šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

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Make up your minds guys ā€¦ People are crying that rare are dying too fast, thatā€™s why a lot of players hit it once and wait for other to come.

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thats not the issue. if i see at the very least 5 people just standing there waiting for the kill while there are already 10-20 people then yeah, no thanks.

theres a difference between having a grace period and the mob taking 5 minutes to kill because noone can be bothered to do anything except auto attacks.

there are so much better solution to this. my issue isnt that some people wait until a decent amount of people is there before they kill the rare but when there are more than enough people there and they still do nothing besides increasing the mob hp.

Did the Maw assault before picking up subduing the Jailerā€™s forces :pouting_cat:

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So easily done :frowning:

Well i donā€™t like the faction imballance. So i turned it off just like iā€™m sure how that a lot of other Alliance players will.

5th boss of new dungeon, too much RNGā€¦

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The POSTAL boss bugged out on us SOOOOOOOOO much. That really wasnā€™t tested well.


Managed to get past it on my hunter, was literally in the 10 second death trait from my soulbind when I got the killing shot.

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Getting more trash conduits I already have and that arenā€™t an upgrade

Realised that the extra follower at renown 44 means my 9x high level followers will no longer hold my troops to that level, because the median has shifted down.

So now I gotta pump XP into a 10th follower to get him up to speed and bring the troops back up :confused:

Let us pray Venture Plan never stops working, because the table is utterly shafted without it.

Spending tens of thousands of gold on gear in the belief it would make me stronger and able to actually enjoy the quests in Shadowlands now Iā€™m 60, and within minutes I get insta-killed by a ā€œnormalā€ NPC on a non-group quest. Iā€™m done. Never playing this ridiculous broken overtuned garbage again. Shove it Blizzard. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :bangbang:

Was it the guy in Oribos with the dozens of player skeletons around him?

Did new dungeon with chill group without reading any tactic.

Was that meant to be in made you smile?

Yeah it took time but it was fun way to do it.

have you conduits in your bag which you havent learned yet? you will keep on getting duplicates if you dont put them into your forge. so in order to avoid duplicates use them once.

What was bug on postal boss? Canā€™t pick up suitcase?

Yes, we nuked instead, ignoring all tactics. Well the second run through we did, the first time we kept going until it worked :smile:

Bugs aside, everything about Tazavesh I am loving so far.

Really warmed up to the Brokers now Iā€™ve seen them do more than sell me goods. Their VA in Taz is brilliant. Particularly the Menagerie opening.

But Postie boss is bugging is not cool. That fight is intense if you donā€™t have the gear to just nuke. Whereā€™s the fun in running it when you overgear everything to the teeth?

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