šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Same. I got a helm with wis stats (last week I got a helm with better) and a ring which is identical to one I had and thus only a 6 ilevel upgrade. Literally any slot bar leggo would have been better other main or offspec, and of all the m+ rings, I get the one I happened to have. Gaaaah.

Today I got my first Shard of Domination (and my first Domination item from the vault).
But, the Shard I got was a healer shard. I was on my Warlock.

That felt really, really bad.

And then I realised I couldnā€™t even trade it, despite having 2 Shamans whispering me for it, which made the whole thing feel even worse.

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Gulā€™dan made me frown.


You really want to see what is under there? :stuck_out_tongue:

Tasty Mawshrooms

Those eggs not dropping in korthiaā€¦ past the first 2ā€¦

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Shadowlands not being over.

My main has ~6 Domination Shards and no items to put them in. (Excluding the 220 welfare item, but I donā€™t want to wear a 220 on main! Itā€™s awkward enough that it has the best secondary stats of all the gloves that have ever dropped for me.)

My alt has 3 items (including the 220 welfare item, which is ok on an alt) to put them in but no shards.

Feels bad man.

I just seem to be collecting shards and not getting the gear.

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I seem to be constantly getting the same gloves/boots ā€¦ all the time :frowning:

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Seeing people who promised they are going to quit, still here. Blathering on about some other game.

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For us Night Fae Spirit hoarders: Veā€™nari is only offering one lousy daily during the Necrolord assault, and that daily is of such a low level that it only rewards one single Spirit - of common quality.

Canā€™t find any Konthrogz groups today :frowning:

Day 678ā€¦ Iā€™ve lost count.

My bones ache, my boots are worn through. Need some new ones.

My blade, the only thing still sharp.

With the last ounce of strength I could summon I dealt the final blow for ashes of alar.

ā€˜This is the day I tell myselfā€™

I loot the now lifeless corpse in front of me.

No ashes.
The dawn is coming, I must rest. Though I fear I may not awake from my slumber and just embrace the silent but peaceful darkness.


Blizzard turned out to be more rotten company than I supposed. World of Warcraft? More like World of Sexually Harasscraft.

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I absolutely hate how I feel towards the game atm.
Yesterday after reading reports and such about the allegations I was too disgusted to play.

Today I still feel uneasy about playing this game, might be silly to someā€¦ No Iā€™m not shouting for a boycott or tell others to stop playing. I donā€™t even know if I will stop but it did put a big stain on Blizzard for me. Their response didnā€™t help either.


the best which can happen is blizzard give up fighting against that court battle and take the hitā€¦

fighting against it only makes them look worse.


reminds me of yesterday where i got the damage thingy socket on my healerā€¦and couldnt trade it. i ll never use it. :joy: if i get shardsā€¦they re not for me and it feels awful i cant use them on any other character or trade them awayā€¦


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yeah, it does leave a weird taste in your mouth. :confused: i feel kind of the same.

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