*Sigh *
No Craced Titan Gem this week either
It is actually a bit of an obsession for me to have it, like the Infinite Timerever was… porbably wouldn’t even use that thing
Just the anoying RNG
Cannot get on because WoW is making my Laptop overheat. I suspect dirt inside because it’s running 60degrees celsius whilst idle and wow just pushes it over the edge. I learned my lesson about taking apart laptops so have to send it to laptop hospital.
The time rift, AKA the worst designed catch-up mechanic ever. Who was the Elon who thought that making a significant part of a catch up mechanic not only weekly, but also account wide, was a good idea?
That people can’t contribute to existing discussions and have to keep starting new ones on exactly the same thing.
Game wants to update but the initializing speed is extremely slow (it needs 50MB but seems to download at roughly 10kB/s).
I’ve finally, managed to get everyone at level 70. Bought some greens at the AH and decided to go have some fun in LFR.
- Weapon enchants for melee, is so expensive: 800g or even more. I know enchanters spend a lot of gold, leveling their skills but holy moly, it’s so much more expensive than, what I was buying in SL expansion.
- I’ve been through the boss guide for the 2 first bosses and holy guacamole !
I’m glad, due to weapons price, I decided to go SV. I’ve read people complaining about Raszageth the Storm-Eater knock back. It seems a death sentence for anyone who had the unfortunate idea to stay at range distance, when the mechanic is activated.
You have an alt army, level the professions on one of your alts! You can have a tailor with enchanting and make your own enchants. A jewelcrafter with mining to make your own gems. An alchemist with herbing to make your own potions. They can help each other out and you can make gold too.
Thanks for the advice
10.1.7. Forsaken and Night Elf heritage armour.
Draenei go and cry in a corner yet again. Nobody cares about us
Just finished the first 2 bosses of the LFR and what a punishment that was.
Raszageth the Storm-Eater, has not one but 2 instant kill mechanics.
The knockback mechanic, (I was already aware of) and the frontal cone.
Plus the knockback, is unforgivable. You miss the right place and you are dead.
I had to switch from my BE Hunter to my BE Monk after Boodkeeper Djurna, because we only had 2 healers in that LFR.
More than 15 attempts, till we got that damn boss down
Another player have started getting in on my turf by crafting and selling what used to be my niche. And no, the realm economy is not big enough for the two of us.
Another update
How many updates they need ?
…/meh! - 18 attempts across my chars on heroic scholo = zilch
Is it so terrible that they are fixing things?
Do it during the night perhaps ?
My Leatherworker have been doing Sunwell Plateu for sixteen months and have yet to see [Pattern: Leather Gauntlets of the Sun].
Trying to play on my Evoker. Glide is constantly getting interrupted, loot windows instantly closes (yes i know auto loot is an option) and im getting kicked out from the time rift last boss so i can’t complete the quests and miss out on loot and achievements.
What a wonderful day to spend in azeroth
EDIT: Finally found out why glide was broken on my evoker. Its the trinket
Paracausal fragment of frostmourne
that you can buy from time rift vendors.
Found on wowhead too that it breaks stealth and demon hunters glide aswell.
It was on of the little things that could cause a major annoyance.
I’ve spent nearly an hour to get inside the Fury the Storm LFR, with my Forsaken Holy Priest, because of lack of Tanks
Now it’s the same scenario with my BE Holly Priest
I guess I will just have to take the bullet and start queueing as a Tank
Edit: It’s happening again. Only 2 Tanks to fill the group
Rashok the elder in the most recent raid has been killed in 20 seconds on hc difficulty due to a lot of augment dracthyrs buffing 2 dks combined with power infusion to godmode.
Hmmmm… working as intended I guess.
Can already imagine the reasoning: “It’s hard to account for all possibilities with new class role introduced”
Demo lock doing 75k overall, less than a BDK, in a 22 idk.