😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

AD forums again,

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The AoE cap still bothers me

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I didn’t get Domination shoulders from my vault; every time I get a chestpiece option and neck options from there… make it stop.

People often ask on the forum:
“What is your alt ? A second main ?”
My answer is: yes.

I finally managed to level the plainfield for everyone.
Leveling to 50 is very quick and minor Visions of N’zoth gives me all the gear and challenges I need.

I finally can start playing other classes on a higher level of gameplay.
I also realized how much my gameplay is limited. :face_with_monocle:
Played with my BE Hunter, BE Paladin, BE Warrior and everything was fine.

Started to play my BE Monk and keep getting killed all the time.
Failed against Thrall during Visions.
Keep getting killed if I don’t pay attention.
It’s exactly how people on forum describe this class: working harder to achieve the same result as the other classes. :weary:

I still have my BE Mage to go through the Legendary cape quest and I’m not looking forward to it as I’m too used to have a pet to tank for me. :weary:

After that will be the turn of this character and my Orc Warrior. :partying_face:
Followed by … my Forsaken Priest. :weary:


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The vault was a bitter disappointment in all six options

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My highest vault option was in same slot as my legendary :frowning:

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Yep. Again. :frowning:

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Finding out they removed rested from marasmius room in the heart of the forest. I mean what sort of complete spicehead comes up with that. You know for the unknown rooms used to respecc in there now we cant because some langer decided no.

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What bit is that?

Queues in TW are taking too long.
Guess it’s time to go back to tanking and healing in every character that is able to do that.

This is going to hurt. :weary:

Edit 1: wasted my last hour trying to get a group for my Orc Hunter. Healer is always missing. Probably I will have to queue in Healer/Tank spec, with other characters.


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They should have left the xp gain as it was. They’d have had loads of people taking part. :frowning:


51 minutes in queue, on my level 50 Orc Hunter.
No signs of healers.
Watching YouTube atm.

What a disaster. :weary:

Edit 1: lunch is coming soon.
Going to have to quit.
What a waste of time …

Edit 2: at least I got all the trinkets I needed for my alts.
The only character that didn’t had TW badges was my Orc Warlock.
Luckily she was the first one to get a group.
She got 500 badges and now I’m done.
Going back to level alts and do Minor visions of N’zoth.
What a waste of 2 hours …

Edit 3: this never happened during BFA.
My queues were longer as DPS, but I never had a situation where I would be waiting for a group more than a hour and giving up.
This is definitely worst than BFA …


the mushroom network dude in the heart of the forest. his room was a rested zone up until a few days ago. You could respecc for whatever was in there ,


Thanks for the explanation. Well that’s annoying :frowning:


My Voidwalker decided to go hunt Mawrats in Torghast rather than tanking the pulled pack of elites and trash mobs… This is the most irritating reason I wipe in there on my Warlock.


When I used to do them with a Shaman friend his pet Pebbles would go and chase Mawrats too. The mobs you free and try to find an item for or companion, often chase the rats too. I’m like no no no no!

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M plus leavers :rage:

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Despite the boss being a pushover, the Torghast scoring committee decided that I had a terrible performance and gave me two out of five points. Thanks for the encouragement…

I got a 1 parse on mythic Ner’zhul. Yes, you’re reading right… A damn 1!

the next campaign storyline…