😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Most likely wanted it for tmog, the LFR pieces are a pain to farm.


Got one shotted in arena today :frowning_face:


people paying wow gold for lfr weapons for tmog since when?
they may want the weapon but when both of us are not from the same server
cant trade for gold
not when its a upgrade over a blue weapon
it might be the same guy who won the smolderon weapon
the gnarlroot mace isnt worth the tmog tho

You can trade cross realm now if I’m not mistaken.


are we sure its not another way of begging for loot other than"can i have that pls"?
either way the weapon was a better upgrade for my alt ilvl 441 vs 430ish blue from a quest
just curious why would someone pay for a lfr weapon

have another we kill smolderon on lfr(alliance paladin alt) and the 2h sword drops
me and a war only roll war wins the roll
reason to frown? only two of us actually rolled on the weapon
because i usually see 3 or 4 people in horde lfrs roll for that when i run it(myself included)

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If legendary axe has to be rolled is probably going to be a mess.

^^ This

You can move gold across realms too providing you have a trusted friend or more than one account.

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echo muted comms for their kill

i am aware we can do that its just odd sounding one wants to buy a weapon
but i think this guy is the warrior who won the roll for a smolderon 2h sword
only me and him were the only two people rolling for it
so in a way we both got a weapon each which is nice

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Okay you literally said it wasn’t possible. It’s good you know you can :slight_smile:

gz on wep

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im forced to gear my chars against my will even though its my own choice

what a drag :frowning:


i guess i was wrong(i did read the wowhead post but only send gold between my horde and alliance alts not to other people)
thank you


Some scummy person needed on the hearthstone toy today in LFR then asked for bids in dms from buyers.

I have no time for people needing on any kind of loot purely to sell it.

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Would it be reportable? I guess it’s not against any rule but, personally, I would consider it cheating.

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My guild name got removed :frowning:


Sadly it’s all fair game.


Really needs to go back to personal loot to stop all of this.


Seeing the huge amount of love given to Ferals once again in the upcoming class tuning is what has made me frown today :unamused:

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I finally caved in and bought a sub for a 2nd account to get RAF rewards.


My feet. I hate Troll feet. Sexy Druid race ftw :smiley: