šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

I created a new character to give PvP a shot. My word, the wait times are a pain since on average I have to wait for about 35 minutes to find a group.

Could they not have made a portal between the foothold in Forgotten reach and Valdrakken when they made the foothold? :roll_eyes:


Speaking of cost of transmogs, I am yet again broke from transmogging. :rofl:

This is frustrating at times.


This is exactly why, I waited so long for the trial of style event, to transmogg all of my 25, level 64+ characters.
My BE warrior entire gear was transmogged during that event.
If itā€™s one piece, thatā€™s been replaced, itā€™s ok, for me. Now if itā€™s the entire set of gear, like during the pre-patch event of DF, no way.


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Cross-realm sharding. This makes open world legacy grind painful.
I could have a field day being alone on Skettis in Terokkar Forest farming the spawns and summon Terokk every 15th minute. Instead I have to share the zone with players from other and bigger realms, all becoming each otherā€™s enemies. :weary:

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I was sad so hard when I got insulted that I am so bad at PvPing arena 2v2 with 424 PvP Ilvl in my Nightborne MM hunter :disappointed_relieved:

EDIT: I went to Arena 2v2 instead of RBGs, 3v3 and solo shuffle

1 Reason: Solo shuffle queues are too long

  1. No one wants me for 3v3 with 424, even when it is almost empty

  2. Almost empty LFG for RBGs

For some reason the catch up Trinket tokens are avoiding me :unamused:
I have rings, weapons, neck, but not even seen a Trinket token
I know they exist, during that nice full operation group War Creche clear seen it ONCE
ā€¦among a full group
AND we made at least two dozen loops from enterance to the end
Why that thing have this so abysmall dropp rate??? :rage:

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being ordered to be quiet with fresher words all because i suggested that fellow players interupt the healing NPC in the wind instance in timewalking. I felt I was right in putting that idea out there. Then I imprisoned one of the healer npc and the hunter set a pet on it and I couldnā€™t kill it alone and got kicked for not hitting the Npc that was getting healed by the target I was attacking.

I should of put this in the other one. the smiling one .

Still nothing from Blizzard about an Shadowlands LFR NPC. :frowning:

I really wonder why they keep that topic so silent. Always. In previous expansions too. And then it just drops one day from nowhere. >.< Please, transparency!

Even Blizzard wants to forget that ā€œexpansionā€ :roll_eyes:

At least the artist team always delivers. Thatā€™s what I care about. The mog!

And also the solo challenge.

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Blizzard broke the game again.


My PC screen fell down and broke while I was doing dungeons.

I think I made the mistake of putting it on a shaky table.


That I didnā€™t got the Unchained Gladiatorā€™s shoulders back in s2 on my monk, I could have got them if I bothered to get to Rival on it but I never thought Iā€™d have rerolled a leather class ever.

Thereā€™s an alternative for the mog Iā€™m trying to finish but Shadowland LFR NPC is not in the game yet if I recall correctly.

You can get the full ensemble for 12 marks of honor and there was an event for it like 2 weeks ago.

Both your rogue and monk can use the appearances :smile:

I meant the elite one, light blue :smile:

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Well I somehow made it worse. Now I gotta go fix it :sob:

Tanks that canā€™t keep aggro.

Why do you even play a tank if youā€™re going to not hold aggro?

Target cap.

knowing that my awful behaviour on the forum has caused someone to make a clone of me to try and make me look even worse than i managed to myself

feels bad