šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Totally get where you are coming from, I will reassess nearer the time. I was miffed when the last campaign made us pop into a dungeonā€¦ would be fab if they offer a few options to cater to gameplay style to complete the same piece on certain quest topics (pvp, raid, dungeon, open world etc)


After playing rogue in season one, I noticed that thereā€™s a whole lot of rogues that donā€™t use their toolkit.
One of the most fun things to do as rogue is using your utility so you donā€™t have to deal with mechanics or aggroā€¦

I donā€™t understand why these people donā€™t have use stuns or defensive or, at least, sap.


Just died on my HC retail toonā€¦
Scaling be whack and mobs addedā€¦ Imma go cry nowā€¦ I had just bought and afforded epic flight tooā€¦
:dracthyr_cry_animated: :dracthyr_cry_animated: :dracthyr_cry_animated:

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But why would you consider waiting 10 minutes to play the game good design? Never seen this in any non-mmo/mobile game

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Same topic being started over and over

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Tanks pulling packs one by one when thereā€™s DPS in the group that can absolutely annihilate the dungeon.

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Blue Dragonflight quest line wasnā€™t instanced and a nightmare to see anything with all the overcrowding. Worse when people tried to block NPCs with mega mounts/toys etc.


Demonology changes on PTR is, to put it mildly, Not good.
They are so bad that Iā€™m scared to look into warlock section on this forum, I bet itā€™s a felscape of pure hatred.
If this changes will get to live in current form i guess iā€™m switching to affli

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Just experienced this :rage:
ā€¦ started Googling the name of the NPC for the quest to target and fortunately when came back to the screen could see it, for me it was full of Alliance all piled up on their mounts /meh!

no tier piece on any vault on any character , dont realy like raiding in general and need to wait still longer till the catalyst opens

Having 30% inspiration but had to recraft 10 times to proc at right ilvl

Having to farm Wyrm Shadowflame Crest Fragments. Spending the first day of the week in lower keys than Iā€™d like to get a currency.

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Alt that did 1 key: tier item in vault.

Alt that did a bunch of 15s and became the wyrm-crest botch for the guild: tier item in vault.

Main that slogged through 19s and 18s and such: utter rubbish. Picked a 441 neck thatā€™s only an upgrade for ~3 weeks until I can re-craft my lariat. Felt bad.

I sympathise, but at the same time; I donā€™t want highly skilled players to disappear off into high keys like they did in S1. This seems engineered to give them a reason to interact with the midrange crowd, and support those 11-15 keys. On the whole, it is sacrificing the top 10% on the altar of the 90%.

Which is kind of the exact opposite of what weā€™re used to, but I respect the intent!

I donā€™t think they thought it through. Part of the notes when it was on the PTR was to remove the need for players to farm +2s. Theyā€™ve recognised that theyā€™ve just shifted the farm but donā€™t know how to solve the problem atm.

Making the currency drop from higher keys as well would be a solution. Or maybe letting us trade multiple lower crests in for a higher one.

Iā€™m sure itā€™s great for those getting carried through their 11-15+ keys, but I will be so glad when I no longer have to spend time doing so many dungeons before I can upgrade gear.

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I legit donā€™t think itā€™s a problem, but maybe thatā€™s just me.

S1 was disheartening to me because as soon as a player became capable of 20+ keys, they vanished off into the distance and never spoke to the people doing 16-19 keys again. It felt isolating and left a real air of failure hanging over those who hadnā€™t got there.

Now there is some reason for those top players to occasionally hang out in lower keys; and I spent several hours last weekend happily downgrading an altā€™s keys to 15s because that was as high as I was comfortable, and as low as they wanted to go. We found a meeting point and I talked to people Iā€™ve hardly managed to talk to for months. Had a couple of really enjoyable days and Iā€™m happy that it seems designed this way.

It wonā€™t last forever; 2-3 more weeks of wyrm crest grind and there will be no way to spend them, thanks to the discount system. Iā€™m enjoying it while it lasts, and just maybe if RNG smiles on me and I get some frikking upgrades I can be scraping 20s by the time the 20+ crowd are no longer willing to go below a 20 for any reason. I was bouncing between 18s and 19s last week; I donā€™t like tyrannical, but Iā€™m optimistic for next week letting me into 20s.

Time will tell :smile_cat:

If you enjoy having to do low keys then thatā€™s great but to me itā€™s just one big boring chore. Something I have to do because I canā€™t get the crests from the content I do do.

I donā€™t care that players are getting boosted, I care that my time is being wasted when I could be doing fun things.

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Again, I do sympathise; but in this case the loss for you is a win for me I guess.

I struggled with S1 because I felt compelled to be pugging that awful 16-19 range where a lot of people have gone beyond their competence range and a lot of them would just fall apart.

Itā€™s not that I enjoy low keys necessarily, but I do like that on the occasions I pug I can just do 11s and itā€™s not dead time - and I have a 99% chance of success because I can carry a group at that level just by using a kick and some CC at the right moments. I can do higher keys when I have an organised group of guildies and friends, and I really enjoy that too.

Basically I find fun in activities that contribute to my overall progression and donā€™t get stuck and abandoned half way, and the current system means that thereā€™s a lot less abandonment :sweat_smile:

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One downside is the people that actually need the keys have a harder time getting in the groups when they are filled with higher key players. If given a choice most will take the higher score players.

On the upside if itā€™s your key, itā€™s very easy to fill your group with higher score players.

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Thatā€™s how Iā€™m getting my +14ā€™s done, totally pog.

Chunkiboi here I come!

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Playing as surv hunter. Prayed for 2h weapon from hc Rashok.
I choose the raid very carefully to have a better chance to have it. Yeah i pug it cause have no other choices.Today i had just 1 rival an raid for it. Monk named Exother from Ragnaros. Moreover he already had both 1h 441ilvl. And its dropped. It was not just noobish downgrade. He just needed it for fun or transmog CAUSE HE CAN .And won.Cause its super rare. And ofcourse he ignored me =)
I really doubt about next subscription.