😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Funny thing, in my groups I’m always annoyed with the fact I have my interrupt in CD.

Even worst is when I get the idea me and another player kicked the same target.
That’s why I wait for the cast bar to reach 3/4 before interrupting.

I really hate when I kick a white bar (can’t be interrupted). That’s what happens when you forget a interrupt is not a stun. :frowning_face:

Back to topic:
I was browsing for bargains in the AH as usually I am too tired from work to play, when I notice someone had put 3 ILV 100 guns for 8g 50s.
I thought in reselling to the Npc for 70g.

But now I feel like keeping them, as 2 of them have the right stats for a BM hunter: Haste/Critical.
But I already have 2 with another one on the leveling process that already has all the weapons needed: BM, MM, SV.

Looks like I might have to level 2 additional Hunters now.
I hate myself now. :frowning_face:



You can open those chests every day. Not sure if that’s what you mean, but I didn’t know this at first.

I get it with cross kicks, I’m guilty of that myself!

But it was evident nobody was kicking because even on the fights where you’re heading to Amarth and you can get packs with a single caster mob and one melee one, not a single bolt was kicked! Same for the guys that did the stun before Surgeon.

It fell to me as MW to use Ring and my HMT racial to stop it, because OF COURSE they pulled over half of stitchfleshs room at once. I have no problem with that and I’ve healer groups where we did them all at once and it was straightforward enough, but in a group where nobody is attempting to control the mobs that channel the stun, let’s just say I went into the following boss fights with next to no mana (because drinking apparently is a no) which wouldn’t have been an issue if we didn’t miss stitchfleshs hook THREE times.

I don’t actually mind gogogogo if people do it right but if you’re just rushing and not taking proper precautions when doing so or even basics like “let’s AOE things and stun them” then you’re basically expecting your healer to carry you!
It didn’t help the tank seemed to have a very cold relationship with Ironfur, so they demanded near constant attention. Yet in a group just prior to that I had a BDK, necrotic wake again, we pulled much larger and it was ten times easier to heal because both the DPS and tank knew what was up.

Unfortunately sometimes you get the odd group.

Once I got on my Rogue level 20s a premade from a server that kept wipping in Rezan boss at Dazar’alor multiple times till eventually everyone quit.

  • Not enouth DPS.
  • Tank died after a certain period.
  • Not enouth healing.
  • None tried to avoid Rezan terrifying AOE spell.
  • People kept stepping on the adds all the time.

The next group made out of different people, from different servers who joined, after everyone from the previous group quit, cleared it in their first attempt.

After playing BFA dungeons on: normal, Heroic, TWs weeks and LFR.
With: Holy Paladin, Holy Priest, MW Monk.
I honestly can’t bring myself to heal anymore. :frowning_face:


doing the maw intro for like a 5th time right now and oh lawd, im losin ma patience.


I started my mage last week got to the part were you meet Jaina and go to the cave and logged off as a threw up a little in my mouth at the thought of doing it all again especially Thrall and the silly weapon quest.

As you can see i got to 51 on this and gave up as well stuck in Oribus after picking threads .


Oh really? I didn’t know, thanks!

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thats exactly where i was 15min ago. then i got to the quest where you have to use the mask on the ghosts right after the cave thingy and there were only two people, me and another guy. plenty of mobs, not crowded or anything and i didnt think anything of it. he stood next to me, watched me kill the ghost and then he used the item on it.

that pushed me over the edge and i logged off. then i logged onto another character and i ll level my third druid now out of frustration. :joy:

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If I hear one more Kyrian mention “Purity” I swear to Cthulhu I will burn the whole zone down!

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I wish we could queue for multiple expansion dungeons :frowning:


Authors for warcraft books

Six attempts to get the flowers to stop dropping me in the WQ in bastion :rage:

Useless WQ

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Realised I forgot to pick up the 1000 anima quest on my one alt that needs renown… Guess that’s waiting until next week.

(This is one of the very few cases I would like to login and the quest just poofs into my log without me having to remember to run and get it.)


Hitting my pet limit of 1500 and 9.1 still nowhere in sight.
Why can’t they give us these small things already when the patch cycle takes forever! :angry:

Doing the cov campaign for night fae, getting the pieces of the set, and realising that the four cloak choices (each with different secondaries) are considered different set parts, which means because I went for that stats I preferred, my cloak doesn’t count towards my tier set, which means unless i buy the other kind with the stats I don’t like, I can’t get the set bonus.

What on earth blizz? Come on now.

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Finding out todays Calling was in Torghast :frowning:


Discovering that there is only one tint of mechagnome heritage armour.


Came here to post just that…

Been doing the twisting corridors lately (only up to 6 so far) and now even more Torghast :weary:

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I’m levelling a Draenei alt, so I figured I’d level through the TBC zones, since I haven’t done it in ages. Then I got to Outland and remembered that Hellfire Peninsula exists.

I’m about a third of the way through the zone and I’m already losing the will to live. :persevere:

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I wanted a chest for my druid it either gave me a robe or a shirt :frowning: i needed the shirt so had to buy robe later .