šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

My first death in Hardcore, it didnā€™t really make me frown but I will have to start over

Sadly hyperspawning mobs got me, got healing aggro /cries

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ā€¦loosing a Voice of the Silent Star on HC Sarkareth with a rolled 100ā€¦
ā€¦against another 100!
And no such thing as ā€œcursed charactersā€
Sure Blizzard

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Been working all day.
Logged on to Hardcore realm - after many attempts managed to get into the queue.
69 minute wait.
I only had an hour or so to play ā€¦ this is not right and not fair to those who canā€™t join the queue until their play time.
I see itā€™s offering a free transfer. To nowhere.
All day looking forward to it and sitting wasting my time now.
I wish Blizzard would do something about another realm or two.
So disappointed.

/edit 25 minutes later my position in the queue is down to 3 figures.
/edit an hourā€™s queueing has got me to 150th in the queue so Iā€™m getting there ā€¦ but what a waste of an hour.

I have the Heroic dungeons quest, tto do, for each one of my 25 characters, to get an item ILV 415.
I want the item, but I donā€™t want to do the quest :unamused:
I have to study all of the 6 dungeons, I still didnā€™t experienced :weary:
I played Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr during the pre-patch event and Ruby Life pools, once. Because my Rogue, had the quest for that dungeon.

Laying in bed trying to motivate myself to do them :yawning_face:
I would rather do another session of Raszageth fights on LFR. At least Iā€™ve already memorized the entire fight.


Join a +20 freehold.

Tank is taking massive amounts of damage, I use everything I have.

Tank dies from 100% between my GCD because he didnā€™t press defensives.

Group disbands.

Check his runs on rio.

50/50 timed/depleted, no matter what key level.

Bro. Why take a tank like that into a 20.

Despite having cleared Unā€™goro Crater for all quests, I have yet to find a single Ravasaur Matriarchā€™s Nest. If that is not an attest to CRZā€™s degeneracy, then I donā€™t know what is.

Join a +20 freehold.

Healer keeps dying over and over to avoidables. The poopdeck even gets him. My cooldowns are slowly being rotated out, I use everything I have.

The DPS mass stun and sync the autos while I got no tools to react with. I get taken 100-0 in a global. Healer had used all his CDs overlapping with my own, so no save possible.

Group disbands.

Check his runs on rio.

50/50 timed/depleted, no matter what key level.

Bro. Why take a healer like that into a 20.

My brain :brain: telling me to do things when itā€™s too late. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Stupid brain.

Today on my BE BM Hunter, I get a new ring :ring: iLV 389 upgradable, with Crit/Haste from Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr.
When I go and replace one of the rings, I had, I decided to ditch the iLV 389 ring I had, Crit/Mast in favour of upgrading the iLV 376 Crit/Haste to 389.
However after everythingā€™s done, I noticed the iLV 389 Crit/Mast ring was also upgradable. It wasnā€™t from TW dungeons.
So, I asked myself; Why upgrade a iLV 376 ring to iLV 389 and not the iLV 389 ring with not so good stats to a higher iLV in order to raise my total iLV, so I can get to iLV 386 and be able to queue for the latest LFR ?

Dā€™OH !

I was browsing the AH and noticed a cheap iLV 376 leather belt, with avoidance stats.
I went to check my Goblin Rogue and it was better than his iLV 376 with just standard stats. I bought it and equipped it.
Than, I remembered that, my 1st BE DH, was the main character using this type of stats (avoidance), because I play him as a Tank sometimes.
I went to check him and he needed it.

Dā€™OH !


Not today, but achievements are lie

Because when had a main account that I had the last gladiator during 7.3 but I removed an account in 8.3 (I think I regret a bit) but I skipped 2 PvP expansions in a row (BFA and Shadowlands) yet achievements are wrong

Not sure who was on my newest account

The disgusting censorship in these forums and in the official discord lol (they let these biased people mod forums lol)

What official discord?

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The WoW one.
I did say beforeā€¦ Im not sure if by official they mean the main one, and most populated (it is verified) or if itā€™s an actual one related to Blizzard.
If itā€™s the former, then im wrong.

There is no official WoW discord as far as Iā€™m aware. Not unless you are a content creator or on the Community Council etc.

They did an experiment with a Swedish Official WoW Discord but that trial has ended and itā€™s been taken over by others.

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Ohwell, I lost my first HC Ananda at L8. Much to my astonishment it wasnā€™t something dumb that I did ā€¦ it was some idiot player who thought that, as I was having a 1v1 with a bear and on my way to winning, he would bring 2 other animals into my fight and then vanish. I didnā€™t even catch his name.
It wasnā€™t the death that made me frown as it was inevitable at some stage, but it was from sadness as 99.9% of the people Iā€™d bumped into so far were really nice. And almost everyone had thanked me for healing/buffing them when I was passing by and they were having trouble.
Back to retail for a while until Ananda 2 is ready to start the long journey again.


Itā€™s a shame time rift tabard mog is level restricted. I wanted to use the scourge one on my DK but her level is too low.

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I think my Hardcore Classic adventures have come to an end. I havenā€™t got the will to repeat it all again :laughing:


Second week in a row where the Time Rift causality didnā€™t contain any items. And ZERO mount drops for me so far. Been doing this for 4 weeks. :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

I swear on the light, if this game gives me one more fā€™in cape as a reward from the vault or weekly and Iā€™mma lose it! Thatā€™s honestly like 7 in a row nowā€¦

Got all portals :smirk: from nothing. Thought iā€™d be happy butā€¦ idk, for whatever reason I prefer runs that went bad with everyone dying around me rather than runs where I get the portal and it feels like the other ppl played better than me.

Give me shorter cooldown on my defensives blizzard please, not fun having 90k ranged physical dot every sec and thereā€™s nothing more to press and just sit there likeā€¦ ā€œyeah iā€™ll die in 5 secā€.