😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Welcome in the cloned club :roll_eyes:

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welcome to the forums :smile:

i pretty much welcomed my clone at this point. we had tea the other day. considering opening up a ticket about this issue does nothing at all…if you cant beat them, have tea with them :rofl:

“They are the memories of a dead man. A side effect of the cloning process and the memory flashes used to train you. They will fade.”

“And if they don’t?”

“Then, you’ll be of no use to me. […] You must destroy what he created. And you must learn to love what he hated.”

Fulfill your destiny, Clone of Furae. You get only one chance…

Lately, I’m so tired from work, that half the times, I don’t logg in to WoW anymore.
Maybe because of that, I lost any confidence/will power to play as a healer or tank in any of my characters, during TW :frowning_face:


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trust me, i know the feeling. I wanted to rush through timewalking and get the rewards, but i cant. im just so tired. (from work)

good luck!

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On my case, is: get to level 70, with 25 characters. I’m patient but the project is taking longer than expected :sweat_smile:

Thank you, I will need it :smile:


I think I’m going to start leaving if a pug invites a brewmaster as the tank. It never goes well.

A treasure chest is on my map! Everyoneis flying to it!
Me: : D
Proceeds to fly down and click the chest.
“There is no Loot.” Vanishes.
Me: D :

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Something u reletate to, yea u go down nobody likes me

Nobody can relete to me becouse i am to strange.

Kinda getting exhausted. I’m juggling timewalking and egg collecting for noble garden.

So imagine flying between Bloodhood village, Thunderbluff, Ogrimmar, portal to jade Forrest, fly to timeless isles, hearth back to blood hoof village, and repeat.


Doing court of stars and an imp spawns out of bounds on 2nd boss somehow and nukes us.

The stupid Misstep blob in the Vault which I eventually killed after about 6 deaths and huge repair bills. Then being one key short to open a door to finish a jewelcrafting quest. The wretched things rarely drop for me. #feelinggrumpy


Got ganked while riding through Falconwing Square trying to explore Eversong Forest.


I was running some Timewalking dungeons to level up and gear up one of my alts. I got him to max level, but I rage quit after getting nothing but necklaces for him 7 dungeons in a row.

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I had the same on one of mine :frowning:

That new quest ‘Sneaky Pebbles’ in Forbidden Reach where you shoot the Infused Beetles - except you can’t ruddy find any.

Sadly Bisquis doesn’t spawn any more at our feasts as not enough people are doing the feast to get to Legendary. I’ve made a suggestion ingame that they reduce the requirement to epic but I doubt it’ll happen as bigger realms probably don’t have this problem.


Not been able to play WoW because my internet stopped working last night and then seem incapable of calling me back.


My key always start at 25 reset day and ends up as 23 every single time.
I guess I’m just bad; need a break.