Wind resets your momentum.
  • Warrior - Heroic Leap resets your momentum, so does Charge/Intervene although that requires a target.
  • Paladin - Divine Shield and Blessing of Protection negate the fall damage

Evokers and DHs have glide of course, Mages and Priests have slow fall/levitate.

Warlocks and monks donā€™t have anything in particular for fall damage (well monks have zen flight but I donā€™t think it works in the dragon isles), but using demonic circle/transcendence before gathering might be able to save you.

If youā€™re a DK without a racial/item to save you you might as well resign yourself to your fate.

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People selling the lovely dresses for extremely expensive prices. :cry: as they know someone who has the gold will spend on it.

I specifically want the blue one but meh. Nothing much you can do

If you are mounted for gathering itā€™s definitely a lot easier to deal with those push backs.

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Arenā€™t those the old white ones that are no longer obtainable? The current green ones are BoP if Iā€™m not mistaken. So being rare items it makes sense theyā€™re very expensive.

Well yes but that requires you to get to that point in the spec tree.


I prio that on every char that has to gather :laughing:

ah i guess it makes sense. at least i have the lunar dresses then

Trial of Style kept giving me the catwalk theme, like 3/4th of the time. :sweat_smile: And I havenā€™t a proper mog for that!

I also bumped into two contestants, from the same realm, same guild and even the same race and both ended up on the stage. I guess they were bumping each otherā€¦ not exactly fair play I guess.

The Tank faking a d/c after a wipe on the 2 adds pulled together befor Hyrja in Halls of Valor(20)

Something that made me frown isā€¦. A bit stupid actually.

So in wow you have all these amazing races, but some of them are locked behind factions. So sometimes you may enjoy the lore/and animations of a race but donā€™t enjoy the faction they belong to.

With this in mind, I remember how much I miss being a Vulpera main, but what made me essentially race change is the faction they follow. Being in a Roleplay server, I mostly like toā€¦. Well, Roleplay. I like to meet people Roleplaying out in the open and most important of all, I like good architecture that you usually find in alliance cities (like Stormwind) . Something beautiful to look at and filled with nature. On the Horde side you have Ogrimmar which I canā€™t even spell correctly in the life of me and it made me depressed just looking at it.

The Roleplay on the horde side is also not that great. I love Roleplaying on the alliance side more and Iā€™m happier there.

Essentially, I feel dragged between either playing my favorite race and be miserable in a faction I donā€™t like. Or play my favorite faction but canā€™t play my favorite race. Iā€™m stuck between two paths :pensive:

If only wow was a type of game where you could choose which faction to follow similar to the Pandaren and Dracthyr, I would be a happy Vulpera in the alliance. Where I belong.

Knowing wow, that will obviously never happen.

So I resorted to making this ā€œTanaris Desertā€ human as a substitute for not having Vulpera on the alliance. Itā€™s good RP, but itā€™s not the sameā€¦.

Sorry for the rant I just needed to vent. At least tomorrow we will get new human hair colors. That might make me feel a bit better.

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I decided to make a goblin rogue engineer and Iā€™m quite sad that there are no circular saw weapon transmog (I was thinking like goblin shredders have just a miniature version). I guess Iā€™ll be aiming for some Mechagon weapon mogs instead.

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Guildies doing Trial of Style. Just by ending up in the same instance they crash the credibility of the competition, even if the guildies arenā€™t voting on each other. To compensate for eventual comradery, one have to simply vote for the opponents of the guildies in the rounds, and the theme of the competition wont matter at all.

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There is a sword that drops in Trail of the Champion dungeon in wotlk aswell if i remember rightly.

Yeah I have one of those and have it mogged, though itā€™s a compromise. Itā€™s not really what I wanted and itā€™s low res.

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I just posted on my Dracthyr and noticed she has more achievement points than I do. I feel a little miffed.


i was doing the quests for the furbolgs rep, and then the game started to go coo coo crazy and gave me errors, and now i canā€™t play :frowning_face:

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While doing the Orc heritage quest Durak made me frown quite a lot.

What the flip were they thinkingā€¦

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Applying in a guild which then just stops raiding.

200 pulls on Raz is nothing guys !

Still nothing from Blizzard about Shadowland LFR NPC. :confused:

Temple of Sethralissā€™ last boss buggedā€¦ again :unamused:
Not making leveling easierā€¦ :roll_eyes:

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Seems like Comp Stomp is restricted to level 70 chars. I donā€™t gave a single one yet.