😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

nice we have thread people can complain :smiley:

today what made me doh were when went pvp after break and dot and press 2min cd and rogue in team wipe it all off with blind, next was scatter shot from hunter on my target at 30% so not only he removed all my dots but he also saved the enemy with it actually without the other teams healers need to try remedy the almost certain death

completely lost my interest for soloq for awhile again and i just log out cause this is now the main state of pvp in the game :joy:

i fear for all people in pve too cause i see some wanting soloq m+ even tho i appreciate the image of benny hill theme playing while people trying time the keys while nobody do anything coordinated as a team :rofl:

The S3 raid sets look like a downgrade compared to the S2 set models.

Why does it seem like the armor these days is a plastic cosplay outfit.

Thank you!! Mine was set to default but changed it to English (US) so I have the link back on mobile now. It is still something they need to fix for real English (UK) though…


Default worked fine for me on US forum, I’ve now broken it changing it to English UK :laughing:

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No that goes to you, well done on being first. I think you deserve green text for that achievement…oh wait

If that’s what you need to tell yourself, be my guest. I’m done with the pointless ‘no u’ statements from you.

I honestly thought it was only Americans that didn’t understand Irony until you came along.

The name “Blizzard”

How about Chaos or Ogre?

GamesBeat: Where did the Blizzard name come from?

Morhaime: We had such a hard time finding a name that everyone liked and wasn’t already a registered trademark from somebody. The main reason we changed the name from Chaos was because someone was already using the name Chaos Technologies. We went back to the drawing board, brainstormed a bunch of stuff.

Allen got attached to the name Ogre. For a little bit of time it was going to be Ogre Studios. But we were already part of Davidson and Associates, and Jan Davidson hated the name Ogre. She didn’t like the way that would sound to her shareholders, who thought they were investing in an educational software company, and now they’ve got this thing called Ogre. She’s like, “Can you guys please pick something else?”

I think Allen just started going through the dictionary. He came up with Blizzard and we all loved it. It’s just a cool-sounding name. Some of the other names—I think Midnight Studios was one. I’m not sure what else. But Blizzard floated to the top. It came up pretty clean when we did the trademark search. I’m happy we landed on that.


My 8 year old uses that when he can’t get his own way :dracthyr_hehe_animated: can’t wait until he grows out of it tbh!!


It’s cute on an 8 year old though :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I used this same statements of “No, you” when I was 14, but it was in different games,

I know it´s cute for that little boy/girl

My adult cat is 6 and half and still likes to kiss the human lips :cat: :kissing_cat:

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Bit gross considering how they clean themselves :grimacing:

reminded me from my best friend Starney


I can’t say I’d let my cat lick my face either


I have no idea what it means either.

IRL I have heard people use it to kind of mean that a person did/said something which was contradictory and highlighted a lack of self awareness.

For example
“My neighbour told me he kicked his son out for being bald.”
“That’s pretty ironic considering your neighbour is also bald.”

Or when someone doesn’t do a thing that would benefit them later and it goes bad:

“My grandfather refused to insure his TV against accidental damage then he dropped it and it broke.”
“That’s ironic.”

According to the Internet it means when something has the opposite to what was expected. I have never heard it is used that way. I never use the word IRL.

Something that make me frown?

No dual-wielding Wrathguards

Frown everyday



Seeing that for the past week that the prices of crafting reagents such as Wildercloth and plants have skyrocketed, from about 89 silver each to nearly 2 gold each. Doesn’t sound like much, but it’s quite a lot for someone who buys things in bulk in quantities of about 500 who likes to craft pretty often.
At the same time I’m not too upset about it since I found a legacy dungeon that’s a real gold mine if you know what you’re doing.

DC’ing in Thistlefur Hold on Classic HC yesterday on my L28 Mage.

3 minutes of tension, expecting the worst, however, luck must have been on my side.


placing a crafting order or two for a str polearm and plate legs
and both times i get this guy(whos apparently in a hurry to be always the first who crafts your stuff over other crafters) i get the polearm in the mail everythings good but
why need to whisper me to change the order for the plate legs
from public to private
(including saying his alts name on dragonmaw because his dk ran out of craft credits?)
its not a race i use public order for anyone to craft what i need(i always provide the materials)

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Because you only get 4 max public orders and they are on a cooldown so once you’ve filled out 4 you have to wait X hours for them to build back up.

He’s obviously used his 4 up and is whispering people to get them to change their public orders to private which are unlimited because he wants them all.