šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Joined a community in hopes of having people to play and chat withā€¦ Out of almost 800 members I only saw 2 online during the entire day and one of them was me.

Chest despawns in Korthia.

Three times engaged a mob to get it off the chest, only to have someone else ninja loot it and it despawned before the mob died.

Guys! At least have the courtesy to help kill the mob before you take that chest. Both you and the person who was there first can loot it, but the timer is absurdly short.

Also, Blizz really could have done it better by now. Itā€™s 2021. Why does a chest not have an associated guard mob, and nobody who didnā€™t tag the mob can open the chest?

When i was done with the korthia related content /(patch 9.1)ā€¦ and nothing else felt different; ie old content, professions, lvling an alt, dungeons whether mythic,+, or heroic. Midsummer event, covenant content, Oribos the city, world quests (nice increase in anima gain tho).
I have not done thorgast, maybe its nicer to go to 12 layers instead idk


DPS said just give me moment I am running to boss but I am lost. Worlocl already started summoning stone - Some douchebag didnā€™t want to wait 1 min and started vote kick and he got kicked.

Wasted all my Stygia on the Korthian Armament lottery in a desperate attempt to get a trinket.


Got seven belts however, so thanks for that.


Maelie is bugged for me, itā€™s fixed for my friend now but I canā€™t go find her, sheā€™s always already in the base.

I just learned that a guild mate from another guild where i am a member has died of leukemia at 21.

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It was quite embarrassing going for Black Morass without doing OHF first, I really pity all those 4 guys, and hope they found another healer :disappointed:

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Camped for over four hours to get

Blizzard nerfing the sword of baron from classic, instead of fixing SL XD



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im sorry to hear this. :frowning:

Yesterday I found a nice bargain at the AH: plate hands ILV 93 Haste/Mastery.

I asked myself which one of my level 50 characters is going to get this nice upgrade ? :thinking:
None of my plate characters that I played in BFA need it as they are fully geared.
So I checked the other plate users I had leveled up recently.

  • 4th Warrior (BE) for Fury spec.
  • 2nd DK (Tauren) for Unholy spec.
  • 2nd Paladin (BE) for Protection spec.

I think everyone need it.
I ended up equipping them on another character, one who already has the legendary cloak:my 3rd Warrior (BE). She had gloves with Versatility/Mastery ILV 93.
After replacing for the new item and enchanting with +4 strength, I set off to do the 2 minor Visions of Nā€™zoth I had available in Uldum and Vale of Eternal Blossoms.:slight_smile:

After finishing the Uldum run and killing the elite that dropped the chest reward (thanks to the help of a Alliance Hunter level 60 that was doing the quest) I opened it up and ā€¦

I get gloves ILV 100 Haste/Mastery socketed ā€¦

I was like: nnnnnooooo.:sob:

Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m thankful for the upgrade, but I wish I didnā€™t had equipped that item. I could had used those gloves on my other 3 characters. :frowning_face:



Sorry to hear that but yeah RNG seems to taunt us like that often. Had quite a few occasions like that in the past.

Yesterday I was swearing in Korthia, a chest gave me bracers (upgrade) some other quest over there: exact same bracers. In the end, the assault gave me a weapon that was an upgrade so I was a bit less annoyed.

I do wish there would be a check to not give duplicates but that will never happen. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Tell me about it ā€¦
Iā€™m still burned with the TW chest rewards from BFA.

I ran more TW weeks on my BE Hunter, than this character.

  • This character gets Azerite helmets ILV 450 (currently ILV 100), from her chests.
  • My BE gets 3 boots ILV 450 Mastery/Versatility, from hers.

I can equip the Azerite helmets in other specs but what Iā€™m supposed to do with 3 boots that were only good for MM spec at the time ?

Till this day, Iā€™m still waiting to get the helmet that this character is using on my BE Hunter.
She has the Legendary cape, HoA 80, some basic essences and still ā€¦ using a Dungeon heroic Azerite helmet. :sob:

Even my 3rd BE Warrior (the one I mentioned in the glove story) that I started leveling during SL launch, has her ILV 100 Azerite helmet, already. :frowning_face:

Edit 1: typing.

Edit 2: After going back and verified.:thinking:
It turns out that my 3rd BE Warrior is actually wearing a ILV 77 Azerite helmet, not a ILV 100, so that was incorrect.
As for this Hunter she actually got 2 Azerite ILV 455 (110) helmets not 445 (100), which makes things better for this character :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: and worst for my other BE Hunter.:sob:


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M plus leavers


Soloing Torghast as a balance druid.

Two rage quits and a 3 star finish.

Monk and shaman are so so so much better in there.


I kinda expected mounts to be available in the maw and the eye of the jailer removed for alts when unlocking those on your mainā€¦

Guess not. :roll_eyes:

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They are, you can choose a ā€œIā€™ve heard this beforeā€ when you meet with Bolvar at the start.


Thanks, thought it would work like pathfinder. But at least there is a skip.
Didnā€™t see that since I went straight to the maw for souls with an alt.

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