šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

I got one from 1.6k cr in SS. Itā€™s one per character?

As far as Iā€™m aware, yes.

Each one of my soloshuffle lobbies, they test my patience so much. I would be considered a prophet with such patience if I were to live during times of Jesus

Sad. Thanks for the clarification, I was about to open a ticket but I guess is not worth it.

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So, hereā€™s lilā€™ olā€™ Havi trying to get at least some score from every different dungeon - sounds great right?

This is how my key has gone

Vortex Pinnacle
Halls of Infusion
Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Vortex Pinnacle
Halls of Infusion
Vortex Pinnacle

My key has decided that ā€˜ā€˜Vortex Pinnacleā€™ā€™ is the pinnacle of M+, and I should do it more.


Still no word on LFR NPC for Shadowlands afaik. :frowning:

I realized that since Iā€™m gonna play augvoker I need to farm some DPS Azerite essences for timewalking as I hardly have any of those because I was mostly focused on getting healer essences on my evoker.

Evokers can use the Heart of Azeroth?


Yes, but only for essences and the legendary cloak (for timewalking mainly), they donā€™t have any rings on Azerite gear so thatā€™s useless for them.

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Yeah - the gear thing is kinda why I assumed they couldnt use the Heart at all, but that makes sense.

I got destroyed in a Freehold 19 :joy:
Guess I have to run it more so I return to play my DK decently again.


Vp and BH 20 hurting this much

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Struggling to find the right race for my shaman, that I plan to main, after carefully narrowing down my class choice for the past 3 months. :sweat_smile: I have spend 2 weeks now making trial characterā€™s, and canā€™t really connect to any of the races.

Dunno if itā€™s important to you - but have you tried checking each race out in different transmogs? Thatā€™s usually what helps me decide.


Thats easy!
We have a cutest totems!


Yeah butā€¦ youā€™d be a vulpera. :thinking:


Stacked benefits!


Goblin > Gnome >>>>>>>> Turds >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vulpera

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Said the human, the most boring and bland race in a fantasyā€¦
I will rest my case
Anyhow, back on topic, what buckethead said is true
Try the mogs and animation and totems out to see what do you like the best

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Standing on top of a very tall tower last night, clicking my dragon then, without checking heā€™d arrived, walking over the edge of the tower. Watching myself fall and realising there was absolutely nothing I could do. And dreading the repair bill. (This was on my evoker, not Ananda, so no chance to hit levitate) ā€¦ it was a very long way down and I was very dead after a big thump at the bottom.