😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Going back to playing vers cause skill cap and l2p issues.

Thanks to being busy moving, I lost out of tons of easy Trade Points from lowlevel events. Right now I’m at 1270/1400 and the only non-Dragon Isle options remaining involves PvP. My battle-petting is too lowlevel, and TW dungs grants too much experience.

Just go to Elwynn and get out your highest lvl pet. Battle lvl 1 rabbits and deer. Takes 5-10 min for 15 pet battles. They don’t have to be max level battles :wink:

Actually this one is done as I grind for rare-quality pets on low-level zones while questing the Horde-side on my Horde chars. Pet tamers and Pet Dungeons however… I’m not there yet as I haven’t broadly leveled up my pets yet. (I wouldn’t want to risk one-shotting rare pets during combat.) :wink:

Oh is there more than one event for pet battles? Didn’t know :slight_smile:

Well tamers you can do on multiple chars. Just take each char to the lvl 1 tamer in Elwynn, next to the mine. It should count when you do it like that.

Well, the Pet Tamers in focus for this month is the Draenor ones.

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I have a horrible feeling that there is another entire level after this one for Soridormi rep.

Well, it ends at 5 and the 5th is like 18k reputation. You’ll be set free soon \o/

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Icy Veins worried me cos they show a whole other tier for the last bit and I’m at 4/5


Could be that I missed something then? But I did get an achievement and a title soooo… You should be fine…I think. Or hope.


Wait! what! :flushed:

The ranks are as follows:

  • Anomaly (Rank 1) — Default starting rank.
  • Future Friend (Rank 2) — Requires 7,000 reputation and rewards the Minute Glass Icon Minute Glass toy.
  • Rift-Member (Rank 3) — Requires 14,000 reputation.
  • Timewalker (Rank 4) — Requires 24,000 reputation.
  • Legend of the Multiverse (Rank 5) — Requires 42,000 reputation.

That’s what worried me but maybe it was based on PTR info.

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Ah - I did see that and decided to dismiss it when looking at my actual bar in game and hoping that the 18k was it and they had a mental block with maths - wishful thinking :grinning:
… you will find out before me so will wait to hear a loud cheer or scream!!

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Just tried to login for first time in 4 days, got that dreaded error message ‘You have been disconnected WOW00519118’.

Looking at the last Mage Tower color I need to unlock, for the only Mage Tower appearance I managed to get back in Legion, for my Unholy DK artefact weapon. :disappointed_relieved:

Winning 10 Rated BGs is harder than I thought :sweat_smile: and I’m still at 0/10 wins… Groups are just too hard to get together, and IF it happens, then there is a 90% chance of loosing against a team who all communicate on discord. :weary:

Worst of all, the last Mage Tower color, is the ONLY color variant I’m interested in :sob:

Long term WoW friend’s constantly letting you down and being selfish.

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Having to work instead of logging in to spend my tender on the trading post :cry:


Thank you for reminding me.

Already hit like cap on forum.

One of the dungeons, I hate the most in Legion TW is: Court of Stars.

You have to move like you are in eggshells there. You want to avoid patrols and the second boss requires you to pull by steps.
I think I know why. I was once soloing it, when it became possible and I struggled to take down that boss. It seems if you don’t isolate it from that eye demon and pull everything at once, they get some kind of resistance that makes them almost impossible to kill. It took my BE Hunter quite a while to kill them, when I was easily killing everything with one shot.

The noble room. How long was I lost there, trying to find the right NPC ?:anger::rage:

Now I got that dungeon 3 times in a row.
First it was on my 2nd BE Vengeance DH, than it was on my 1st BE Protection Warrior and after that it was on my Orc Protection Warrior :weary:


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