😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Cheers Dunkiee :wink:

Cheers Dunkiee :wink:

Cheers Dunkiee :wink:

Cheers Dunkiee :wink:

Cheers Dunkiee :wink:

Cheers Dunkiee :wink:

I almost thought of playing this expansion, that made me frown but I managed to turn that frown upside down when I realised how silly of an idea that was and played classic instead :slight_smile:

Cheers Dunkiee :wink:

Cheers Dunkiee :wink:

Cheers Dunkiee :wink:

Cheers Dunkiee :wink:

Using blink during the azure whelp race dcing me every time.

Cheers Dunkiee :wink:

The trial of styles ended

Well, thanks Amazoner, they are all really cute indeed :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And I didn’t expect you’d log all of them just to introduce them, my heart skipped a beat about how I had 11 reply notifications :rofl::rofl:


Cheers Dunkiee


I absolutely hate BH.

Players autolooting the chest in Darkmoon Deathmatch. Come, it spawns with a trinket for everyone to loot as long as none empties the chest!

Not timing 2 dungeons last night - admittedly well out if my comfort zone, a 15 FH with Scared of Dungeons and a 17 Brackenhide with my guild which was abandoned at last boss after i died, another got D/C and that bridge disappeared so we couldn’t get back to last boss. Certainly was an experience though…

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Somehow my privacy settings changed overnight and I can’t see my data on any third party site. I’ve changed it back again so it’s just a matter of time but I have no idea how it did it.