😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

You can press the space bar twice and float even in visage form!!

Too late for the info now but for next time you now have that knowledge :wink:


Thank you, I didn’t know that … if only I’d known last night.
I bet the friend I was playing with knew and thought it hilarious to keep his mouth shut :sob:


Yes all of them. :sweat_smile: So far I’m learning towards Maghar Orc. I considered Draenei since they look great in armor, but have a hard time with their race fantasy, since they are too “high tech, devoted to the light”.

Yeah love the new totems, especially the Maghar, Vulpera, and Kultiran ones. :slight_smile: I have tried giving Vulpera a go, but I always end up not really feeling it after a week or so. Which is too bad since I really like the race.

I think at this point I have just been overthinking it so much, that I give myself a headache just thinking the word “shaman”. :rofl:

This is why we need Broken Draenei, gosh darnit.

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Yup that would absolutely be an amazing addition. :pinched_fingers:

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I mean, just look at this adorable creature that is female broken.


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She’s so adorable I wanna die! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

I also love the tentacleese hair.

Growing exhausted of all the people constantly generalising and exaggerating about how the WoW community is super toxic, “rancid” and “a cesspool of degenerates”. Especially if they’re doing it to simp for the other game they’ve been playing for two weeks.
I’d take the occasional name calling in chat 100 times over this obsessive dishonesty.
You’re the toxic ones to me. :angry:

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To be fair I was not referring to the forums: I’ve had some big disagreements here, but I hold zero grudges. I agree though, people are people. Put millions in an online environment, you’re bound to have both negative and positive interactions.
What irks me is dishonesty, the intentional misrepresentation of our community. Taking two people who acted poorly as an example of toxicity, while they completely ignore the hundreds of positive or harmless encounters they had.
Or the dishonesty about the episodes themselves, when “they kicked me for my dps” doesn’t mention the 6-7 wipes that preceeded the kick.

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We are entering the 3rd week of season 2 and the 1700-1800 bracket in ranked Solo Shuffle is still filled with Gladiators. I hope this season isn’t going to be hyper deflated otherwise I can kiss the 2100 enchant goodbye.

The new requirements for the last chapter’s story. I’d rather uninstall than submit myself to raid pugging. To prevent comments on that, I can, I choose not to. Other people don’t have that choice.

I did.

It’s more insulting that they’ll make people wait a month for one story chapter to be available properly than the way it was locked itself. At least unlock LFR the first week if you’re doing that.

I don’t care that much but lore nerds are not gonna have a fun time if they don’t like raiding.


Wait what - is the last chapter in this current storyline going to be in a raid? :rage:

The fact that currencies on bags and upgrade systems no longer update. So after getting 5/8 upraded you no longer know how many Flightstones is left in the pot (Same for the rest of currencies).

Locked behind Sarkareth until 20th of june, which is the week Sarkareth LFR is out ^^"

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Ok, Googled and saw this

And picking up on - “… or, for those who do not raid, the last chapter will open to you the same week as the final Raid Finder wing opens”

Does the above mean we go into an LFR raid to complete or will there be an alternative for us…or as you were saying is non Raiders have to wait till 20th and it auto completes? :thinking:

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You either raid or wait till 20th of june.

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Hehe ok 20th June it is :+1:


I could not get more drake stones I killed 7 rares before I realized I did not get any :frowning:

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Honestly i just won’t do it at all, maybe that one person less in their MAU metrics might make a change :dracthyr_shrug: