😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

It’s so random, me in the first 4 weeks of the expansion: never fell through. My wife on the other hand: always. And after a while for some reason I experienced it with some days being horrible and others perfect. Didn’t matter what time of day, weekend or not or if the world boss was up.

A really frustrating WQ.


Doing Vent campaign on my rogue which i hate every moment but i will do it for the mog .


getting declined for about 20min for sanguine depths because im no venthyr shaman healer. :sob:


to be fair, the leather set looks really nice imo.


It is im working on that and kyrian on a DH as well leaving necro to last but this rogue is testing me :rofl:

Being declined for a transmog run :smile:

Weekly: do 20 WQ’s.
After doing three of them: “I really don’t enjoy most of these WQ’s”.

Did a lot of them in Legion no problem, not even in BFA but in SL they are just not enjoyable at all. Too little choice because I feel there are too little around and the majority takes too long. Worst part is that I know already that these are here to stay and nothing will be done about it.


Farming for the flower crown, and the funny thing is even though I like the crown, I hate the color.

The drop rate is soo low that a friend who is usually lucky in RNG didn’t get it despite 60+ runs. So I know for a fact I won’t get it with my horrible RNG

Therefore I gave up and continued with my boring covenant quests

I just need one more quest in Bastion but no such luck.

i hate when i do wqs for callings and forget to accept the calling quest and then have none left. something inside me dies a little bit everytime. :joy:


Riding the mushroom ring with all the mobs dead :frowning: every. damn. time.

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BM hunters

I logged in and realized that old dungeon loot tables have 60 items per boss and I’ll never ever get the item that I want.

Convoke the Spirits hit me with 2 starsurges for 14k and 15k :frowning:

reading the interview with ion and seeing him stay as clueless as ever to the problems the game is facing.

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Ion Hazzikostas literally saying “l2p noob” to everyone trying to gear his 190 alt vs 40 k hp boosted animals/rbg “heroes” gatekeeping at <1400 cr.

Only managed 3 M+ runs on my hunter instead of 4 for another option on vault.

Covenants and what they bring, I’m considering at this point just picking a single character to play for the rest of the expansion.

Left an Epic Battleground, logged another character and got put into the same match :weary:

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