šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Itā€™s actually 125, and donā€™t do this :sweat_smile: yes, they are fast and all, but itā€™s not worth madly pushing for it on so many alts. Just pick a few to do it on, really :smile:


Thatā€™s like being asked to choose your favourite child!!


You read my mind, Ananda :smile:



I definitely have a favourite child in WoW :grin:


You donā€™t have to choose your favorite child!
That would be cruel
Jut let them fight a deathbattle on a shaky log over a pit filled with crocodiles to earn that place!
ā€¦and possibly make bets

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Wellā€¦ he kiiiinda should, like okay if he actually has fun doing this but Iā€™d totally burn out. I canā€™t nolife games as I used to before, I have work, frens, smaller goals or whatnot :smile:

I told him a week ago itā€™s best if he focuses on like 4-5 chars. But then Iā€™m only really pouring my time into my main, the rest go to 70 andā€¦ andā€¦ just collect dust :sweat_smile: I have simply no motivation to gear them up, so TW will be fine for them, you know, just grab the badge gear and call it a day.


This is true, but what I get from Amazonerā€™s posts is that his/her fun in the game is playing all 25 and making sure they all get to the same place. Itā€™s not my idea of fun or a goal to get to but everybody has a goal in the game (even if they donā€™t realise) and a favourite way to play and this is Amazonerā€™s . Each to their own :slight_smile:


Yeah, I totally agree with you.
But my end game, is very limited.
I donā€™t like Mithic dungeons, chasing achievements, doing long chains of quests lore, which than you donā€™t want to repeat again in another character.

I have fun playing LFR and LFD.
Thatā€™s what sets WoW apart from other solo games, Iā€™ve played: the multiplayer experience.

Today I was doing TW Dungeon on my 1st BE Paladin (holy) and I was amazed how much, Iā€™ve improved as a player. The other Tauren protection Paladin player was just pulling non stop and I was hardly sweating.

All this LFR Raszageth fights, ended up improving my gameplay, I guess.

Now my next goal, would be: to continue to have fun in LFR, but I really need to get to the most recent one, because even though Raszageth LFR is fun, it takes too long to get players to join in :frowning_face:

:100: :+1:
You have a talent for psychology Ananda :smile:


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Ah, so you donā€™t play the ā€œregularā€ (well sortaā€¦ you know) endgame anyway, only the queued stuff :smile: thatā€™s a little different then. But still, Iā€™d not recommend trying to do this weekly on every toon, not on non-tbc/wrath weeks anyway.

Iā€™ll give her that and I kinda understand whatā€™s happening here - itā€™s a bit like having 25 children you wanna love equally. And who can I blame if they love the little ones, after all I too would gladly pet and hug 5 Samoyed puppies all at once. Imagine that much fluff!


But then remember youā€™re not a full-time housewife/stay at home mom (unless Iā€™m in the wrong) and those kids would kiiiinda need almost all your free time. :smile:

Thatā€™s why I mainly have my alts for mogs, either making/collecting them, or for extra tries on mount runs if I do any (read: I barely do any as of late.).


I really wish the dragon races were instanced. People obscuring your route isnā€™t helpful and not their fault either.

if I would see horse run with that kind of jittery limp it would be already grounded as beef

On WoW Classic, I was questing on my 38 orc warlock in Dustwallow Marsh, just by the spider-infested mine north of the Horde camp of Brackenwall Village. I spot a 41 dwarf priest in the same area, likely on the same quest (collecting spider eyes for Jarl). Being friendly, I wave and nod at him as a peace offering. Maybe both of us can co-exist and complete this quest in due time.
Well, I see he begins to cast mind control. I run around a corner to LoS it, fear him and summon my felhunter. Together, we send this dwarven clergyman to Heaven.

The dwarf has to ghost run forever in that zone to get back to the exact area where his now-festering corpse was rotting in the murky swamp, so it takes a while for him to get back. While heā€™s running in ghost form, a fellow Horde whispers me and tells me to ā€œwatch outā€. Apparently, this Alliance guy is killing everything in sight. I thank him for his concern, but let him know I already killed this Alliance scoundrel once. As I am typing the message, the dwarf reappears in his living flesh and flees. I set chase.
It takes the dazing effect of an incoming Crocolisk to slow down the dwarf priest, and when I catch up, I fully DoT him up and let my horrific fel hound go ham on him. He dies again.

At this moment, I receive a whisper from another name. Itā€™s the dwarf priest who has logged on a Horde character. He says heā€™s friendly and was only trying to mind control me in order to buff me, after I had greeted him so kindly. And now, he was feeling disappointed because he only had an hour to play.
I ask him why I should trust him with his mind games when there are rumours of him killing every Horde he crosses on his corrupted path. Confused, he asks me what Iā€™m talking about. I then ask the Horde who warned me of the Alliance menace and it turns out he was talking about some night elf hunter. Not this poor dwarf priest.

I swear to him that I will leave him be, if he returns. I would even let him kill me to even the score, if he so desired. But I heard not a word from him again. And I didnā€™t see the dwarf in the damp, dark marsh again.

ā€¦ Oh, no!!! :anguished:


Iā€™ve done who knows how many runs of the MOTHERLODE by now, but that blasted gun just refuses to drop.

Cataclysm-revamped Azshara.

Just did the Horde quests, and they sacked the zone for THIS? And low-level Horde players even get an early introduction to the Blue Dragonflight after all they atrocities they did to the zone and itā€™s inhabitants?

Shouldnā€™t really surprise me as the zone as a whole have been terraformed to give the appearance of the Horde emblem.

The concept of a Goblin-themed zone with Bilgewater Harbour and a Rocketway isnā€™t bad, but this really should have been added to a new isle zone on the east coast of Orgrimmar rather than destroying the special gem Azshara once was.


Screw sanguine.

Another affix thatā€™s a nightmare to deal with it in pugs because people just have to press slows or stuns because reasons.

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Harvey Dent
ā€œYou Either Die A Hero, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villainā€ ā€” Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight (2008).17

This applies to my case.

I used to criticize people who rushed dungeons. Today, I became one of them.
The TW quest for 5 Dungeon runs, rewards you with a iLV 415 item.
The problem is: I have 25 characters. Thatā€™s 125 runs. Impossible.
Plus, I have 2 courses from work to do, today.

Yet my addiction was stronger and even though I told myself I was going to ignore the quest and just get the 500 TW badges in each character, Iā€™ve decided to just blitz through 4 additional dungeons on my 1st BE Tank/DPS Warrior.
I knew in mana tombs thereā€™s a void walker that fears you and makes you unable to control your character for 5 seconds. Yet, I kept pushing till everyone died, in the last pack, before the final boss.
I apologized and told the group I was testing my limits.
I donā€™t think they took it too serious as one of them replied, I was testing their limits with all the fear cast on them by the void mobs.

Either way, Iā€™ve managed to complete the quest and get that item. Hopefully I will now get back to reading the course instead of wanting more pieces of iLV415 on my other characters.


You can get better ilvl from open world content and zaralek caverns and upgrading it in Loamm. Far less stressful. Plus as you are a dungeon runner anyway you can get the currency to upgrade quicker too.

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You knowā€¦ the TW Raid quest gives a Heroic piece and every raid boss kill also counts in the weekly?
I mean it is a bit profiatble to run the raid on all of your alts than the 5x dungeon, because maybe a wee bit longer (not THAT much) but you ends up the weekly chest and the heroic chest to open

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Thank you, everyone :smile:

Different subject:
WoW main problem for me is: itā€™s addictive. Too addictive :frowning_face:
Iā€™m watching the course, I have to, from work atm and all I want is: to go back to WoW and play :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:



The box from TW gives normal raid gear which can be upgraded as well plus if you do 5 x heroic dungeons per week you can get a 415 piece from there which is also upgradeable.

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