😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Now it just happened again. This gotta be a moderator self-flagging the topic as trolling just to make it removable with the moderation system.


Can not get a hc sark kill in a pug. I’m so fed up trying.

Was doing the main quest line in Shadowlands on Chromie Time with my now level 49 toon. I handed in the ‘The End of the Beginning’ quest to Tal-Inara in Oribos and 
 nothing, no follow up quest. I clicked them again and all they say is “Your Purpose and ours are entwined it seems”.
I log out and back in just in case and nope nothing. Quit game and log back in, nothing. Head off and look at WoWHead, amazing how many other people have asked the same thing. Looks like you have to be level 60 to continue the story.

How hard would it be Blizz just to add to the NPC dialogue box at the bottom “You need to be level 60 (or whatever level) to continue”.

Off now to find 11 levels.

Wait! We have moderators???


did my first time rift yesterday, Grand Hunt with lag. No thanks.

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Time rift, unable to use the rocket pack, ported out “Instance is full” Just so infuriating


The update in general. The “clean up bags” feature now messes up my inventory rather than organize it with crafting ingredients first, common/uncommon/rare/epic items next and trash items last like it used to, and also 3/4ths of the time when I travel continent-to-continent through portals or just hearthstone to place-to-place I get that dreaded “Transfer Aborted: instance not found” error.

My last time rift lagged out so bad, everyone got disconnected and ended up back at Soridormi with the portal gone

i got a “GG” in chat from my priest in m+ with pug randoms
for topping dps on aoe pulls. im doing eZ 200k dps on aoe pulls on trash

and you know what ? trash in m+ is the most important :slight_smile:
i know this because i am legion keystone master

i think she was a girl gamer

im sure about that

am i ?

must be a grill not some 30+ yo hair chest dude ><

ANOTHER day with unplayable lag when it hits peak time in DF. Group content is a no-go for a big amount of people, especially from 18:00 to 22:00. World MS spikes as Home MS always stays consistent. We’ve made multiple threads about this, tried all possible fixes and it all leads back to good 'ol Silent Bob Blizzard.

Dumbass Time Rift, such a stupid idea.

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Having to report a player in a dungeon for a disgusting name (explicit action on children) only to watch them go offline and see the name change in the dungeon player bars to the same thing but different order of words. Reporting the name again forced them into a “playerxxxxxx” style name but they were kicked from the group before I could see if they changed it further to another disgusting name.

Its not cool, funny or edgy to name characters like this and it should come with a lengthy ban imo.


I love doing the Time Rifts
but I do have a quibble about the drops.

9 guns!! Just why!!?
I mean if I ever want to RP the leader of a survivalist commune in Texas then I can see why I might need so many but
Just stop giving me guns Blizz, I beg of you!


Yep. Time Rift. Why didn’t they make it a “Q’able” scenario :frowning:

Thinking about Vortex Pinnacle dragon boss with tyrannical storming :pensive:

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More of a first world problem but I’m farming Mythic Garrosh for the mount and every time I use the skip it disconnects me. Like, it’s not a huge deal, it’s just
annoying. :sob:

This Dr is clearly on strike with the UK Drs today :disappointed:

 does it matter what level you are I.E. I am sending level 60-67 in Scholo :thinking:

That every time I reload or relog my quest tracking resets to nothing.

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It’s a new feature .

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