šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Iā€™m more hyped for next expansion than next patch now :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Tanking Aberrus for the first time, the most stressful bosses to tank are those with combo attacks that you have to taunt midway to save the other tank like Amalgamation or Rashok. Iā€™d much rather deal with stacking DoTs or debuff because they provide more leeway.

3 day early acces made me frown.

4000+ latency wtf

Had a guy on our realm doing his RP emotes without special formatting in the /say channel.

Needless to say it was confusing as hell to decipher if he is emoting or speaking. And when pointed out, he became stubborn.

The Rogue talent changes (Outlaw).
Iā€™m just not feeling it, guess Iā€™ll have to play around with it till I find a build I like playing. :expressionless:

Ok Iā€™m frowning and sorry for this daft query

ā€¦ I have clearly missed something but how do I get back to Valdrakken from The Emerald Dream with out using my HS?
ā€¦ the flight paths in Emerald Dream just point to each otherā€¦. I have used the portal for Valdrakken into Emerald Dream, is there one somewhere that goes back?

A thread got 404d while I was reading it. Sure it was a troll thread but I was having a laugh.

The Superbloom event means I will have to turn off War Mode on my alts most likely :frowning:

Rolled a new alt, wanted to play worgen.

Had to choose between the default Gilneas intro (incredibly long and kinda gets old after the first time) or Exileā€™s Reach (also rather long, definitely got old after my first run through it, also edit mode disabled so I have to run the whole thing through with the awful new UI).

Made me wonder why I didnā€™t just pick another allied race so I wouldnā€™t have to slog through overly long tutorials again.

Pick Gilneas and find a warlock that will summon you outside.

That one Tarren Mill player being phased over to our Argent Dawn realm, spamming toys before the Cathedral Square in Stormwind, annoying everyone there with their spamming and disrupting of RP groups.

We really need a dedicated report instance in the report tool for such people. Disrupting roleplay SHOULD be a valid reason to report players.

I donā€™t go around and bother PvE players either on their Realms. So they shouldnā€™t do that on ours.

The fact that me not wanting to play Horde, and choosing to stay Alliance - pretty much culled my time with friends ingame. My choice not to follow the faction and server changeā€¦ but still - sadge

:cold_face: i totaIIy agree :cold_face:

Today is the last day of WoD TW.
I had limited time, so I can only chose a couple of characters, to do the TW quest.
I knew, this character, should had been blacklisted, but I simply had to try :clown_face:

Surprise, surprise, another wrist after 5 TW runs :unamused:

Ironically, it was a downgrade: ILV 424.
Well at least, I unlocked the Transmogg.


I was sitting in Azure Span, appreciating how beautiful everything looked, forgot I had war mode enabled, ended up getting decimated by a Pandaren who then T-bagged me :worried:


The amount of stuff, Iā€™m realizing now, I have to deal with :pensive:

Iā€™ve just found out today, when I was trying to buy a ILV 415 sword from Hamuul Runetotem, that my currency, was useless.
The rewards have been upgraded to ILV 425 and I have to farm everything again.
At least I can still sell former tokens, for some gold :confused:

I wanted to buy a one handed, healing weapon, for my 1st BE Paladin. But than, a question :interrobang: popped out.

  • Buy a ILV 415 green weapon at the AH and spend gold ?
    For context, I only get gold from TW Dungeons trash items, Dreamsurge farming and Mithic 0 week.
  • Use Dreamsurge coalesce to buy a ILV 415 weapon. That currency, can still be used and I have loads of it.
  • Wait for a weapon box to drop, from a Dreamsurge boss. This would be the less expensive scenario, as I hate spending Dreamsurge currency, just to finally have the item, I wanted drop and having put it on my bank alts :unamused:

Itā€™s not like I need the ILV boost, as the former ILV 402 items, were perfectly fine for the type of content, I was doing.
The problem here, is the fear of missing out on the good deals, I have everyday at the AH, the Transmoggs, the joy of upgrading everyone.
Upgrading my characters always help me to be one step closer to getting to one shot everything, instead of spending ages killing something.

Iā€™m going crazy, with all of these calculations :crazy_face:


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I donā€™t pvp but that vision just made me laugh so hard

Getting the same item from the last 2 weekly events :pensive:

Once again I wish this game would look at what your lowest slot is and offer that.


New season starts today and I donā€™t feel motivated to play rated PvP :frowning:
I think I may sit this one out for the time being.