šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Did a key today with my BF and a friend, just a smol +9 for gear for them;
Had a mage I invited that was low IO score and needed this key for progress - so I invited him purely to help him along with our group.

He joins.
(Itā€™s academy)
Ready check ā†’ Go.
We ride up to the first boss area, pull adds, he timewarps, pulls some extra, then DC-leaves.

ā€¦ I guess thatā€™s what I get for trying to help more than my friends? :woman_shrugging:t2:

Iā€™m guessing youā€™re writing this with mobile dataā€¦ you could try sharing it via hotspot to your PC? Worked like a charm for me when we got a new router back in '20.

(Assuming it still hasnā€™t resolved ofc.)

Anything regarding pugs and their dumb demand of 8/8 for any Heroic run

they seem to stick to rocks and towers

I keep getting some weird pop up in the middle of typing on the forum about Overwatch. Iā€™m not interested by that game.

Yeah they are an unfriendly bunch up there. I found out the hard way to.

I would understand if my char was a level 70 with the title ā€˜Horde slayerā€™ or something, but that is not the case . Really wish we had a ā€˜Diplomat Modeā€™ as an opposite to ā€˜War Modeā€™, it would open up a new world of cross-faction roleplay.

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Silly me :flushed:
Decided to run round in circles picking up eggs on my mage for noblegarden because I saw that there was a rabbit polymorph - I thought it was from a drop so was going round for ages, only to finally actually look at the rewards offered from the vendor to see it was there to buy for a 100 eggs /doh! Safe to say I bought it and had plenty of eggs to buy some other items :+1:


the new feature is cool. I mean cross faction group and even guilds. Now we never tried to go to each others Capitals but wondered if they would allow it and could we use each others portals and heal attacks from players of the same faction inflicted on my friend who is the opposite faction.

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Why are the guards angry at me for doing BGs?
Kinda disheartening to get out of a BG and then get ganked by all the guards here all of a sudden.

When I look at the drop rates for https://www.wowhead.com/item=194641/design-elemental-lariat I think ā€˜why botherā€™?

Mamastrasza told us, NO pointless killinā€™ in Her domain, we are guests and have to behave like good children?


Accidentally destroyed two dozen of eggs because I was half asleep and I assumed I was opening them up to receive the chocolate inside :rofl:

I assumed today was the last day of noble garden so I rushed through it, but apparently itā€™s not.


A weapon crate dropped for me from one of the rares around Forbidden Reach. I got excited with dreams of a beautiful staff or, at worst, a stylish mace or dagger. I opened it ā€¦ and it was a wand. Seriously, a wand. Why are wands still in the game? I never equipped one even when there was a separate slot for it years ago.
Iā€™m now going to find a corner to go and cry for the staff I wasnā€™t given.

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With how whacky their mogs are Iā€™m wondering the sameā€¦ okay, I have one or two that are okay, but more often than not a mace or a staff looks way better. That, and staves donā€™t need an offhand to go with them either.

silently hugs Ananda




Buy the staff for storm dust or whatever the green stuff is
Upgrade it with Storm sigils to 2/3 (14 I think the upgrade cost)
Upgrade it with Forbiden knowledge, to 3/3, 398 weapon

Donā€™t trust the dropā€¦


Yep, this - sigils drop from rares, same goes for the knowledge. They also take a while to die, meaning one doesnā€™t have to deal with the ZM hassle :smile:

Overflow drops like candy anyways. I bought the cloth set and the weapons I could, to get some nice free mogs :smile:

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The scenery constantly blocking the camera view, sometimes completey. For such lush landscapes and detailed environments, I cant belive that this was never raised in testing as its frustrating when it causes a wipe, or untimly death, simply because someone believed it would be ā€˜more immersiveā€™


Awww how cute
Still beliving Blizzard cares about the input of testers - if they even exist