😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

How they can make a boss like Warlord Sargha and think it’s fine. That boss needs to be seriously nerfed into the ground. This will be a do one key of it and never do it again. Legit worse than launch raging tempest. Who even comes up with the idea “LET’S MAKE THE DEBUFF A CURSE EFFECT SO THAT IF YOU DON’T HAVE SOMEONE DISPELLING IT YOU’RE SCREWED”? Make it a god damn magic effect so all healers can dispel it. That curse single-handedly did the most damage out of everything in the instance. A debuff that exists only on the last boss.

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Treasure piles are for that?

I had an emergency and had to quit a solo shuffle match right after we won the first round :slightly_frowning_face:
Kinda feel bad as that might have just ruined someone’s day after queueing for like 15 minutes.


The piles adds the curse to anyone that picks it up and it stacks. They don’t dispel it.

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There are several different abilities from piles. Only done +2 so i haven’t used all, so idk which exactly is for what.

None dispels.

They’re all for breaking the shield. They all give the one picking it up a curse effect and it stacks.

Like, bro. Make it dispellable for all healers. It’s absurd that I can’t dispel it as a priest and just have to be like “WELL, THIS IS SOMETHING A SHAMAN OR DRUID COULD DISPEL, MAYBE I SHOULD REROLL”.


‘Ground mounts are not allowed here’.

I have returned to the forums…

…with a fresh account.

Dying a lot in Caldera Death Central attempting to do WQs. If I wanted to do floor inspection I would have opted for pvp instead, at least it’s cheaper ! :rofl:

Neltharus last boss items not being instant is probably the stupidest design ever

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That quest ‘Lucky Ducky’ in ZC, the npc phasing out when I tried to hand it in.

That quest ‘Snail Mail’ in ZC. Got tagged by a seemingly neutral mob just outside Loamm, it just would not lose aggro, I would have died if I had not jumped off the snail.

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The people on the US forum having a meltdown over draenei warlocks.

The amount of people that are basically throwing due to being bad. It’s amazing how they don’t realize they’re screwing things up.

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I’m an idiot! I finished the Snail Mail quest yesterday, but I failed to notice it is a daily quest, so I simply logged of in Loamm thinking I could turn it in today… guess not!
:skull: :skull: :skull:

That’s a DAILY?!
I hated that quest… for MANY reasons.

Also realised, if you put up a “Flag”-icon (Marker thing), it dismounts you.
So yeah… don’t do that I guess?
Also, mobs can - and probably will - harass you until you die or have to dismount and hence restart, if you are unlucky ( and I am unlucky, a lot )… so get a bodyguard to help (had BF with me yesterday).

So my bad thing today is realising it’s a DAILY… ?!!.. hope it gives nothing good/cool/cute if done X times…

It’s a daily but it is on a rotation. It doesn’t show up everyday.



Brullo dropped zilch again, about time they fixed this.

Wasting roughly 35k gold on heirloom upgrades for one of my alts (my Evoker to be exact), to remember at the last second that Evokers use Mail armor, not Leather armor. :smiling_face_with_tear: