😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

I know lol. It was a far off hope. I do remember some post somewhere that it was a deliberate thing though…


The difference between guardian druid and blood DK.

My blood DK I’m standing in stuff all the time, deliberately and I don’t die, not anywhere close to dying even.

On my guardian druid I have to be really careful and avoid standing in stuff or I might just cease to exist.

Still no Tusks of Mannaroth :frowning:

Still no Antoran Charhound :frowning:

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It’s sad to see someone who actually isn’t toxic or just here to complain about stuff leave. The forum will be slightly duller without you.

Hope you’ll come back one day.


DS mounts not Looting despite trying 10 times a week as a group!

Trying to kill Ogres for a quest in Badlands, but a player from a different cluster of connected realms grinds the mobs for a zone drop. Why do people still think obligatory cross-realm sharding is a good idea??? Damn imbeciles.

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3 hardcore characters dead today.
1 on classic (Level 9, almost 10) cause I had bad eyesight and didn’t see there were 5 murlocs under water ready to gank me when I pulled a mob.
2 on retail: 1 cause random PVP-skull npc in swamp of sorrows (I was alliance), and 1 cause a quest didn’t want to work in redridge (Among elite orcs).

It’s been a bad day today. :face_with_head_bandage:


Sometimes I want to go back to play what I enjoy (BE female characters) but things happen that quickly remind me why I do what I do :frowning_face:

Today I checked my list of logged characters and noticed I haven’t played my BE female Hunter since Cataclysm TW.
I logged her and queue for a WoD TW dungeon.

What did I see upon entering ?
2 female BE Hunters just like mine.
1 female BE Paladin as the Tank.
The only one playing something different than a BE female character was the healer. A Troll balance Druid. The only class that BEs can’t be !

I’m getting sick and tired of my laptop :computer: overheating all the time :rage:
Today, after playing on my BE warrior, I decided to let the laptop :computer: rest, doing minor stuff that didn’t require too much processing, like going to AU Draenor and purchase TW gear for all of my characters.
I had to quit that idea because the laptop :computer: completely stopped when I was trying to purchase stuff for my Troll shaman.
I had to manually shut it down.
I’m not looking forward to purchase another laptop :computer: after spending 899£ to pay for my current Dell Laptop :computer:, in 2018.



Realizing that I indeed needs to grind Keeper Raynae reputation to have the Recipe: Feast of the Fishes; 10 recipe scraps wont give me :sob:


Nothing is fun here becouse blizz lied about crimson pennant :slight_smile:

Okay it’s fun becouse they so bad, thats it.

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Another group of TW, this time legion and only 2 races present :weary:
BEs and Dracthyr this time.
I was playing my 2nd BE female warrior character and the group had:

  • Tank: BE male Paladin.
  • Healer: Dracthyr Evoker.
  • DPS 1: BE female Paladin.
  • DPS 2: Dracthyr Evoker.

Edit: now this has become surreal.
I logged my Forsaken hunter and ended up in a TW legion party made of: 2 Forsaken Rogues and 2 Taurens, Druid and Shaman. Again only 2 races in the group :open_mouth:


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I have to wait 5 more months to my new RAF Goblin themed mount :frowning:


Not being able to cross faction play with friends for TW content or old expansions HC


I don’t really know what you expect in this regard. Unless you mean SL you’d never get a queue to pop anyway and if you just manage to gather 4 friends then you can go to the dungeon and do it.

My complaint was more aboot us not being able to queue together in any kind of queue !

Legion dungeons and how horrible they make people become.

People thinking they’re the ones to decide what the route is when they’re not tanking, causing the group to wipe because they’re pulling stuff.


I have just received a second weapon box … and opened it with possibly even more excitement because the odds on getting the same weapon twice are … well, actually they seem to be 100% because, guess what, it’s another (insert expletive of choice here) wand :sob: :sob: :sob:


Whilst pet battling in DF near the Nokhudon Hold, I see a Warlock fighting one of the elites and his pet aggro’s 3 other elites, one with over a million health, the other 3 with 564k.

Instead of running away, the lock battles the 4 elites and eventually kills them all, my mage would have died in seconds. The little gnomie was wearing L345 gear.

Class balance?

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