šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Leaving mythic raz at 1% thus not getting ceā€¦

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Thank you again.
I decide to keep on going, too many happy memories from here to just give that up.
Her partner could not however and decided to close his and her account.
I will have to remember all the nice moments we had from the time we started in TBC till now.
The earliest one being, a quest in Thousand Needles, a leap of faith.
Where you were teleported up one of those spikes and had to jump down.
She was afraid of doing that and I had to convince her that it was okay.
Eventually she did jump and a scream irl while falling down, after the teleport to safety she was like ā€œOh, was that allā€.
I miss her so much.


My trusty physical authenticator finally died on me last night - now have to use this mobile app thing

Trying to get Scimitar of the Sirocco, I gonna need some really good RNG.

Decaying Phlegm. Thatā€™s all.

Iā€™ve been trying to download the pre-release content, since yesterday night.
Itā€™s taking ages to complete. Only 34.89 mb to go and Iā€™m still waiting :rage:
Meanwhile the fans on my Laptop have been spinning like thereā€™s no tomorrow :tired_face:


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Click the download settings and make sure you havenā€™t got it set to limit download speed.

Took about 20 minutes for me and I have rubbish internet, was streaming TV and had the little lad playing minecraft.

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This didnā€™t happened before.
Iā€™m highly suspicious itā€™s my landlord internet configurations. Lately I canā€™t watch certain YouTube videos, because they are labelled as: restricted content.

Either way, thank for the advice :+1:
I finished downloading it a while after, I posted it.


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Thereā€™s one train company I use quite often (Grand Central) whose wi-fi wonā€™t let me access Wow forums calling them restricted content ā€¦ Iā€™ll make no comment on that :joy:


Logging into forums to find 9 posts buried from months ago looks like Bournelock has issues and now trying very hard to get me banned using different accounts and not alts to get around the CoC.


While I agree, I must warn you this is bordeline naming-shamingā€¦ so donā€™t let yourself baited :eyes:
Just put him and alt army on ignore (I know, wonā€™t solve the problem) and write a ticket, hoping the best
You know you are innocent and the low paid inter who ā€œmoderateā€ the forum will not ban youā€¦ thats your revenge

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ā€˜You are in combatā€™ :rage:

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Wanting to play, but feeling like I have nothing to do in game, and not playing with any of my friends cause they are busy doing other stuff that I donā€™t feel like doing ā€“ and my BF is at work.
I just wanna play WoW but IDK what I want to do in WoWā€¦ :wilted_flower:


The lack of gnome paladins, I mean they can be warriors and priests, yet for some odd reason the DEV team seems to think we cannot quite reach the light that is used by paladins.

I want to be small, I want to stand TALL with the light. I SHOULD BE ABLE TO BE A GNOME PALADIN, Matter of fact I donā€™t have a frown on my face IM MALDING.

if some disgusting thing with hoofs and 9 nipples can be a paladin, why canā€™t the GNOMES.

ION fix it. now.

Best description of a draenei everā€¦

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/meh - watching streamer showing about crafted gear- checks bank and it looks like I vendored half my crafted gear - guessing that we need the piece we made to go towards the new one?
ā€¦ going to take forever to get the sparks to re craft let alone the new spark type :flushed:

Trying to kill that centaur Jackass or whatever its name is in centaur land - after multiple attempts(and deaths) i gave up. My AV +8 was easierā€¦

Month 2 of not spending more than the 200 tenders on the scarf and hood sets. I kinda just donā€™t feel super interested in the new stuff. I hope others donā€™t feel the same way.

That being said, with the tenders being a currency that we can save it does mean that when some good things pop up, Iā€™ll be able to buy everything I want to buy

Just playing through the storylines of DF, every other quest was helping some gay couple or the next, seemed forced.


I keep managing to log on just as Siege of Dragonscale Keep has finished :rofl: