šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Not being able to use healing pot or warlock cookies during bladestormā€¦

Having colourful comments about my cognitive abilities being whispered to me for not pulling enough in a dungeon.

Nah, only the Fel-envy talking :innocent:
Jokes aside, yes
You only have to watch not to steal your petā€™s aggro and time to time health-funnel to keep it alive
If the Mages would have a bit stronger Elemental ā€œtankā€ pet and ways to keep it alive? The two class would be equal; one focusing on Arcane (or fire and ice) the other on Fel
Would be fun actually to have a mirror class/spec
After all, the Fel is the pair of Arcane; Order and Chaos; two sides of the same coin :roll_eyes:
But this is WoW, so such poetic design will never happen :roll_eyes:


Transmogs - Tusks of Mannoroth still havenā€™t dropped and the LFR Druid set pieces wonā€™t drop from the current tier!

A tank in Legion TW decided to pull Talixae Flamewreath in Court of stars with her full entourage of followers.

This is also part of learning, but I had never seen anyone do that before.

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The sudden encounter with something that you canā€™t actually faceroll in a TW is always fun to watch :roll_eyes:
Especally if you warned them in time but the tank decides, he is the Tank and knows betterā€¦
Same with Vault, when you have to drag the tank with the lightbulb in to the purple thingie on the floor to shrink itā€¦ :no_mouth:
Part of their learning, true, but then listen and learn
Also would kill for an ability to root my Tank for a few sec :expressionless:

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That is why halfway from 60 to 70 on my druid, I decided that instead of the healer, I just had to be the tank myself.

Nothing wastes time more consistently in a dungeon run than a tank that tries too hard to cut corners.

#GiveHealingAndTankingSpecToTheWarlockSoICouldDoTheSame :grin:


They almost gave them a tanking spec at MoP/WoD
Then the Demon Hunter Union Lawyers came knocking

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You should have played back when Legion TW was introduced then. When a dungeon that people donā€™t normally play gets readded and it has a mechanic you have to play around, expect people to have no idea what to do and fail miserably.

Back when Grimrail Depot replaced Iron Docks in the rotation people had no idea how to handle the 1st and 2nd bosses, nor did they expect the plentiful oneshot attacks.

Iron Horde Mortar has entered the chat


I just canā€™t play this character :frowning_face:

I would really like to, but I just canā€™t seem to find a good spell rotation, the ā€˜finesseā€™ that my other casters have. Also, I feel so weak and squishy and die a lot, sometimes pretty quickly.

I know it must be me, but no matter what I try, Iā€™m just rubbish.

When I do Famu again today and get no mount. Yeah I called it Famu get rdy to get spanked in 10 minutes.

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Green crowns are back temporarily


I canā€™t get into RBGs on my characters. All 0CR PuGs disband after half an hour of searching and I canā€™t find any open guilds at all. Itā€™s been over a month now. Returned today after playing Classic and still the same situation

The droprate/RNG of the thrice-cursed Untapped Forbidden Knowledge :rage:
In the past week only 2 dropped on my altā€¦ on my main there are at leats two dozen and canā€™t do anythin with it (okay, vendor it ,but as soon as I would do that, they would become BoA, we all know thatā€¦)
It really kills the mood, especially when those storm sigils drops like there is no tomorrowā€¦


People using otherā€™s as toyā€™s and disown them when bored for a while.

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Getting phased on the world boss, the storm event and the chest. Gave up after that :rofl:

  • Canā€™t set a date for cross-faction queued content, but itā€™s the next step. However, cross-faction queued content is violating the opt-in mentality that they currently have. They want to move carefully but they are moving in that direction of tearing down barriers.

Like just do it already. The barrier is removed. You already did that.


Ideally Iā€™d like them to rehaul the queue system, itā€™s so ancient and buggy (like how half the dungeins arenā€™t available in the 51-59 range). And when they make a better one they can add a checkbox asking you if you want to be included in cross faction groups.