😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Yes you did. Also I feel bad for you and hope you get a new one soon.

Dragon Racing makes me feel so sick


1 more week then catalyst opens up and I can actually start playing. Taken way too long to.open it.

The absolute hell-hole that is the Suffusion Camp on a small group of realms. Too many mobs, too much fire, not enough others to kill rares. Endless deaths, hundreds of gold repairs and the final awfulness, trying to bring down drakes with whirling surge and continually missing them altogether. At least it’s done for another week :slight_smile:


To be honest, takes time and practice.
You might be used to do things in a certain way because you have been running low keys for a while.

Unless you’re running with MDI players you might be able to improve if you have an open mind and think about the things you could have done better.
Some times helps to record your keys and then rewatching so you can analyze what you did wrong, how it happened, if there was an overlap and what you could have used, etc.

Any point listing in the group finder?

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That’s probably a good idea if people list it in group finder. I use it for other open world stuff but didn’t think about it for Suffusion Camp …

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Motion sickness?

Yeah, and the races are the worst due to the nature of the way you have to fly speedy. I can’t just slow glide my way around, or fly with the map open so I don’t have to look at it :rofl:

I feel sorry for you. Sadly I can’t relate to this problem because I never had motion sickness. I also don’t feel funny when riding a rollercoaster.

So yeah… I am in that regards mostly unaffected.

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I get travel sick as well. Some games are fine and things like regular flying don’t affect me, but dragon riding does.

Funnily enough Minecraft is also awful. I had to give up playing that in the end.

It’s nice so many enjoy dragon riding and I have nothing against it being expanded in other areas of the game. I just want my slow flap and mount collection :slight_smile:

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I fricking hate underrot, so much barely visible sources of damage, mob mechanics “ignore tank and go get this filthy range caster”, and last boss is lame “dodge things and find special cockroach in the swarm of a not-so-special cockroaches”, I can’t even show off my PI burst single target damage this boss is just laaaaame


Odyn’s Fury hitting like a wet noodle; being that one ability that when I use because of old memories of glory. Now only to have it spit at me when I use it, whispering into my ear: “You just lost DPS pushing me and not taking another build, you are trolling your group and friends. You are a bad person for doing so…”

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People being ilvl 437 and pulling 20k dps.


Just how.

Everyone that plays with these people need to just start leaving their keys instead of boosting them for no payment.

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I lost 150 cr in SS cause of a stupid DC and couldn’t log on before my character left the arena. Fix your game Blizzard

I got a whisper from a horde player in Zaralekk upon killing him 7 times on my rogue alt.

“don’t kill please” so I stopped killing him, made me frown.

joke, I got bored of killing him but frown was real for a second.

Well, few things happenend to me in these past 2 days. Something like:

  1. Got a mount drop from a goblin and had a propose to sell it for 1mill gold, I said no…
    But then I saw I got 4 days of gametime left and I have no money to buy gametime,
    my brain poped ofc… Could have bought a token and get gametime.
  2. In the first 24 hours of playing Rated Solo Shuffle, I reached 1300 rating. Doing side
    pvp to collect as much conquest as I can. Soo In the next day I droped down for 300
    rating and also saw there is a conquest cap on 3550 per week. That’s funny, can’t buy
    any of those now, cuz im out of money for gametime and out of conquest to collect!
  3. And for some reason, I think this game hates me like most other games… Anything I
    want I can’t get it. Something is allways sabotaging me in my conquest of games! Im
    just not fated!

Thank you, with regards “Not fated” :stuck_out_tongue:

1st kill of the day on loot goblin

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Getting drunk ingame made me disconnect while flying/swimming every few seconds. It was so bad I had to drink a few Cups of Kafa my character had.