šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

To my knowledge TW drops are upgradable. Not sure how far, but Iā€™d wager close enough to LFR item levels, so maybe you could spam those for gear.

(Though TBC gear with all that crit and no mastery might not be to your liking.)

Apparently TW gear is pretty much right up there with LFR gear so Iā€™m just gonna run with that from now and just do the raids for the trading post bonus item.

I mean today. 2 cloaks dropped from Sarkareth, I rolled 16 on one and 23 on the other.

yet a guy who topped the dps charts with nearly 90k won a cloak.

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When you realize you have a lot to learn about Protection Paladins :weary:
Today I ended up tanking Raszageth again, because one of the Tanks quit.
I wasnā€™t confident at all since this was my 2nd BE Paladin. Sheā€™s not top priority in the list of gearing. Thatā€™s why I queue as Healer/DPS.


I also struggled to arrange the groups. Luckily someone else did it for me.
I donā€™t know how to change peopleā€™s roles and move them to other groups, in the raid group tool.

Either way today was a very humbling day. I was tanking the boss alongside another Paladin player. I kept dying to dmg while he, kept surviving. Than I realize how poorly I was managing the Holy power generation, self-healing, spells and CDs.
Yeah, Protection Paladins are definitely not Warriors.
Canā€™t complain as I got a new helmet and learn something new.


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How many knowledge points are required to get everything maxed out. Far too many on so many professions.

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You are trying to play a lot of different classes in various roles.

It takes skill to manage that and swap from one type of play to another. Donā€™t be too hard on yourself :heart:


Thank you :heart:

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Absolutely this, Amazoner. Iā€™m gob-smacked at the way you manage so many high level characters, all different. Donā€™t beat yourself up about it and, if the rest of the group knew what youā€™ve achieved, they would be in awe too.


In the default UI at least, if you press O and then go to the raid tab you can see the group and if youā€™re the leader or assistant you can drag people to another group or right click and promote/demote assistant or main tank (those are the ones that are separated from the rest of the raid in the raid frame). In the raid frame itself you can right click names and change roles if you have the permission, though roles canā€™t be changed in queued content (LFR and timewalking raids).

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Thank you, Ananda and Chronormi :heart:

Every hour doing Rifts for quite a some time now, yet that Blood Soaked Book, the last I need for the achievment adamantly avoids me :unamused:

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Same hereā€¦ how he can do this is justā€¦ beyond me.

I definitely wouldnā€™t skip a whole season because I wanna level up a horde of chars all together to lvl70 on the exact same route, full time. And for starters I just feel cringe to have more than 1 toon per class, only except for my 2 priests.

Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?

That, and I donā€™t even really play dps specs anymore. I save myself the bother as Iā€™d have to wait way too much in queue, and I can pump decently as a tank while feeling like a gigachad. :sweat_smile:

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This will be a long story, but I think it will be worth it, just to explain my thought process.

I tried playing 1 character during:

  • Vanilla: it was this character, level 60.
    Never managed to be inside a successful raiding guild. This guild, "Essentials"fell apart after 4 GMs (including me) gave up.
    The next guild I was in was, ā€œFinal Wordsā€.
    That fell apart too. People were tired of lack of progress. We couldnā€™t kill Hakkar in Zulā€™Gurub, a raid for 20 players.

  • TBC: Forsaken Holy Priest, level 70.
    Guild: Forsaken Sunrise.
    I was raiding Karazan, with the second raid team of the guild. I usually had to run to my house, after work because I had 9 players waiting for me to enter Karazan.
    I would usually finish by midnight or later.
    I started going completely exhausted to work and I was advised to let go of WoW by a female co-worker the age of my mother as she was starting to be worried with me.
    Thatā€™s when I stopped playing WoW.

  • I came back, during Legion.
    This time I used the level 100 boost provided by the game purchase on my BE Hunter. After reaching level 110 all I did was LFR. The guild I was at the time invited me to a Mithic dungeon and that was a bad experience. We failed the timer and I got crappy rewards.

  • During BFA, I played on another account.
    This time I used the level 110 boost that came with the game purchase, on a BE Paladin named: Aster.
    Leveled up until level 120 and all I did was LFR.

Conclusion: end game is definitely not for me.
I hate leveling alts after my main character is at max level. Itā€™s tedious, it takes forever and you just want to give up and play your main.
Thatā€™s what happened in:

  • Vanilla: I leveled a Orc Warrior to play Bgs, I stopped playing him at level 49.

  • TBC: I leveled this character to level 70.
    However the guild wanted us to focus on 1 character not spread gear through alts.
    So my Forsaken Holy Priest was still light years ahead of my Hunter in terms of gear progress.

  • Legion: I tried leveling a BE Monk. Gave up after she reached around level 80+.
    My BE Hunter was just too far away, in terms of progress.

  • BFA: Initially, I had 4 characters to level up: Paladin, Hunter, Rogue and a Priest all BEs. But after using the boost on the Paladin, I didnā€™t want to level up the other 3.

Skipping SL, gave me the opportunity for the 1st time to just do whatever I wanted.
The level cap for my account was, 50 because I didnā€™t purchased SL.
This is how I went from 10 characters to 25. Some of them were, deleted characters. But I was just having too much fun, with the button that blizzard introduced to recover deleted characters.

When I purchased DF, I decided to level every single character I had to max level as all I had at max level was: LFD and LFR.
I donā€™t like PVP, I donā€™t play Mithic dungeons (did it once in Legion), achievements are not for me, playing one character is boring.
Iā€™ve been doing LFR Raszageth and this is the easiest version of the Raid: I donā€™t like it. I know people like challenges. Iā€™m not that person.

I know, by past experiences, end game is limited for me.
Thatā€™s why I decided to do this. It worked during SL. I didnā€™t bought the expansion. All I did was leveling characters.
If they are all on the same range, itā€™s more motivating to play them.

Sorry for the long post, but I hope I could explain, why I chose to play this way.

Edit 1: Also BFA gave me a huge identity crisis, regarding the Horde.
Thatā€™s why I decided to include in my roster, more darker characters.
Characters I would usually not play.
Like my Forsaken male Warrior, Forsaken male Hunter, Orc female Warlock, Orc female Hunter and a Goblin male Rogue.

Thereā€™s also characters I deleted, but had fun bringing back: BE male DK (1st DK ever), Tauren male DK (2nd DK created), Troll female Shaman (vanilla alt), BE female Warrior (1st BE Warrior created but deleted because I got the name I wanted on another character), BE female Warrior (2nd BE Warrior created, just to play low level Bags), BE female Paladin (I wanted to create a better version of my 1st BE female Paladin, from TBC, with a different name, I hate name changing and changing the identity of the character).

This is why, I no longer create new characters. I get too attached to them.

Edit 2: I already know the best gear, everyone will be getting is: the event gear from the next expansion to be launched in a year. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m no longer worried about chasing gear as well.



LFR sets requiring you to make another character to obtain.

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Today I was on a LFR group, with my Pandaren Monk, playing as a healer.
We killed, Terros ans after that, one of the Tanks, immeadiatly quits.
(There must be something about this boss every Tank is after, a drop. Because this already happened when I was playing as a healer on my 2nd BE Paladin. I had to change spec and replace the 2 Tanks that had quit after Terros was dead.
Luckily I managed to solo Tank the remaining 2 bosses.)

The remaining Tank, managed to solo Tank Sennarth, The Cold Breath. But when we got to Kurog Grimtotem, we couldnā€™t kill him.
After 2 tries, people started quitting until there was only 3 players left.

Looks like I need to start learning how to Tank on Monks as well :weary:


Realising what used to be my UD Warlock is now back to being an Orc and she has the rep exalted that I will need for the Heritage armour.

You donā€™t need exalted rep for heritage armors anymore, they removed that requirement for core races a couple (or three) patches ago!!


Well that is a pleasant surprise, I though that was just for old stuff. I wont need to do anything :grin:

That got me thinking and you are right :+1:
I think it will be fun to reply to this :grin:

Hereā€™s how my roster of characters would look like, if I only played 1 character per class:

Warrior: Orc male, from Vanilla. PVP rank 8.
Now race changed to a BE female named:ValƩria

Paladin: BE female, from TBC.
Name change to: Eruthiawen.

Death Knight: BE male.
Name change: probably a more elven name.

Hunter: Troll female, from Vanilla.
PVP rank 11.
Now race changed to BE female named: Aerlinniel.

Shaman: Troll female, from Vanilla. PVP rank: scout.
Name change to: ValquĆ­ria

Druid: Tauren male.
Name: the same.

Rogue: BE female.
Name: same.

Monk: BE female.
Name: same.

Demon Hunter: BE male.
Name: same.

Warlock: BE female.
Name: elven name.

Priest: Forsaken female, from Vanilla. PVP rank; scout.
Now race changed to a BE female named: Valadhiel.

Mage: BE female.
Name: same.

You can see the problem here, right :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Not to mention, how much money, I would have to spend :money_with_wings:


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Iā€™d honestly recommend you keep this setup above because so many cute elf females! youā€™d have more leftovers and be able to finish your grinds to max faster. :smile:

And it also contains your main toons from Vanilla that you could pour a bit more time and resources into. I mean, I doubt you could reliably gear up more than 2-3 toons if you tried (but for you Iā€™d recommend the TW route like Souly does, LFR is a total bummer to get gear at and so is M+)

I used to be KSM on this toon in SL for every season except the first. Then I got some help from Caylia and a few forumers in S2, Visna and her guild in S3 and finally Alysea and her fren circle in S4.

But in DFā€¦ ehh. Not feeling it anymore, thereā€™s too much emphasis on the weekly casino, and the mount isnā€™t to my liking either. When PvPers get a cool DR skin and raiders get to ride all these mommy dragons - we got Raszageth, and I bet weā€™d get to ride Soridormi or Alexstrasza at a point (who wouldnā€™t? :drooling_face:), and then key pushers get a lizard that obviously canā€™t even fly. If it was a cool new dragon skin, or a recolor of the heroic edition purchase at leastā€¦


Cheers Dunkiee :wink: