😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

I did Taracgosa’s Visage questline. I had the mount with my priest but I can’t use it with my other characters. Also I wish we had dragonriding available with it.

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I’m doing it purely for mount count.

I know I can never use it on my main.

Thats it problem now - its useless, you are seriously better off copy/pasting a build from Wowhead or IcyVeins. As a warrior meself, i had to do the same. I still haven’t improved a lot but dps has gone up

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Them not letting us just destroy someone that drags mobs to you.

They should enable FFA PvP for them, forcefully. We should be allowed to just murder them for it.

Some players should swallow their pride and play holy instead of disco.

Saw Rashok’s trinket drop for the first time ever.

Rolled 24 and didn’t get it :pensive:

Another thing that pro healers consider almost-mandatory, tucked behind a low drop rate. Sure, my raid group will surely see one drop for each healer by the end of the season, but it would be nice to to rely on the long timescales.

I’m on with the Taracgosa’s Visage questline atm. Did you do it during Cata? It must have been amazingly difficult in those days.

Nah I played a pala back then. A friend helped me get the fangs and the tarecgosa leges on a couple of eligible alts. We didn’t even meet until WoD so definitely didn’t do it while it was current :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I did it solo during WoD and it was hard, but a great achievement 
 though I’m helping a friend do it at the moment and it seems relatively far harder despite our being a much higher level.

Looks like we did it during Legion :slight_smile:

My connection giving out on me today while in the middle of a pug. I really hope the group didn’t think I was leeching or going afk when my ISP decided to go out on me for a while.

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The authenticator being added to the battle.net app. Good for those with smart phones, who use it.
But again, no smart phone, no official authenticator. Unless you already bought one and it still works.

Again, a nice official desktop authenticator would be nice.

It’s amazing how long the physical authenticator has lasted. I bought one way back and it’s still working to this day.

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Going to tank random timewalking dungeons and being reminded that a tank isn’t allowed to pull, to pace, to control their own movement or do anything at their pace because dps and healers are gonna bm you, use movement abilities and charge off and pull. If they die it’s your fault, if you die, you’re bad. Literally saw new players getting treated the same in dragonflight normals to the point they just stopped playing this week.


LFR loot still not being from a chest after the last boss.

Been here an hour, only 2 bosses done because tanks left after each one.

Fed up of this crap now, going to bed.

This is exactly why you don’t queue as tank for timewalking. I’d rather spend 15-20 min in a queue for each dungeon than endure that.

True - i bought one when Cata was released and it only packed in about 2 months ago

Maybe not frown but it left me scratching my head in amused confusion.
Got in a Vortex +5 listed as “completion”.
The key owner (healer) was struggling quite a lot, but nobody said a word.
We wipe, all good, no blame, no nothing, we release and go again.
The healer goes offline.

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I have done no leaver keys and the keyholder leaves :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Last reset, I had 4-5 Keys downgraded because people ‘‘DC’d’’. People were, for whatever reason, fake DCing and didnt return. Why? If you don’t have time to finish a M+ (and we’re talking first or second boss in Freehold here), why are you even joining?