šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Hold on now, thought there was only 2 of those at most. Still a bit contrived but also still only a few.

Doing the Veritastraz quest where you sit and look at the view.

I hadnā€™t looked it up, so was sitting there staring at the landscape, finally squinting so hard at it trying to find a hidden dragon or magic-eye effect until my eyes watered.

Oblivious to the the poor dwarf with the bad throat ā€¦ :rofl:

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Trying to invite a horde alt to my alliance guild. I paid to move her to my realm ready for the patch a while ago but trying to follow the MMO instructions (the only place I could find how to do it) is too complicated for my little brain. Seriously ā€¦ having to make a community before I can even start thinking of her. Why canā€™t I do it as I would with any other alt ā€¦


The 10.1 eyesight customization and how it interacts with worgens models. How worgen actually -lost- customization options when it comes to eye colour thanks to 10.1 for a version that is inferior in almost every way. Compare the glowing red/white eye colour option pre 10.1 to what is now available using glowing red eyes and the eyesight button.

Perhaps itā€™s just bugged but super pessimistic about it changing even if it is.

That little waterfall place getting destroyed and it being one of the little areas out in the world I actually liked.

The fact the auto-mod deleted my forum post for seemingly no reason for trying to explain the eye colour thing and my critics on it. Even if itā€™s seemingly unimportant it killed any want I had to get into the 10.1 content today.

Argh ā€¦ itā€™s really not my day today. Iā€™ve discovered that the SP talents have been completely changed. I was having the most fun Iā€™ve had for ages with my SP. And the final nail in the SP coffin is that (unless Iā€™m being blind) Mind Sear has been removed. Our aoe had been crap for so long but the buff to Mind Sear had solved that. And now itā€™s gone.

Seething Slug Mount - easy they said ā€¦ well the 1st 2 are easy and then spent the next hour before time ran out trying to get the 3rd with no success - will leave for another day :flushed:

not being able to tank as a shaman myself while simultaenously questing and killing tanky earth shaman mobs with new spells n stuff :'<

Heritage of the Sinā€™dorei mog quest. No. Never. The worst EVER experience in this game. 50 minutes of awfulness.

The +25% player HP/enemy damage change.

Werenā€™t we supposed to get lvl70 heirlooms both at time walking and regular vendor?

Not sure if this helps

Regular vendor does offer them, but TW one doesnā€™t.

Being unable to progress in the Zskera Vaults on any of my alts due to that pesky Experimental Misstep. I keep getting annihilated by it on my Druid and my Mage even after popping all my offensive and defensive cooldowns because of a combination of its massive health pool, and because it hits like a truck, usually 2 or 3-shotting me.

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People paying no attention to quaking.

Iā€™m seriously considering just ignoring it as well and just murder the groups.

I can do it now without dying, but have to concentrate to produce maximum dps. I do have a slightly higher ilvl now than I did on my original post. Quite a few of the vaultsā€™ mobs are hard but that oneā€™s the worst.

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I guess I could look up a guide or two on WoWhead on how to maximize the DPS on my frost mage to try again. My biggest concern are the hefty repair bills thatā€™ll come after. x_x

The way prices got jacked for the new profession quests that give Barter Bricks.
I farmed the green fish for the first one. The recipe said i could make 2 per craft but it turns out that in reality it was just 1. I fished for this for an hour and was half way cause the prices on the materials for these quests is being gouged atm.
I abandoned the quests and sold the stews i had.

Just not worth it. Devs do something about gougers. I am not gonna pay 5k+ gold for 5 bricks.

On my case itā€™s:
Wanting to play, but feeling like Iā€™m too tired from work, to do it.
I just wanna play WoW but I need to be rested, fed, have most of my house shores done (shopping, cleaning, washing) and finally: being on my day offā€¦

TW is coming to an end and I wish, it would last longer.
25 characters to level up. The levels range between 66 to 68 :frowning_face:


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looks like iā€™ve lost my TL3 :confused:

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Ok, i noticed that heirloom upgrades at tw vendor are available to lvl 70 characters, but not to lvl 64 alts.

Is that intended?