😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

I had to use slice and dice. It happens quite a lot to be honest, it shouldn’t be this way, a boring maintenance buff should not exist as part of any rotation.

Oh boy yes, what a no-go fiasco this has turned into.

Around 8 players there tonight, I was with my buddy on our L405 gear alts and we were massacred by Kretchenwrath. One-shot for over 400k?? What the hell is that?

Could not get the boss down and he eventually despawned. Over an hour wasted for zero reward. Is this the way to encourage players?

On THAT’S how you do it!

I’ve been ignoring that quest…

Another day i will wait for my new RAF Goblin Rocket mount :frowning:

Even on reset there is no one killing rares any more :frowning:


I don’t know if I want to main rogue or dk.
It’s kind of annoying to my play-style because I tend to focus on one character only (mostly because of mog and rep farms) and I feel like I can’t keep up with two even if this expansion is alt friendly for the most part.

I had to resort to Wowhead in the end as trying to shoot them from the ground wasn’t working (and was never meant to work). But yes, I find it really hard as with all 3D situations as you have to fly through them with whirling surge on at the right moment, at the right height etc. Good luck!


… am I missing something… did the latest campaign today and it shows that I am 9/10… but there were only 9 in the list and they all have ticks against them … so what is this 10th one? :thinking:

Having to save Baine in the Maw during SL start zone…

…Can’t we just leave that useless piece of trash where he belongs?

The opposition in Comp Stomp seems to have learnt how to fight properly :sob: You’ll still win, but you may die occasionally

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Just hit the character cap on my account. :weary:

Need more slots.

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Levelling a non pala alt

Killing the world bosses in Zaralek Cavern for the umpteenth time and getting nada for it. Not once so far.


Silly me, I thought The Winds of Sanctuary was some new content


She has my

Not something I could wield on pala

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Ahh, ok. Hope she’s a priest.

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Druid I’m afraid xD

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Druid’s ok. Mine is my only high level non-priest alt.

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This was 60 so but once I found out about the XP event I waited and did it yesterday and today. Capped now and doing the blue dragonflight quests again.