šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Doing mage tower is honestly not fun. Certain classes have 10-15 minute fights where theyā€™re still getting oneshot like the others but they have it ā€˜ā€˜easierā€™ā€™. Letā€™s say you can avoid getting thrown out as a demon hunter on kruul but your fight is longer.

Why not then make it so thereā€™s an ability like on illidanā€™s fight where Iā€™d need to use a defensive every time to survive since my defensive cooldown is really low(or be lowered to an incredibly low amount of health if failed instead of oneshot or something else). Iā€™d rather have a change in mechanics than a fight that is 10 minutes longer just because I like one class and not the other.

I wanted the book but Iā€™d honestly rather preserve my sanity. Iā€™d rather be tested mechanically rather than whether I have the patience to withstand repeating the same things over and over or not. It feels cheap :c

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I knew and expected it but I just saw the hand corsages+ 200 tendies bundle. Iā€™m not even mad, just disappointed :slightly_frowning_face:


I think a lot of us are disappointed. We are all buying tendies, not buying the corsages. Itā€™s a farce to suggest otherwise.

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trying to help forum people going through a hard time and getting hatred in return :frowning:


Some people just arenā€™t worth the effort.

The way the armory doesnā€™t update the new pieces that get introduced in game.
For example:

  • My Orc Warrior has the new Gruntā€™s Buckler appearance, from the traders post. It doesnā€™t show in the armory.
  • My BE Warrior has the new City Guard Heater Shield, from the traders post. It doesnā€™t show in the armory.

I was curious to see Punyelf new appearance as I have 2 BEs Paladins as well. Forget about it :roll_eyes:
Sheā€™s ready to go to the Beach :sunglasses:


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Yeah the new set from the Trading Post completion doesnā€™t seem to work on the Armory so instead of looking like this:-

The armory shows me like this:-


Yeah, the armory seems buggy with new mogs from the Trading post, my white gloves on the angel mog I had for months never showed up correctly.

Thatā€™s why youā€™ll turn into fruit :smile: Iā€™d honestly recommend you donā€™t use it for a small while after being added to the game, to spare you a mental breakdown.

The set itself isā€¦ oookay, sort of, but most of the items on the post are ehh to me as of late.

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Thatā€™s hilarious

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No beacon, not in vault nor normal.
Letā€™s goo.

People joining groups as healer and then complaining that other people are [censored] in other groups theyā€™ve been in because theyā€™re wiping to incorporeal.

Then guy proceeds to die to spitefulā€™s. Dies to the vile coating. Letting someone die to the shot on kragg. Dies to grapeshot. Doesnā€™t bait the sharks away from melee.

Like, bro. How are you complaining about how people are [censored] due to wiping to incorporeal when youā€™re dying like that and letting people die to getting shot by kragg and not baiting sharks.

Nothing dropped basically in the Raid I was able to roll forā€¦
It was anoying, thats for sure!
But small consolidation, others have a loot-galore, so at least they were happy

Today I was doing LFR on my DK.
I entered the first one and got a nice 376 iLV 2 handed weapon and a necklace.

I immediately get called to do a second one. No surprise as I had queued for 3 LFRs (the 3 first ones you have access below iLV 389).
It was Raszageth. After finishing it, I was on the rolling process and I wanted to quit the other queue for the other raid I still had. I ended up leaving the Raid without looting the boss and rolling on the items :scream:
Me and my distraction, always surprising me in the worst possible way :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I was doing Raszageth on my Forsaken Warrior, arms spec and I kept getting killed all the time, by the DMG, and the team was suffering because of it. After so many tries, I finally managed to survive until, I died in the last phase when the boss was about 10% or so.
What a nightmare that was.
I just wanted to cry :sob:
I even considered, at one point, asking, if I could be the 3rd Tank, instead.

The same encounter, had been so much smoother on my 2nd BE Warrior, fury spec. I was getting procs all the time.
My fingers, were hurting, by the the time Raszageth was dead.

It was like, playing a fast paced strong character Vs a slow motion glass cannon character :frowning_face:


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Today I was doing LFR Raszageth on the BE Paladin I created during TBC.
I joined as a Healer. However I noticed that the 2 Tanks were inexperienced.
They were both Paladins.
One of them, wearing a goblin disguise, was complaining that his iLV was too low.
After inspecting him, I concluded even though he lacked any kind of enchants on his gear, he still had better gear than I did in any of my characters.
However I noticed his HP, during Raszageth fight, was constantly bouncing. I literally had to keep my eyes on him, all the time.

I told him, I tanked that boss on my warrior and paladin and they were just fine, with inferior iLV than he had.
After noticing both tanks died to Raszageth come breath, I asked if he wanted me to Tank, after another Zandalari Troll Paladin that was healing as well offered to tank.
So my plan was: replace both tanks and they would continue as DPS.

Which the Goblin player immediately took as an insult and tells me to shut up and stop being rude.
I told him it wasnā€™t, I was just asking.
Eventually the 2nd Tauren Paladin tank, that claimed to have raid tank experience in classic quits.

I replaced him, and the Goblin player I was talking to say: ā€œHe thinks heā€™s pro.ā€ (That was referring to me)
I really donā€™t understand where that player was coming from.
I wasnā€™t trash talking him, I offered to help.
It was ok if he went as a DPS instead.

Either way the Zandalari Troll Paladin player that offered to help was playing as a healer and was explaining tactics, replaces the Goblin player, after he quits, from another wipe.
Our first attempt failed as we didnā€™t had enough healers. Both of us, were supposed to be healing.

After that a Druid tank joined, I discussed with the Zandalari Troll Paladin, who would continue tanking and who would change role to healer. He was more comfortable with tanking, I hated tanking, so I went back to healing and we finished the boss.

Itā€™s ok to be new on the game, if someone offered to take my place as a Tank, I would gladly accept it.
I really donā€™t understand why that player got so pissed off.


Idk why keys feel to bad this week.
And no, itā€™s not incorporeal cause is actually not a problem so far.

Itā€™s always like this in the first day or two, people just need some time to adjust to tyra after a fortified week.

Had what was possibly the most annoying BRD run ever. That room where you have to get the torches and light the braziersā€¦ Absolute pandemonium.

still no news about new meta model, grotto netherwing drake customizaton

note to self-
remember not to go AFK on Fyrakks flightpath!

Rookie mistake!


I just cannot do this anymore.

So many raid bosses spread out over all characters who can do it, and yet every time I roll on a drop I need I lose out to someone who doesnā€™t need it.

I donā€™t know why this system was implemented on LFR.

I donā€™t know what it is supposed to achieve.

If your intention Blizzard is to funnel me into your oh-so-precious Mythic+ or Normal and above difficulty raiding that you think everyone should be doing or they shouldnā€™t be playing then you have failed. I will NOT touch mythic or normal and above, as my comfort zone is LFR and world content.

Now that you are systematically destroying it I have finally decided enough is enough, and go back to what I did before.

Level characters to max level. Delete them. And start again.

I am tired of spending hours in queues, and minutes in lfrs, to see people who are vastly out geared, win need rolls on gear I actually need and I am lucky if my need roll gets over 20.

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