šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

1% wipes on mythic neltharion

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Yeah we shouldnā€™t need to search the internet for stuff like this.

probably rushed out like everything else. undercooked,.

Logged out of OW to play wow and you just cant


The Soridormi rep grind is getting a bit tedious now.


I just needed to hand in the quest ā€˜Rescue OOX-22/FEā€™ on my mage to get the Mechanical Chicken pet, but I canā€™t do it because she is hated by Booty Bay due to getting the Insane title. Sucks.

People being in 20+ keys and not interrupting. Stay in keys below 7 please.

Brackenhide +23. Last boss. Tbh, I knew we had missed the timer before we pulled, but thatā€™s ok, probably still score. We end up having a 6% (i.e. 1%) wipe because everyone ignores the last totem. Unfortunately as the augvoker, it does not matter what I do. I cannot kill it. If the other dps choose not to swap, thatā€™s just not my fault.

Anyway, someone leaves.

Likeā€¦ why? Respawn, run, kill it properly. End with a ā€œwell at least we triedā€ instead of a ā€œthat guy ran away like a cowardā€. Get +2 rating or whatever for being 4 mins over time. It is not that bad, you do not need to ragequit and sulk.

Been seeing a lot of this though. Keys at 21 or above are immediately abandoned if they are running over time. Itā€™s a little annoying because most of them are entirely finishable, and could grant vault slots. But I guess people donā€™t have those 5 minutes after spending 30 in there already? Idk. Itā€™s weird.

Who? Iā€™ve doneā€¦ nothing but dungeons since augmentation was released :joy_cat:

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One of the things I love :heart: the most about DF is: no more borrowed power.
Just old style gearing.
However one the things Iā€™m not fond of in DF is how much more punishing the Raid mechanics have become, since BFA.
For context I skipped SL, I never played any of the dungeons or Raids.

Today I queued up on my BE Paladin. She was my first BE character ever. I created her during TBC in Kul-Tyras and she made me realize how much , I love playing BEs. When I was unsubscribed and had a 7 period free trial during MoP and WoD, I always played her.
Her visuals and name are outdated, so now I made a new BE Paladin character in Anachronos, the realm connected to Kul-Tyras and Alonsus. But this expansion Iā€™ve decided to bring every character I owned to level 70, including her.

I geared, enchanted, gemed, chose the best talents from Icy-Veins I could find for her and queued as Tank/Healer/DPS for all 3 first wings of LFR, Vault of the Incarnates.
I got the role, I was more afraid to get: Tank, and in the wing, I hated the most: Fury of the Storm, with Broodkeeper Diurna and Raszageth the Storm-Eater as bosses. Not only that, I was the only Tank available :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

We get to Broodkeeper Diurna, Iā€™m still the only Tank available and I decided to go with one Tank. It had worked on my Orc Protection Warrior last time, I did it.
I asked a couple of DPS with taunt abilities to offtank the adds.
We failed multiple times. Unlike the other time on my Orc Warrior I wasnā€™t being able to break the 2 eggs, while I was tanking the boss. Always, 1 egg would survive and spawn one add.
I went back to YouTube and check, why I was missing to get the lightning buff, I learned, I needed to be near the staff.

We werenā€™t getting enough players and people started quitting.
A Druid Tank comes in, but we were still missing 3 healers.
People quit again and finally, an hour or so we get almost full group.
A Orc Blood DK joins and this was going to be the other Tank until the end of the raid.
I was hoping we would get another Tank as I had queued in all 3 roles, but nothing.
We decided that I would Tank the boss, while he would tank the adds. I asked my group to get the lightning debuff and help me break the eggs this time.
From the almost 24 players that started this LFR, only 5 were remaining.
We kill him and I get a new waist plate piece, which I immediately equip.

We now are at Raszageth the Storm-Eater.
The other Tank explains the tactics regarding the 1st phase and we go.
Too many players die. A Priest in our group say: ā€œIt seems none listened.ā€
Players quit and other players join in but this time we are good because we have 2 Tanks and enough Healers. I screw up in one of the attempts because, I thought I could redirect Raszageth, 1st cone breath, towards me. It didnā€™t worked and now Iā€™m misplaced to get inside the grey puddles. I die like a noob. Luckily for me the attempt wasnā€™t going better with everyone.

We finally get the 1st phase done and I made the mistake of going left instead of right. So we end with 2 Tanks in the same side. In every attempt I made in this raid Iā€™m always in G1 and they always go left side.
I apologize, we get it this time but now itā€™s the final knockback to the main platform, that fails and we die.
The Tank DK explains that he got his positioning wrong and because everyone including myself followed we wiped.
We get it right this time and we finally got Raszageth down. It was now around 7pm.
How many hours, that raid lasted, I have no idea :weary:
I thanked everyone and went to sleep for 4 hours :sleeping:

Thanks for reading this.

Edit: spelling.



After being rejected by PUG groups for four hours because itā€™s MDI and I play a Beast Master that is not META, Iā€™m finally accepted in a Lair of Neltharion +17.

A quick glance to the RIO infos of the other members of the group tells me they have around 1800-2000 M+ score, they are all main characters.

Monk as a Tank, Paladin as a Healer, 2 Fury Warriors.

First facepalm : the Fury warrior with an iLVL of 428 in a +17 keystone has only a single two-handed weapon equiped.

Second facepalm : the other Fury warrior with a very nice transmog has indeed two two-handed weapons, both at iLVL 411 from the Aberrus raid, but his total iLVL is 397.

Third facepalm : the Monk has an iLVL of 420, speeds around leaving puddles of acid everywhere, but never comes back to generate threat on the burrowing mobs of the first trash pack.

96 minutes of nightmarish hellscape followed, the two warriors stayed in every puddle of avoidable damage and fell like flies swatted with a bazooka, my pets snatched the aggro several times from the Tank, the only player who knew what he did was the Paladin, that did truly heroic efforts to try to heal everyone by jumping on his indoor horse to zoom between the two Warriors while still managing to keep generating holy power.

ā€œOnlyā€ 7 deaths until we reached the last Boss ā€¦ all from the Warriors and Paladin.

Then comes that nasty last Boss with his Big Add buddy, walls of cristal, puddles of magma, but we have 10 minutes left on the timer, all CDs are up, and while Iā€™ve been grinding my teeth from the start I still have hope.


Again with the Monk tanking the Boss right beside, or even inside the magma pools, the two warriors stay in front of the boss AND inside the big brown vortex indicating the future eruption of massive stone spikes (and die, of course), the Paladin his still doing his ā€œSupermanā€ routine of running everywhere trying to keep everyone alive ā€¦

9 full group wipes against the last Boss.

The two warriors dodged exactly NONE of the magma waves, and they had the gall to tell me to stop pulling the big add towards the rock walls ā€¦ while I was the last surviving member of the group trying to GTFO of damage zones to feign death and rez them with my Engineering gadgets ā€¦ as a slightly less sturdy than a wet paper towel Beast Master !

I really wanted to open that chest even if the timer was out, because Iā€™m still missing ONE finished M+ dungeon to unlock the third slot of my next Great Vault, but getting accused of failing to counter mechanics by people who died to them while I tried to save them was the proverbial straw that broke the camelā€™s back and my patience.

Reported them for ā€œinappropriate behaviour ~ trolling and key breakingā€, left the group, stumbled on this thread to tell my story, and now Iā€™ll go bash my head against a wall until I fall unconscious.

Iā€™ve seen that kind of behaviour every day for 6 hours a day since the start of the ā€œMDI pushā€ event, those sheople want to have META comps and ā€œplay like prosā€, but they totally ignore the glaring fact that said pros have played together for years and have voice coms, premade groups and trained teamplay.

Cherry on the cake ?

When I wanted to take 2 minutes to write about a ā€œgame planā€, I got told ā€œmechanics are for noobs, just do damageā€ before the key was slotted in while I was still eating my food buff.

I indeed did damage, my usual 85K single target and 120K multiple targets on average over that whole ordeal ā€¦ while the nearest behind me barely broke 20K ā€¦

Iā€™m way past unhappy or frowning, Iā€™m seething with rage with a migraine starting to pound behind my eyes.

Pick Up Group has always been really hard, but itā€™s getting to the point of not being playable anymore, and getting accused of making the mistakes the others did is completely infuriating.

What the Fā€™tagn was an iLVL 397 Fury Warrior doing in a +17 ?
For Freyaā€™s Sake, how did he manage to get a M+ rating of 2K ?
How in the Nine Circles of Hades is it possible for a Fury Warrior with a 2.2K RIO and an iLVL of 428 to have a single two-handed weapon equipped ?

If thereā€™s a Higher Entity somewhere in the afterlife, when Iā€™ll die theyā€™ll have some serious explaining to do !

And after that, Iā€™ll trash their very existence, and send them to play WoW in PUGhell with the less-intelligent-than-a-common-mussel people they created, just to rejoice in their suffering !


And youā€™ll need a full group of 5 anyway, or else you wonā€™t be able to start the ā€œnight clubā€ phase since each instrument must be taken to activate that phase.

But there is an easy way to bypass the ā€œkill, get necklace, go back in in disguise problemā€ : one player quits the group and relogs an alt, said alt is given the Lead, he resets the instance (even from another continent), gives back the Lead, the player relogs the character with the necklace and disguise.

Itā€™s even written in all four guides I found about Tazavesh Hard Mode, and I have the mount and the Tickle Attacks Achievement to prove it when I led my guild to do it.

Sounds like youā€™ve been having fun anyway xD

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Chasing 2900 rating now so yes :joy_cat:

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Another mythic Sanctum run and no shield from the first boss :frowning:
It doesnā€™t even drop, like that damn horse from Arthasā€¦

The Time Rift ā€˜rewardsā€™ and how 90% of the time they are either a gun or a gryphon (for me at least).

Just did one with the reward buff up and thought ā€˜soā€¦wonder if this time Iā€™ll get a gun or a gryphon?ā€™
Game surprised me thoā€¦
got a gun AND a gryphon!

I would cry but Im too busy trying to off load all these gryphonsā€¦


Hehe Iā€™m the same although keep getting guns and the wolf :rofl:

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Iā€™ve only had a giveaway wolf once.

Iā€™m into the final stretch for the rep now at least.

Only discovered just now the auction house in Valdrakken. I vaguely remember itā€™s existence being told of but never found it. It was there all the time since launch right infront of my eyes, in a seemingly empty building that for all I know could just be one of all those shops selling grey quality items.

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I have run this week Legion TW, on my 4 Hunters: BE, Troll, Orc and Forsaken.
The Forsaken Hunter, got all the luck. Heā€™s my 4th Hunter.
1 run in Neltharionā€™s Lair, granted him one mastery trinket and one slotted helm. Not bad.
The other one that also got something nice, was this hunter: a new pair of legs.
My main BE Hunter as usual, got: nothing :frowning_face:
