😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Korthian armaments; unlocking 7 of them to give me the same darn gauntlets :frowning: on alt

I really dislike how much currency we are expected to throw away on getting different slot items. I’ve actually given up buying them now.

I had a huge number of gloves, another time it was all chests. After that I stopped trying.

I really wish we could target slots, even if it was a higher cost.


Torghast :sob:


As the lag is so bad decided to get some transmogs for my rogue - had a brainwave that my LW Hunter can make some items - happily bought the mats on AH for 2 items - made them and then went “ ah poop!”
… they were only bloomin BOP and not BOE … doh! :flushed:


My worst Nightmare. Would rather enter Orgimmar as a alliance player and get stabbed, rather than go to boreghast.

Something creepy about going to that place alone, but also boring.

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Tyrannical Mist 20, first boss… the one that made that abomination should reconsider the meaning of ‘fun’.

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I hate Mortanis - dying half the time to his Spine Crawl due to lag.

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I logged in to Retail today, and found out once afgain just how much I frown, when I think of super-fast levelling and scaling zones.

I reported the same 30 boosters selling that I reported 2 weeks before that I reported two weeks before that and so on.

Hope this is fixed by tomorrow



Never had time to properly play this game during TBC.
Now it’s even worse.

This week I’m having 4 days off.
I want to play but I need to start preparations to go to the airport on Friday.

The irony of life.
When you are young, you have all the time in the world but no money to play.
When you are older, you have money to buy everything you want but not time to enjoy it. :frowning_face:

At least leveling is faster now, hopefully I can get as many characters as I can to level 50, (during holidays) before they revert this in the future.



Have I grumbled yet about how low the Valor cap is?

Because it’s too damn low.

Do other games tell you that four dungeons per week is enough, stop playing now?


Game still haven’t made weapon illusion better for two-hand users, so i’m in this annoying state of collecting multiple weapons from legacy dungeon/raid runs just to find a weapon where it looks big and good, but still end up highly disappointed with the weapon cause i feel messed over by the fact, that i cannot just use my favorite one and be happy… that’s probably one of the only issues i have with WoW, but it actually made me want to quit for a longer time cause i felt like wasting so much time to show off something people don’t even care about cause its barely visible on ultra setting. I want this fixed so bad :frowning:

My alt got its 4th domination socket today (3rd from the vault), with a tertiary stat.

My main is still making do with that one ilvl 220 vendor socket. Plenty of shards, nowhere to put them.

Game, pls. Spread the love.

I don’t think Reliwik has been up for a whole week now.

Still no plug mount for me :slightly_frowning_face:

Not even my Paladin’s Divine Shield mitigates the damage taken from the damn booby-trapped books in Sepulcher of Knowledge. The Maldraxxus-part of the campaign chapter is getting rerally tiresome.

When you get ads in the newcomer chat and it’s been going on for over ten mins now.

Things are so bad we can’t even remove them with reporting. Every day they are back on new names.


The realisation that boosting may actually kill the game…

Not so much because boosted players (allegedly) wreck keys, but just because the majority of players (who would never buy a boost) want nothing to do with a game where money is a shortcut to achievement.

It doesn’t matter that Blizz is being the middle man, that you buy a token to get gold and use gold to get a boost; people can sit there and use a credit card to get their KSM, and it totally undermines how you spent absolutely weeks working on it with your friends.

People are conspicuously sick of it. Whether they’re sick of it for the right reasons isn’t even important. What’s important is the management of WoW needs to stop pretending they can’t see boosting happening and address it. Just ban it, and actually employ someone to ban the advertisers. They need to take a firm stance for the sake of their own future.


I’m fine with boosting, I just it to be contained in Trade.

It’s also worth bearing in mind that is a scammer.