😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

4 Phantasmic Amalgamations spawning in a row when Im trying to buy stuff from the vendor before starting the end boss fight in Torghast.

Tank going “noob healer”

Meanwhile: 40% uptime on shield block
19.3% uptime on ignore pain

No gear upgrades from the Vault

getting stuck on scenery trying to climb yet another root for mawshrooms.

Forgot to pick up the quest Fair Exchange for a Soul when I picked up Replenish the Reservoir.

Ooo yep thats a super easy one to forget too :frowning:

Just cba to do anything but mission tables this week. Just too warm for grinds.

Local Reagents. We all know Classic is declining, but that is no excuse for introducing classic-grinds in retail… :tired_face:


15 runs of mists and not a single unbound changeling drop. neither for me nor others. im slowly starting to get seriously depressed.

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One loot this week.
Done 9/10 Heroic bosses, one mythic boss, ten and more M+ and only one (1) item drop not even from those mentioned.

Keeping everything crossed for your vault!

Didn’t get the robe I wanted, and didn’t get the pants either. It’s like a bad week of farming transmog.

I mean I kinda saw it coming I have the worst RNG

Finished the Korthia daylies and fell 250 rep short of Revered. No new mount today :frowning:

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yeah me too…17th run and no trinket…

last time i got the trinket for my druid in the vault basically at the end of season one… :sweat_smile: not keeping my hopes up…

I got my first million in only 2 months (doing calling and mission on 3 char ) and I wanted to buy the spider mount from the Mad Merchant in Dalaran, but it’s 2 millions !!! :confused:

The horde bias

New zone having little to no pathways for certain classes to utilise them and the old, small rock means you have to walk ALL the way around rather than just step up too. Mind you thats a consistent issue

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Have we mentioned having to get KSM on each character you want to use valor with?

Because that really sucks.


The god awful changes to Torghast. Today I discovered I’m locked out of level 12 because unlike before, completing the level doesn’t unlock the next one. Fabulous. Thanks for that Blizz.


Don’t wanna scroll for 10 minutes to find Twillys vault thread but it fits here too.

The vault… it made me frown :slightly_frowning_face:

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