šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Still no word on LFR NPC for Shadowlands as far as I can see. :confused:

Itā€™s a shame but I think that is because Shadowlands raids donā€™t have legacy loot rules at the moment.
I missed LFR set on my dk and rogue. Was looking forward for the NPC, but with the current loot rules is near to impossible to get any loot solo. Tried CN normal on my rogue and didnā€™t got any loot running it solo.

So i did the human heritage armor questline. SMALL SPOILER!

So there is this character named cecilia with red hair.
Its the same name and hair color as my sister who passed away not long ago.

What are the oddsā€¦ hit me hard there.


No reward AGAIN for killing Brullo The Strong. Three in a row.

thread got mass flagged and heavily derailed. all because i suggested they include the wastewanders in a more positive way in future expansions. (because they have middle eastern names)

the people here are supposed to be adults between 25-60 but they sure dont act like it. i think im done with the forums. officially.

i wish all my friends a good time, and good luck with your gaming adventures. wish you all the best and a healthy life.

Sorry to hear that happened. I only saw the first bit which seemed ok.

Take care, you too.

Looking like Iā€™ll have to play healer in season 2, keys are a complete joke as a dps or tank. So many healers that struggle to even do above 20k hps in gear thatā€™s more than enough to do a +20 key, wth.

Having to rage-quit Antorus on Mythic since Eonar to this day is seemingly impossible. I watched 3 different guides, pop all my cooldowns but she keeps dying due to her being as tanky as a wet tissue paper, and as a result of all my losses I got hefty repair bill of roughly 700 gold.

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If I recall correctly, the main issue with Eonar on myth is not just the speed, but you have to be careful what you kill and when :thinking:
Since as you kill enemies, you fill an energy bar for Eonar. When that bar hits 100% she does an AoE that clears the room. There is a wind up to this cast, so from the time of full energy to the AoE any additional enemy kills are lost energy. When the cast completes the energy bar is emptied, and anything killed by Eonarā€™s AoE will generate energy.
Thus the trick is to push it to do the AoE right before you go up to the ship, and have that AoE trigger a second AoE while you are up there. This prevents the Eonar death loss. You still have a limited time from the teleport spawn to kill the add, collect all 4 crystals and get out


Another new dumbass world quest - ā€˜Shell Corporationā€™.

Thereā€™s a ton of people doing it, so thereā€™s no chance of ever finding the items you need, also they disappear shortly after you collect them :poop:


Iā€™m sorry that happened. Iā€™ve been away but, from what I saw of the thread before I went, it was the usual suspects who, however many times theyā€™re reported, still seem to come bouncing back with their racist, close-minded and ignorant views.

I hope you donā€™t decide to leave for good but, if you do, good luck with your gaming adventures in the future. /hug.

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Thank you Ananda for the kind message. Unfortunately, when I write a long paragraph essay about something Iā€™m passionate about and hope to see (as a suggestion) and then comes these same people who mass flag it simply because they disagree, itā€™s rather annoying and the worst part really is derailing the thread. They call you a troll, make fun of you because of your achievements, and then call you a Twitter user. All of these are insults and bullying.

And as you mentioned;

This is one of the reasons Iā€™m considering of leaving. Iā€™m just done with this nonsense. I canā€™t even make a thread suggesting something I want to see.

The people who supported my thread are middle eastern themselves. A Saudi guy and a Persian girl were supporting the thread from start to finish, showing that im not the only middle eastern who thinks the Wastewanders can be represented better.

Anyway, Iā€™m glad the thread got restored.

Cheers :smile:

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I saw a shout out of someone complaining in game but didnā€™t realise which quest till I started it - aye, itā€™s painful - fortunately for me being a Hunter switched my beast tracker on to see where the snails were to get it over with.

Hope they improve this one for next time as can imagine people giving it a miss :flushed:

Todayā€™s snail WQ, not well thought out at all.

Am I the only one getting claustrophobia in Zaralek? I get it in real life and have occasionally experienced it in WoW, but in the Cavern I have it all the time. Maybe the roof is lower than in other WoW caves ā€¦ or maybe itā€™s just me.

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Iā€™ve seen others comment about flying in there feeling claustrophobic.

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Not me, crawling through a sewer pipe like in Shawshank Redemption would be my idea of claustrophobic.

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True ā€¦ I had to fast-forward that bit when I was watching it as it made me feel physically ill :face_vomiting:

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No chest drop from Brullo AGAIN, four in a row now :poop:

I couldnā€™t tame the peacock cause I had to be level 68. I died 2 times trying to find its location and when I did itā€™s too high level.

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