šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Did you used your little falcon statue?
The idolā€™s eye glows and points the direction you could find them
They are just like the pebbles on the ground, except cilckable and respawn around 1-2 min

The area (North-North-East from the Obsidial Bulwark, little lake like spot on the map - /way #2022 48.3 46.1 ) where the sulfurous springs and pools are, where you fight the big elite Dejarin with the Tuskarr are especially full of them

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Used the statue thing, it put me in the right direction but no luck - looks like they are easily missed so i will have to be patient i guessā€¦

Took ages to find the rose dust too but eventually found a spot with the help of wowhead.

It also helps to be zoomed in a bit and look for slightly more red tinted ā€œstonesā€ amongst the piles on the ground, they are a little distinct from the others stuff around them if you look closely enough.

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Would that be approximately around /way 48.3 46.1?? Would tie in with what Zanth saix about the elite mob there. Someone o Wowhead suggested reducing tne ground clutter setting to 0 as well. Might try that in a bit too

Actually in germany we do.
Anyway I frowned today because

this Event is comming out of nothing and for EU it also either late at night or on a work day. Would I not be student and so still have holiday my only option would have been staying up with the 3:00 Event or skip work today.
Well theoretically we could also call in sick but bringing such time limited event not on a weekend is really a middle finger.

I made that same point, they donā€™t see the irony.

Itā€™s just sad that people have to go on the forums for the other versions of the game to behave like a brat screaming my Dadā€™s better than your Dad.

If someone is having more fun in Hardcore Classic, Classic Era or Wrath Classic, then good for them. No need to come and be salty about that elsewhere. Makes zero sense. Same goes for Retail, if you dislike Retail then donā€™t go acting salty towards others that do enjoy different things. (not you personally, just speaking generally).

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yesterday I was flying to the rares only to see them disappear one by one before I got there


I was trying to use a Flawless Battle-Stone to upgrade a poor-quality battle bet, but I was apparently still targeting my Venomhide Hatchling - which is a temporary companion for the Venomhide Ravasaur questline. :expressionless:

They did something to the forums!! and they still havenā€™t fixed the broken link at the bottom of the threads :rage:

The US forum doesnā€™t have a broken link btw!!

Itā€™s had an update, what broken link?

The new secret being only a fun time for Alliance only, was kind of a bummer.

At the bottom of each thread there should be a link to take you back to GD forum page or whichever section of the forum the thread is in. On a computer it isnā€™t too much of a pain because you can use the breadcrumb links at the top but on mobile it is annoying to have to go back to the forum homepage then back to whichever subsection you were on whether that is the support forum, GD or your realm forums.

The US forums still have the link and we have half the writing and no link and itā€™s been like that for months since they broke something during a previous forum update.

It currently reads: There are X unread and X new topics remaining, or

It should read: There are X unread and X new topics remaining, or browse other topics in General Discussion

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Thanks will mention it.

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Horde can get it too. Yay for hotfixes.

Blizz are gutting discipline in the new patch. :frowning: goodbye spells, hello RNG, goodbye shadow covenant, goodbye twilight equilibrium. :cry:

Apparently itā€™s because we set our language preference to English UK. Another MVP pointed out if you set it English US it all works fine. I tested it and itā€™s true but Iā€™m not going to use it. Iā€™ll live with the broken version.

I am not setting my English to Mickey Mouse. :laughing:

However if itā€™s something you want back, itā€™s a workaround at least.

Edit to add - itā€™s been passed on to the relevant team now. :crossed_fingers:t3:


I believe the irony was on you, since you made the point originally. That is peak irony

Youā€™re not the first person who doesnt understand irony.

Nice try though.

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Finding out the hard way that weeklies like the ā€œWhen Time Needs Mendingā€ quest are account-wide rather than by individual character. Not really upset about it, but just annoyed that thisā€™ll make it longer to grind the currency needed to get trinkets for my alts.

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