šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

the drop chance of the item starting the quest for the evoker legendary weapon

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Taking tokens from the vault for the 2nd week in a row :pensive:

Please, game. I made 6 slots of hero-track or higher items, and you didnā€™t manage to have even one of them be good? I feel like youā€™re not trying here.

If you dont need the Catalyst charges, you know you can catalyst non-tier items right? They have their own stats, in case the stuff you got had bad ones.

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Should I choose the ring, the ring or the ring :rofl:


I donā€™t know much about the vault as I donā€™t do the content that would get me anything ā€¦ but does that mean you get something the same iLvl for 1 M+ dungeon as you do for 8?

You get 3 pieces to choose from if you do 8.And the Ilvl depends on the level (+)of the dungeons you did.


If you did them all on the same keystone level then yes. Doing 8 dungeons just gives more possible items to choose from. Bottom line is you can only choose 1 item from a max possible of 9 slots (3 for raiding, 3 for m+ and 3 for rated PvP).

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One ring to rule them allā€¦


I managed to not notice the forums swapping me to my Classic Wrath char for half a day.


So sad :sleepy:
ā€¦ itā€™s only Thursday and noticed both yesterday and today is totally dead regarding Suffusion camp and Researchers under fire ā€¦

I used to notice that it would get quieter later on in the week after reset but this is right after the reset :flushed:ā€¦ hopefully Saturday may have some activity to get these weekly quests doneā€¦

Look in the group finder.

Itā€™s plenty active on other realms.

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Oh! Didnā€™t think to do that /doh! - thank you :+1:

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Green crowns.

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Strange- i had no issue with the Researcher quest at 10pm last night. Had to wait about 15 minutes for enough people to turn up, but far from dead. This was just randoms turning up, no LFG involved

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Researcher is ok this week as itā€™s part of the weekly quest. Suffusion camp was awful. Early evening on reset day there were about 3 of us. We did pretty well and I got the quests done, but there was no way we could kill Fyrakkā€™s disciple and nothing in the group finder.


I just discovered that Transmogs & MOunts, including those rare RAF and other time gated things that have since been removed, are Bnet Account Wideā€¦ but only within a region T-T
Iā€™ve been playing on both EU and US, and just found all my stuff from EU1 on EU2, but none of them on US1.
I know that while there are technical issues that limit it, the real kickers arenā€™t about transfering confirmation. but theyā€™re issues with Asia and Oceanic servers having different item licences, and as a result that puts a brick wall between EU and US

3 groups Iā€™ve joined as tank today to farm crests and the leaders keeps declining healers that are more than able to do the keys. Then they go ā€œwhere healers?ā€. Like, seriously.

Recently I found out I have a wrist that cannot be turned into tier mog set because it comes from zaralek WQ.

It must be upgradable to atleast 427 and cannot be higher than 437 for the set iā€™m almost done withā€¦

The game has given me 3 gloves, 2 guns and 2 additional of those highly sought trinkets from freehold instead of the wrist. I guess atleast 2 ppl got happy for the trinket tho.

This started as an ā€œitā€™s impossible to pug heroic raid if you donā€™t already have curveā€ annoyance, then turned into a ā€œyay, someone actually trusted me without curve, and we 1-shotted Zskarn and Magmorax with me as top healing doneā€, but then ended as ā€œwe wiped on Echo at 8% and 17 people left the raidā€.

ā€¦I donā€™t understand.

8% wipes are not a ā€œreee this group is fail nobody is any good itā€™s IMPOSSIBRU! (and also Iā€™m going to tell them how rubbish they are and that they need to quit the game)ā€ situation.

8% wipes are ā€œtry again, itā€™ll die in 1-2 more pullsā€.

Donā€™t get me wrong, there are times when a group has clearly peaked, maybe itā€™s taken on too many people without good gear, maybe they donā€™t actually know their spec or the encounter very well. Those groups can be freely left and youā€™re not missing anything. But donā€™t bail on the close wipes where it nearly workedā€¦ let people learn. Itā€™s quicker than finding another pug raid at the same point :confused:

The game has been making my trusty not to old PC overheat and shutdown and I canā€™t get a game. I am hoping itā€™s because of the summer heat. Nothing else is doing it. First time for me this tragedy.