šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

What? Why? Thatā€™s awful and Iā€™m so sorry. Iā€™ve never even possessed that much gold in my life.
Was there any discussion in the official Blizzard ingame chat? If not, Iā€™m afraid the GM was right because thereā€™s no way they can prove why it was traded.

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If the incorporeals are closeā€¦ it works.

But like, I was just in neltharus and at last boss, it spawned on top of a treasure mountain on one of the sides. :thinking:

Not to mention when they spawn inside other mobs which overrides hunter trap.

Any decent player will auto mail it back to you. I did something similar a long time ago but with a mount and the player ignored my messages, so I contacted his Guild Master and explained the situation - it was returned shortly afterwards.

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Spent the entire last two weeks with nothing really gripping my interest, but the weekend that I go home to spend time with the family in the homeland, suddenly thereā€™s stuff to do.

Aw well, it can wait!

Warlocks! :tired_face: :roll_eyes:

Target macro maybe?

Actually a Guild Master is a good idea if the playerā€™s in a ā€˜properā€™ guild ā€¦ I had to do that once and said something about it not being good for the guildā€™s reputation and it was all sorted out with apologies. Though I have a feeling it may be a boosting thing and they wonā€™t care.

RL friend was going to get Diablo 4, instead of sending gift I told him to buy with his own with the gold. Ibuprofen, having fever and a little bit rush ended up trading to the guy next of him. Sucks.

When Ibuprofen hits too hardā€¦

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Pug community getting worse and worse every patch.
Iā€™m trying to get into a 16 in my rogue and Iā€™m getting declined to every single dungeon even if I already have it timed at 16.

People are so focus on overall score rather than looking at the key timed.

I understand being picky in 20s but a 16? 15? 14? Holy moly.

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Itā€™s far worse if you are a returning player to the game. Score matters a lot for pugs. Itā€™s like CV for them, no score no invite :frowning:

Not even. This rogue was 3.2k last season and apparently I canā€™t play the class in a 14 this season :joy:

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So itā€™s getting worse :smiley:

Blizzard not giving support for 188 days ignoring game breaking bug for a whole year.

And what ā€˜ā€˜gamebreakingā€™ā€™ bug would that be?

Cuz if it was gamebreaking, Iā€™m sure it wouldā€™ve been fixed.

Iā€™m guessing this Day 188 of asking for support

As for me, the utter frustration of trying to invite my horde main into my alliance guild. I paid to transfer her from my horde realm and have read various sets of instructions but they all seem to presume I know about communities which I donā€™t. So much messing around and time-wasting to be able to use the new function.
I have no problem with inviting my alliance alts to my alliance guild though itā€™s frustratingly long and annoying ā€¦ but my horde? Iā€™m at the giving up stage.


To invite people of the opposite faction to your guild they need to either be in a community with each other, that wouldnā€™t affect you itā€™s your account. Or they need to be on your bnet. Also shouldnā€™t affect you.

I guess you need a friend in the guild to invite your alt in who is on your bnet. Itā€™s a bit of a pain. I have a mix of horde and ally in my bank guild but itā€™s also got some friends in there.

I hate Halls of Infusion with such a passion, I NEVER wish to enter it ever again. It always ends like crabs and I clearly cant get that effing dungeon cleared.

Not to speak of what I wish to do with leavers necks.

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Despite being an evangelist for the new gear upgrade system, I have unfortunately had to conclude that it wrecks pugs if the timer isnā€™t going to be met.

It seems so nice that that 2500 rated ret paladin is happy to join your 16 because he just wants easy aspect crests - but then he leaves after the 2nd boss because youā€™re not going to time it and screw the other 4 people who may just have wanted to finish. Guess his time is too precious to ā€œwasteā€ 15 more minutes.

And yes, this has happened to me repeatedly today.

But then, this is why I tend to title my own pug groups ā€œno ragersā€ and similar. Maybe people just gotta get more used to setting expectations up front.