😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

I am Alliance!!!

If I divine steed on some races when I’m in Stockades, I just get stuck on the ceiling and go no where :smile:

I know dummy :wink:


That my actual main realm is almost dead RP-wise :c

I saw something incredibly upsetting in the Chains of Domination survival guide…

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I fished up… a pineapple pizza.

“Use: [Restores no health, and reduces Stamina by 5% for 30 sec.”
“Just terrible”

This is preposterous I tell you! It’s the best thing to put on a pizza ever and everyone knows it! It should infact increase stamina by 25% and restore all health in 3 seconds. Then i’m happy, apology accepted :smiley:.

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666 comments. 667 now.

Earlier today I got a /slap from a Pandaren. I couldn’t believe it.
Perhaps he was a fake Pandaren.

Everytime I see a Pandaren all I want to do is give a belly rub. Even in PVP.

bummed out about not getting the full elite pvp set so i ll be stuck with an incomplete set forever. i ll be missing the chest, shoulders and hat since i only got to 1.6k rating. :frowning:

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My son thinks they are hilarious, he just rolls about laughing at the way they walk every time I’m levelling in pandaland


Pandas are so silly irl though. One of my fav animals on the planet :slight_smile:

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i’ve been stuck at renown 35 for three days now.

I’ve run BGs
I’ve done M+
I’ve done heroics
Callings every day
Dipped toe in LFR.

And nothing. This stupid RNG system is making me tear my hair out. Despite putting in a truck ton of effort in doing content (when the catchup is supposed to make you “catch up” by just playing normally) I still have nothing to show for it and as a result, unless the gods favour me tomorrow, i’m going to be behind on cap on patch day, due to nothing but stupid RNG.

That makes me frown a lot.

Please fix this stupid rng system and give it bad luck protection. It is no fun being told “do everything or anything to catch up” and despite doing anything and everything several times since the reset last weds, my renown has barely moved an inch.I think I have +1 from the start of this weekly reset.

Christ, I spent most of yesterday running BGs to fish for it, and got nothing.

Only helpful tip i can give you is spam heroic PF with some friends and skip as much as you can .

I joined one of those yesterday and ran about 5-6 times, no renown.

Honestly i don’t know what to do at this point other than consign myself to the fact i won’t be flying asap on this char due to a freaking dice roll :frowning:

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Still tomorrow fingers crossed for you .

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Is it your job to make irrelevant threads to misdirect the discourse?

You know what made me frown today - probably this thread. It’s like there’s a long list of relevant discussions, but every day someone plants these irrelevant threads.

“What mount would you ride in Silithus?”
“Who’s your favorite War Chief?”
“How many thumbs does a Tauren have?”


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Your post with an inane rant about nothing .

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Is it yours?

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M+ drop rate!
I have three days played at level 60 on this character, ran 40 keys and I’m still wearing 184 pants…

On one my characters, the AH just doesn’t want to work most of the time. I get a never ending loading swirl and no listings.

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