šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Now thatā€™s a massive :poop: move.

These are my feelings regarding the whole annoying Diablo 4 event currently.

Saw the greedy emisary was up in SW, as soon as I got close, screen froze. By the time I could move, it was all over. This happens every time there is something new and lots of people attend. Very boring.

It mainly happens in Stormwind, tbh.

Probably due to Horde people showing up, and not just 10 - try like 50+ of 'em, on top of it being a BIG city + alliance. Outside SW itā€™s not as bad tbh.

Yeah the lag is insane when heā€™s there. I presume SW is worse because itā€™s people of all levels rather than those limited to Dragonflight zones.

That new affix.

Pretty much everything about WoW today makes me frown. Thereā€™s nothing worthwhile to do in Zaralek Caverns, and Iā€™m not gonnaā€™ endlessly grind the same WQs.


VP 21 being this hard.

Iā€™m legit using it inside the AH right now.

First Goblin kill of the day and gold again.

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Soā€¦ took note of what Havi said about the Goblin and cities and went to Azure Span for 12.30 today. Same as yesterday, screen froze and I missed it again. Makes me frown because I only do world content on my own, and I canā€™t even do this. To top it people were dropping turnips and stuff like they did at feast.

I swapped from tank to dps this seasson. And boy is it hard to find a group.

I knew itā€™s going to be hard but basically, if it is not your key, I can spend half a day applying for keys.

I may be not the top dog, but 1700 rating and not beeing able to get into 11 dungeons is over the top.

Fact that drop rates are so low, and you can run one dungeon 40 times without seeing a single drop and get 50g makes me start to reconsider is I should not quit my subscription until seasson 3 and go back to tank then.

Still not being able to decide on warlock/mage/rogue race.

There seem to be fewer people in the early morning - also, Iā€™m not sure if this works, but if you could get just one instant spell on him before freezing, you should still get loot if your screen unfreezes quickly enough.

thanks but with all the dragons grouped around the portal i could not get a tag on him. next week half term in uk will be a nightmare

I got to renown 14 with the Loamm Niffen and was able to buy L415 feet from the quartermaster. Then I realised that to upgrade beyond 4/8 requires Wyrmā€™s Shadowflame Crest. Iā€™ve never done a M+ or a heroic raid EVER and donā€™t wish to.

The negatives about this game are beginning to rapidly increase.

Well I didnā€™t know that so thanks. Iā€™m off to watch Netflix anyway, had enough.

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I use tab to tag him.
Monday will probably be busy as itā€™s a bank holiday, but I doubt there are that many school age people playing WoW nowadays so half term shouldnā€™t be too much of a problem ā€¦ other than any teachers who play :slight_smile:

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I have traded 4.5m to a guy wrongly and he went offline. GMā€™s couldnā€™t help me to get it back as well. Diablo 4 gold vanished in to void.

These botsā€¦ me and BF have reported them lots nowā€¦ :confused: