šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

No-one killing rares in the caves. Or Dragon Isles in general.



Logged in an alt in Zaralek, there were 10 rares up. I found just one group killing rares, joined and there was only ONE left to kill, after which the group disbanded.

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So, about something that was both annoying and kinda funny at the same time.

(glory of the aberrus raider run)

Thereā€™s this anvil youā€™re supposed to destroy along with 3 other items. The guy with the anvil had it suddenly bug out, drop on the floor and glide away from him to the other side of the room and he ran after it saying: ā€œwhere are you going COME BACK HEREā€!


Auto markers WA/Addons kinda suck as theyā€™re marking irrelevant mobs, adding useless information flood. Please, stick to marking relevant mobs !

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Having my entire post history and TL3 deleted after a realm transfer :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


If you make a new character on the old server with same name, theyā€™ll retain it.

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It should warn you of that but donā€™t think it does.

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Flying around for the 2nd time today to get the Midsummer Fires to get the last 2 pets from Fire Festivalā€¦ ;_;

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Recreate the character on the previous realm

and bam you got it all back.

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Currently questing through Shadowlands (on this character) so I can start building renown so I can get the mogs/mounts etc from covenants.

I hate every single moment of this, and I havent even finished Bastion yet!

Might just be having a bad brain day, but kind of on the brink of walking away from WoW.

Itā€™s not that the game is in a bad state - quite the opposite. Itā€™s that I literally cannot find anyone who seems to be in the M+ key range I am at (confident in 18s, working on 19s and aspiring towards 20+). Nobody wants to join my 19s to try to make a 20, nobody wants to invite me to their 20. And pugs rarely push a key into a 20, and definitely not when itā€™s my key.

Iā€™ve tried M+ (not boosting) communities; they either seem to be very casual with hardly anything above a 15, or very hardcore with every LFG post being accompanied by a RIO profile. And I donā€™t know if the elephant in the room here is that when the desirable weekly key got set to a 20, it caused a major division in the player base and people polarised into key pushers and socials with nothing in the middle. I suspect thatā€™s what Myth Track gear in 10.1.5 is designed to address, so my hunch is that Blizzard can see this very clearly on their stats.

And yeah, pugging has started to get me down. Itā€™s not really the quality game time I would like to be having. Sometimes it works out and itā€™s all smiles and ggs, but with tyrannical looming tomorrow, I sincerely cannot be bothered healing pugs for the next 7 days.

Iā€™m kind of just bored. I want people to play with, and there just donā€™t seem to be that many around. There really isnā€™t a solo endgame in WoW, so I might just drift off and do other things and hope that maybe the mid-patch brings enough people back to engage with them for a few weeksā€¦

Iā€™d play with you, but I have zero faith in doing those high keys - I even avoid 14ā€™s due to having bad tries in there (Not becuase of me, mind you).

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I am starting to wonder how many people feel the same, tbh. This might be why thereā€™s this observable gulf between people who cap at 16s (441 in the vault) and people who gun for 20+.

The gap in the middle is absolutely awful. I think Iā€™ve run 7-8 pug keys levels 18-20 this week and all except the 20 were gut wrenchingly hard. And I ran a couple of 19s and a 20 with guildies and they were really absolutely fine. Really I just want more opportunities to have that kind of run where it is both challenging and fun, but theyā€™re sadly rather rare and unpredictable.

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Fair - Iā€™m perfectly happy with 437 gear.

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Itā€™s not really even the gear, Iā€™d just have liked to prove that Iā€™m not crap. But you have to be twice the healer if youā€™re going to get there by pugging, and I donā€™t think Iā€™m that not-crap :pensive:

Plus, 10.1.5 means that vault gear from 16s will be upgradeable to 447 - retroactive with any gear currently in our inventories. 447 is actually very reachable, and Iā€™m starting to sense a pattern of mid-season powerups in Dragonflightā€¦

Which is not necessarily a bad thing, but I think this particular change was needed sooner. The rift between the have-20s and the no-20s is enormous and I think itā€™s to blame for social divisions in a few places across the game.

Dealing with a bad game clientā€¦ oh wait thatā€™s every day.

My internet went down the hill with ups and downs the whole day, apart of being an inconvenience for my other stuff I didnā€™t fill any of the options on my DKā€™s vault.
I guess I gotta take one M+ slot for sure tomorrow.

You can add me if you want.
2.7k BDK and 2.6k rogue. You can find my bnet on my rIO page.

I need a ton of Tyra 20s on my DK and my rogue is kinda behind too; we can check out if we work together idk.

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Honestly, I donā€™t care about RIO score (youā€™re actually ahead of me on score and lower on ilvl). What I really want is to know a bunch good people who are likely to say ā€œyesā€ when asked if they want to run something today :smile_cat:

My current problem is everyone I know is scheduled basically every day in their key group, and nobody exists as a free agent. Itā€™s like, not in a key group, committed to a specific time on certain days? You donā€™t get to play.

And I donā€™t know if thatā€™s how the game is now, if itā€™s how the game is because of the 20 weekly target or what. But I miss asking my guild if anyone wanted to run something-something 16 this evening and 3 people would say yes, weā€™d do that. On the days I was busy, I didnā€™t feel bad because there were so many people willing to run something that if anyone else asked, they would be fine.

I havenā€™t had that in DF. Might be my guild, might be the expansion, I have no idea. But it does make me frown :pensive:

But you can grab my main as Koboldbard-ArgentDawn if you like, and maybe our paths will cross :smile_cat:

Toki is frowning.