šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Wish transmogging was just free all the time


I was doing my NO 24 we got to last boss with little time but manageable.
Killed the adds and got to the last phase when the Warrior got the change but aimed badly and reset the boss.

If the barber is free, mogging should definitely follow!

But mainly so I wouldnā€™t have to endure your leveling gearā€™s looks each expansion.


I still canā€™t link my characters armoury.
I wanted to show the link to my Orc Warrior armoury, in a recent post, I made, about Orc heritage armour.

I guess I will have to use the shortcut to a post I did a while ago, where I showed linked all of my high level characters.


My Orc Warrior is completely naked. It must be a bug, related to the transmogg :frowning_face:
I guess itā€™s better to change my female Orc Hunter transmogg, before sheā€™s shown naked as well (she has the brown version of the Orc heritage armour).


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The Baine quest did not endear me to him.

Last night was performing heart surgery, defusing a bomb and timing a Ruby 31 at the same time. Timer was close but managable, unfortunately dk misplaced fire and we wiped :frowning:


The opposition in CompStomp seems to have suddenly got stronger since yesterday. I died once!!! And I wasnā€™t the only one.

Same thing happened to my hooman, itā€™s bugged in the same manner as the harlequin mog was :c

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Well Iā€¦

O-okay, nothing to worry about, it is just an isolatedā€¦

SykNet is coming! SkyNet is coming! The AI is leraning!
Run to the hills!
Run for your lives!


Ret Paladinā€™s PvP state.

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Kinda ironic hearing it from a warlockā€™s mouth.
But I must agree on that, actually. Blizz just donā€™t know how to balance classes, thatā€™s why we have different ā€œgodsā€ from time to time.

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People signing for m+ when they donā€™t know the layout of the dungeon and spend half the dungeon trying to find the way.

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With the buff for increased scroll drop in forbidden reach, it took me 20 minutes for one to drop. During that time, 6 epics, 3 vault keys and 3 tridents dropped before the scroll did. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Quite the work for 50 of them to obtain the meta achiā€¦

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I decided to do the daily Wrath heroic after many weeks of slacking, and what happens? Culling bugged out againā€¦

I wonder what itā€™d take to have this small but annoying bug to fix that causes Malganis to bug out on 1 hp and become unkillable.

I swear my old private server was in a better working order, honestly.

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Being asked why Iā€™m not dispelling curses in TJS ON MY PRIEST.

The one asking me why Iā€™m not dispelling curses is a 3k rated druid.


How is it even possible to get to 3k without knowing that priests canā€™t dispel curses.


Degenerate scaling of legacy content. One would believe that obtaining the toy [Vial of Green Goo] in Gnomeregan should be quick affair, but Blizzard do not want any of thatā€¦

I was sad to find out SL only has ensembles available from the pvp vendor, same as BfA - no individual pieces. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

I wanted a Sinful dagger for my current mog (hopefully armory updates soon), but the only way to get it is to cash out 80 marks. As most other weapon mogs are whacky from that tier, no thank you.

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I finished a time walking dungeon and for some reason received a quest to deliver a Kodo Spirit to ā€œthe heart of the Forrestā€

I paused and saidā€¦. Where even is this? Itā€™s been long since I played shadowlands that I had forgotten. So my dumb self went to Desolace thinking itā€™s there, in that Forrest center thing. Didnā€™t find the quest there.

So I googled it like I shouldā€™ve in the beginning, and turns out Heart of the forest is in Ardenwealdā€¦ā€¦


Today, after purchasing a new pair of legs ilv 292 with slightly better stats, than the ones my BE warrior had equipped (haste, instead of mastery), I went to the transmogg npc.

The cost to transmogg those legs was exactly the vendors price 52g 66s 33c :open_mouth:
In the end what I got from selling the other legs was exactly what I needed to pay for the transmogg on the new legs.
