šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Yeah, my +14 HoI got screwed over because the priest died and then didnt release for 5 minutes (dont know if he expected a ress, despite everyone else having just ran thereā€¦), and then he started to throw out racist remarks against the ā€˜ā€˜Russiansā€™ā€™ in our group (Dont know if they were actually russians - they had Cyrillic letters).

Timer ran out, but we still tried boss twice, then everyone left. I reported the priest for his stupid remarks, though. And Iā€™m never having him in my team ever again.

People should just learn to bloody chill out. If I actually said the things I felt everytime I got annoyed/angry Iā€™d get a straight up 30 day ban every damn time.

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That dumb, stupid ā€˜Treasureā€™ goblin, 9 consecutive kills for nothing, Iā€™m finished with it.

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These people usually repost all their pubic orders every week on the same character.
You can ignore X character orders by selecting ā€œIgnoreā€ in ā€œOrder placed byā€.

I donā€™t agree with the use of the word scam, simply because all the info is available for you to choose not to do the order.

However, there is some clown on AD putting orders up for 1g with no mats provided :sweat_smile: Iā€™m kind of tempted to make one of his drake manuscripts and send him a note with it asking him to please check the cost of the mats on the AH if he wants the others fulfilled.

Crest farm runs that are massive struggles because the key owner doesnā€™t plan comps or check scoresā€¦

I agree there are lots of clown orders, I ignore them all

The supposed removal of water elementals from frost spec
and the removal of the observer from warlocks because silhouettes is hard to learn for the average pvp brain apparently.

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Honestly - I quite like this, as I always hated the water elemental after they removed the glyph that made it follow you while still casting. They could make it a damage CD, but I hated having the pet.

Not sure whether to put this in smile or frown, but I think frown just wins.
I now have all the goblin drops but one (the banner). I was playing with a friend last night when he found a goblin at the top of a cliff, didnā€™t tell me because he hadnā€™t seen one before and didnā€™t know what it was, I discovered where it was (up a cliff above where I was standing). I had no vigor, then he killed it while I was still sitting at the bottom. I could have put up with that ā€¦ but the banner dropped for him. It was so not fair!!!

Oh and a PS - I had the polearm finally drop a couple of days ago. Discovered it was an actual polearm and not a transmog. Went to send it to my druid ā€¦ and itā€™s soulbound. On a priest. How daft can you get :sob:

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I rarely used it, but that is because pets get in my way more often than not
still if I heard correctly its now a temp summon, so its not all gone I guess?

Water Elemental, was originally, a DPS cooldown in TBC (iirc), that then was made into a permanent pet for Frost spec. In WoD or Legion there was a talent added that increased some of your abilities damage by trading away the water elemental pet, and now it seems theyā€™re gonna remove it completely.

Blizzard still hiding behind wall pointing fingers at AMD or Microsoft when the issue is caused by them self.

When you forget about the trading post and do all the stuff the day before that would count - have to do all again on an alt :flushed:

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Trying to copy my live character onto the PTR realms and it wonā€™t load the list of characters for me to copyā€¦ very frustrating when you just want to test the new stuff!

Getting tagged for pvp while attacking treasure goblin.

Iā€™m guessing itā€™s opposite faction toy training dummy making it happen.

Rares refusing to drop the drakerider manuscripts I wanted. :unamused:

What the heck am I wearing?
ā€¦ my avatar has no colour coordination! - blue/white checks and green and black :flushed::flushed::flushed:

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Learning to tank mythics a bit because the last 2 weeks havenā€™t been kind to warriors. :sweat_smile: Anyway, had to leave a group because not one person would move to the summon stone even after being asked + waiting around for quite a while, it was faster to just join a new group. Tank privilege!

Also, Tyraelā€™s Charger mount still wonā€™t drop for me. :frowning:

Our group seems to struggle to get a key to turn into a 20 UR

The realisation that after many years of dedication that I am at best a B tier player.

I am slightly above average. Thatā€™s it. Compared to the folks I want to hang out with I kind of suck.

And realising I do not know how to be better.